The two of them were so angry that they had to face each other.


Gion stared at the new Beihai admiral who was sitting with his legs crossed and looking frivolous, almost gnashing his teeth, and his chest was heaving violently with anger.

Before coming to Beihai, although she had heard more or less all kinds of unbearable rumors about this man.

Lustful, depraved, corrupt, abusing power, living a corrupt life, nepotism, and even having intricate connections and connections with the political and business circles of Beihai, and even the mafia and underground forces.

And she had already made some psychological preparations in advance.

But she couldn't imagine that a navy that was supposed to be "just" could actually fall to such a level!

That kind of vulgar, indecent, and obscene thing turned into "caring for the people" and "military-civilian cooperation" in Darren's mouth! ?

Gion almost couldn't look directly at these two words that should have been beautiful and joyful.

"What about your concept of justice!? Can you live up to the navy cape behind you by doing this? Is military discipline meaningless to you!?"

She angrily made a three-key combo.

"If you do this, it will not only affect your personal image, but also bring shame to the entire navy!"

As if to prove her point, she turned her head to confirm with Kaji:

"Am I right, Kaji?"

"...I really didn't expect that caring for the people could be so caring, what a genius...Ah, Gion, you are right!"

Kaji, who was still mumbling absentmindedly, suddenly shuddered, and his erratic eyes immediately became "righteous", and he slammed the table fiercely and stared at Darren:

"That's right, Darren, you are a disgrace to the navy!"

Darren looked at him with a smile,

"So you don't want to, Major Kaji?"

"Of course I want to...No, I mean, of course I care about the people!"

Kaji stiffened his neck and his face flushed.

Darren smiled, exhaled a dragon-like smoke from his mouth, and his eyes fell on Gion's angry face again, and he said slowly:

"This kind of thing is originally a matter of mutual consent. Lady Margaret is very happy, and I am very happy too. This is a win-win situation."

Win-win situation bullshit!

Gion simply couldn't accept this "wrong logic" and gritted his teeth and said:

"But the Governor of the Kingdom of Yadis will definitely not be happy! If he finds out about this, what kind of political impact will it cause!?"

"——Who said that Governor Tyrell would not be happy? Darren suddenly smiled.

Gion was stunned, and then seemed to realize something and stayed there.

Kaji also opened his mouth, looking confused.

At the same time, an incredible thought came to their minds...

Could it be... Could it be...

Darren flicked the ash lightly and continued:

"Besides, this kind of thing is actually not a big problem. I won't hide it. Since you know it, the headquarters will naturally know it..."

"But why has no one from the headquarters ever impeached me? General Sengoku has never held me accountable? Perhaps you have thought about this question? "

He stood up slowly, placed his broad palms on the conference table, leaned forward slightly, and was very aggressive.

A faint domineering, arrogant and cold aura gradually emanated from his body.

Looking at the gradually fading smile on Darren's face, Gion and Kake suddenly felt a chill in their hearts.

Darren looked down at the two "second generations" from the headquarters in front of him, and said lightly:

"Because I can do things."

"You say that I affect the image of the navy, so you tell me, do the navy generals from the headquarters, Marinford, have a good image? "

As soon as these words came out, Gion and Kake were speechless.

They remembered Vice Admiral Garp who picked his nose and slept late,

Thinking of the "Great Senbei" Sengoku Admiral who talked to goats and talked nonsense,

They also remembered the two "monsters" of the younger generation, Sakaski and Borsalino,

One used the most cruel means to deal with pirates, and even harmed civilians in order to complete the mission;

The other was weird all day long, saying "How scary" when he saw everything...

Thinking about it this way, they suddenly realized that it seemed that the image of the navy... was not very good?

No, that's not right!

Gion suddenly realized that she couldn't just let this guy get away with it.

But just as she was about to speak, Darren said

Then he waved his hand to interrupt.

"That's it, you two. My training time is up. If you are interested, you can follow me. I will wait for you on the training ground."

