The first day of the war, the first day of the war.

Two days later.

Navy Headquarters, Marinford.

A large crowd of people gathered on the huge oval naval port.

Looking around, there were crowds of people, hundreds of civilians staring at the direction of the sea with expectation, holding flowers and balloons in their hands, looking out.

In addition to civilians, there were also reporters from major news agencies and newspapers around the world, holding long guns and short guns, waiting eagerly.

The navy soldiers in military uniforms formed a serious queue and tried hard to maintain order on the scene.

"When will the warship return?"

"It should be almost time..."

"This is a great victory..."

"The legendary pirate Shiki the Golden Lion's invincible fleet was annihilated..."

"It's so exciting!!"

"Big news!! Big news!"

The civilians and reporters were overwhelmed. They had heard the news that the warship was about to return. They had rushed to the naval port of Marinford early and prepared such a grand welcome ceremony.

Behind the crowd.

"Old man Kong, isn't this too exaggerated..."

Zeff, with a cigar in his mouth, looked at the crowd and reporters rushing forward, and looked at the steel-bone Kong with his arms folded on his chest.

The annihilation of the flying fleet of the Golden Lion was indeed a great victory...but this scene was a little too exaggerated.

Forget about the civilians who came to welcome and celebrate, but there were so many journalists present. Isn't it too exaggerated?

Without a doubt, this is definitely the work of old man Kong.

Otherwise, with the navy's confidentiality, these reporters and the public would never know the exact time of the warship's return.

Hearing Zefa's words, Steel Bone Kong laughed and said:

"Zefer, our navy hasn't had such a big victory for a long time, and it's not a bad thing to publicize it."

Zefer seemed to think of something when he heard it and was silent for a while.

Facing the evil pirates, the navy achieved such an outstanding record in the Battle of God Valley nine years ago.

That was the "heroic" battle that made Garp famous.

But in fact, as a former admiral of the navy, although Zefa did not directly participate in that war, he also more or less vaguely noticed some clues.

Even today, as a former comrade-in-arms, Zefa personally asked Garp about the details of the Battle of God Valley that year, and the latter was vague and looked like he was very taboo and unwilling to mention it.

If that battle was really a glorious battle of protection, with Garp's character... could he resist bragging to himself?

But the fact is that the victory battle that the Navy should have publicized had all traces erased and cleared away.

Even Zefa, a former admiral of the Navy, was not qualified to access the archives about "God's Valley".

In this way, Zefa naturally realized something more or less.

As if he noticed something strange about Zefa, Kong Gang patted him on the shoulder and changed the subject:

"How is it, are you proud?"

"Darren is the student you trained."

Zefar was stunned, but quickly came to his senses and smiled:

"That brat never disappoints..."

While speaking, he saw many well-dressed young women and girls among the onlookers. Their eyes turned into the shape of red hearts, and the corners of their mouths twitched. He added:

"Well, at least in war, he will never disappoint."

Kong Gang smiled and said:

"Anyway, Darren is indeed the most dazzling navy of this era."

Zefar nodded and turned to look at the students of the officer training camp behind him.

Except for Kaji who was cursing, everyone was looking forward to it. Kuzan was waving his fist excitedly with shining eyes.

A proud smile gradually emerged on Zefa's weathered face. Before he could say anything, a cry of surprise came from the crowd.

"That's... a warship!!"

"They're back, they're back!"

"They're back!"


After the words fell, everyone stopped whispering and raised their heads at the same time, looking at the sea in the distance.

Under the high and vast sky, snow-white seagulls soared past.

On the blue sea that was clearer than the sky, a majestic naval warship appeared at the end of the sea, breaking through the surging waves, and sailing towards the headquarters port with a heroic attitude of returning with a great victory.


The white sails were swollen by the sea breeze, and the black and murderous word "justice" was imprinted on it like dragons and phoenixes. At a glance, it was filled with an unparalleled sense of oppression.

On the bow of the warship, a tall and burly figure stood there, with his hands folded across his chest, and his snow-white cloak dancing behind him.


"It's the Warring States General's ship!!"

The crowd suddenly became commotion.

They seemed to be unable to suppress their inner excitement and excitement, and raised the flowers and balloons in their hands high.

at the same time.

On the warship.

"Hey, why is the port so busy?"