"If you have any opinions about the way I do things, I am very happy to have a discussion with the two elites from the headquarters."

He put out his cigar, then threw a box of brand new cigars to Jiaji, and then strode out of the base chief's office.

When Darren stepped out of the office door, his footsteps paused.

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing I forgot to say."

He turned his head and said with a smile:

"Although I smoke, drink, greedy, lustful, like to kill, and have a strong desire for power, I think I am a good navy."

"Compared to those noble characters, but mediocre and talentless trash, I am much better."

He waved his hand with a strong smile on his face.

After speaking, he walked out of the office and the door slowly closed.

Gion and Kaji sat there in a daze, and Gion suddenly came back to his senses after a while.

"That bastard! I don't believe such a perverted theory!"

She gritted her teeth, took out the military Den Den Mushi, and dialed the headquarters' signal.

"Gion, what are you doing..."

Kaji asked curiously while hiding the box of cigars.

"I want to report Darren's problem to the headquarters!"

Gion stared at the Den Den Mushi that kept ringing "Bulu Bulu".

Soon, the Den Den Mushi communication was connected.


"Hahahaha, little Gion, have you arrived at the North Sea? How is the environment over there?"

A hearty laugh came out, and the Den Den Mushi vividly simulated the appearance of the Navy Headquarters Admiral Sengoku wearing a seagull hat and round black-framed glasses.

"Report to General Sengoku, I have arrived at Branch 321."

Gion said solemnly:

"But in the process of carrying out the review mission, I found that Colonel Darren's personal style has extremely serious problems that can affect the image of the Navy and even cause political disputes!"


"In the process of carrying out the review mission, I found that Colonel Darren's personal style has extremely serious problems that can affect the image of the Navy and even cause political disputes!"

Gion's voice was full of anger.


Sengoku's puzzled voice came from the Den Den Mushi:

"What's the problem? In my impression, Darren is quite capable..."

'Very capable..."

I don't know if it was Darren's words "caring for the people" that led to him, but Gion always felt something was wrong when he heard this.

She opened her mouth, her face gradually flushed, and she hesitated:


This matter was too shameful, so she couldn't say it.

Kaji, who was standing next to him, grabbed the Den Den Mushi and said angrily:

"He actually slept with the wife of the Governor of the Kingdom of Yadis!!"

Warring States: ...

The other side of the Den Den Mushi.

Marinford, the headquarters of the Navy, the Admiral's office.

Warring States looked at Kaji, who was "indignant" on the Den Den Mushi and was scolding:

"Admiral Warring States, I strongly suggest that Darren, that bastard, be dismissed and investigated!!"

"That's the wife of the Governor of the Kingdom!! She is still charming and very beautiful!!"

Warring States was very upset.

No, dismissal and investigation is fine, we can discuss this matter.

Why do you always mention Lady Margaret's appearance?

"Well, so that's it."

Warring States muttered.

Gion and Kaji were both confused when they heard Admiral Warring States' reply.

What the hell is "well"?

That's it! ?

"General Sengoku...your attitude..."

Gion was a little dissatisfied.

Sengoku scratched his head and said:

"Gion, there are some things you don't know. Darren does have many problems. This is very clear to me and your sister He."

"The problem you actually not the first time."

"Your sister He has a lot of complaints and reports about Darren in the Navy Administration and Review Department."

"Similar things, as far as I know, there are probably hundreds if not a thousand."

He was stunned and trembling all over after hearing this.

If there are not a thousand, there are hundreds! ?

That is to say...Darren, that bastard, actually "cared" for hundreds of noble ladies and young ladies like Margaret?

"Military-civilian cooperation" hundreds of times! ?

What a...beast! !

He took a few puffs of his cigarette.

Gion was even more incredulous:

"Then why was he promoted to the governor of Beihai? If he continues to mess around like this, the entire Beihai will be ruined by him.

It's a mess."