Warring States, who was standing on the bow of the ship, was a little surprised when he saw the crowds of people on the port from a distance.

"They should be here to greet us..."

Porusalino walked over, stroking the stubble on his chin with one hand, and said with a smile.

Warring States frowned and said hesitantly:

"That's not true, is it?"

Porusalino said with a half-smile:

"Why not?"

"This is an unprecedented victory. I guess the people are cheering and shouting your name now..."

"Is it like this?"

Warring States' heart moved, and a flash of pride and joy flashed in his eyes, but he tried his best to keep calm on his face and said with a smile:

"This great victory is mainly due to that boy Darren."

"How come?"

Porusalino shook his head and said seriously:

"Without your leadership and guidance, General Warring States Period, even Brigadier General Darren wouldn't be able to do it, right?"

"Besides, it's precisely because of the Warring States General's intimidation that the Golden Lion doesn't dare to act rashly... Otherwise, none of us combined would be his opponent..."

Warring States was stunned.

He pondered for a moment, and a smile slowly bloomed on his face.

"Well, Porusalino, you make a good point."

"Indeed, if it weren't for the fear of me, Shi Ji wouldn't let Darren go so easily... Well... that's true..."

The more Sengoku thought about it, the more he realized that Porusalino's words made sense, and his chest couldn't help but rise higher.

He looked at Porusalino with admiration and smiled with satisfaction:

"You are indeed my adjutant, and you have a very thorough view of the problem... Porusalino, you know, well, I have always been very optimistic about you."

Porusalino smiled.

"Where's that kid Darren?" Zhan Guo looked around and didn't see Darren on the deck, so he asked.

Porusalino smiled and said:

"Brigadier General Darren is still resting."

Warring States thought for a while and said:

"Go wake him up and let him get ready."

He squinted at the military port in the distance,

"I see that there are many reporters at the scene. If he doesn't show up, the impact will not be good."

"Okay." Porusalino turned and walked towards the cabin.

Warring States stood there, suddenly seemed to remember something, and shouted to a soldier:

"Bring me a mirror."

It is very likely that I will be interviewed by reporters later, so I have to pay attention to my image.

After all, I have been sailing on the sea for several days and haven't had time to freshen up. The conditions are limited, so I can only clean up briefly.

"Yes! Warring States General!"

The soldiers quickly brought over a military mirror.

Warring States straightened his tie and military uniform in the mirror, smoothed out his slightly messy afro, and after making sure there was nothing wrong, he smiled with satisfaction.

Well, very good, very energetic.

Let the interviews and cheers come more intensely!

Warring States clenched his fists, looking expectant and beaming.

He could already imagine the front page headline of tomorrow's newspaper, with himself surrounded by cheering people, and countless reporters rushing to interview him.

As the warship got closer and closer to the port, Sengoku's back straightened even more.

Darren also yawned and followed Porusalino out of the cabin with sleepy eyes.

The warship has not yet docked.

The enthusiastic cheers were like thunder.



"Our hero!!"


Sengoku, who stepped off the warship, maintained a reserved posture and faced the surging crowd of people and reporters. A smile that he thought was quite elegant appeared on his face. He raised his hands and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, I will just say a few words..."

Before he finished speaking, the smile on his face suddenly froze.

The impatient reporters and people swarmed in, ignoring Zeng Guo who was about to "speak", passing him by, excitedly rushing towards the sleepy Darren, and surrounding him tightly.

"Commodore Darren!! I love you!!"

"I want to marry you! Mr. Darren!!"


So handsome! ! Brigadier General Darren! "

"Brigadier General Darren, I heard that this mission depends on you alone. It doesn't matter whether the others are present or not, right?"

"Brigadier General Darren, what are your plans for the future?"

"Brigadier General Darren, please give a few words of thanks!"

"..." Zhan Guo stood there, his face as black as the bottom of a pot.

A layer of dust was raised by the crowd on his face, hair and uniform.

"What a pity... You even prepared a speech in advance. "

A voice that deserves a beating suddenly sounded beside him.

Borsalino sighed helplessly.

Zhan Guo's eyes twitched, his expression was uncertain, and his fists clenched and unclenched, unclenched and clenched again.

The veins on his forehead bulged, and his back teeth were almost broken.

...Damn Borsalino!!!





Please give me everything, thank you very much.

Not short, ha.

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