Hearing this, Zhan Guo sighed in his heart that Gion was still too young and immature. It seemed that it was necessary to let her go to Beihai to see it this time.

"Gion, do you have a fax machine next to you?"

Gion glanced and found a fax machine in a corner of the office.


"I'll send you a document. Please destroy it in time after reading it."

Soon, accompanied by the "da da da" sound of the fax machine, a military document appeared in front of Gion and Kake.

"This is the performance report that Darren submitted to the headquarters when he applied for promotion to the position of 'North Sea Admiral'. It contains his experience as the base chief of the 321 branch in the past two years."

Gion and Kake looked at each other, then opened the performance report and flipped through it quickly.

But the more they looked at it, the wider their eyes became, and their faces were full of surprise.

"Do you understand now? "

Zhan Guo's voice was intriguing.

"The North Sea is in chaos, the most chaotic sea area among the four seas."

"This sea area has a deep-rooted mafia history, and the crime rate is high. Many smuggling and black market trade routes that run through the Grand Line have important bases and stations here."

"In the countries of the North Sea, there are constant wars all year round, and Germa 66, led by the "evil army", always wants to dominate the North Sea and reproduce the glory of the Germa Kingdom in the past."

"But you should take a close look at this performance report..."

"During Darren's tenure, the crime rate and the number of pirates in the entire North Sea were well controlled, the mafia lived in peace, and the kingdom wars ceased... The living standards of the people in each kingdom have improved significantly."

"This is the most stable era in the history of the "Chaotic North Sea". "

Gion was stunned and subconsciously argued:

"But General Sengoku...our headquarters' geniuses, Major General Borsalino and Major General Sakaski...didn't they also serve in the North Sea?"

"Could it be that Darren's governance level is better than theirs?"

She couldn't believe it.

Borsalino and Sakaski are the "monsters" of the headquarters and have been recognized as "future admirals of the navy."

Hearing Gion's words, Sengoku's mouth twitched, his expression became more depressed, and he sighed:

" still don't know those two guys well enough."

"During Borsalino's tenure in the North Sea, he basically wouldn't work unless the headquarters gave a direct order. The pirates were getting more and more rampant, and the headquarters couldn't stand it anymore, so they finally decided to transfer him away."

"What about Major General Sakaski? "Gion was stunned at first, and then asked again in disbelief.

Zhan Guo sighed again:

"Sakaski... why do you think he was transferred from the North Sea?"

"That kid ignored the political sensitivity between the kingdoms and the safety of civilians, and suppressed all the pirates that appeared with iron-blooded means, causing extremely serious damage in many towns and countries..."

"In the end, all the countries in the North Sea "could not bear the harm", and more than 10 member countries expressed dissatisfaction with him and put pressure on the headquarters together, so the headquarters had to transfer him away from the North Sea."



Zhan Guo pinched his forehead and said with a headache:

"In short, because of the special situation in the North Sea, only Darren can master the balance well."

"Unlike the two of you who grew up comfortably in Marinford, Darren is a real North Sea man. He climbed step by step from a private soldier at the bottom to his current position. There must be something to recommend him. "

"He has outstanding military achievements and outstanding strength. He is swift and decisive but also smooth in his work. In the North Sea, he can mix well with both the black and white worlds."

"And do you know?"

"Regarding his application for promotion to the North Sea Admiral this time, both Sakaski and Borsalino expressed their support."

"Darren has been recognized by those two guys... This is enough to prove his ability and means."

Speaking of this, Zhan Guoyu's words became serious, as if he was an elder caring for the younger generation.

"You two, especially Gion, grew up in the headquarters since childhood, and your understanding of justice and the navy is still limited to a very shallow level."

"In fact, this time, Xiaohe and I asked you to go to the North Sea with the intention of letting you gain knowledge and study hard."

"Darren is a very cunning and smart boy. You can learn much more by following him than staying in the headquarters. ”





Please read on, please do everything, I will be grateful.

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