The next day, a piece of news came from the Kingdom of Germa, a member of the World Government.

"Yesterday, Germa 66 completed an open military exercise with the North Sea Navy Fleet in the waters near the Kingdom of Yadis in the North Sea. In this exercise, both sides demonstrated strong military combat capabilities..."

"...The King of the Kingdom of Germa and Commander of Germa 66, Vinsmoke Judge, expressed his cooperation with Colonel Darren, the admiral of the North Sea Navy, and promised to sign a long-term friendly cooperation agreement to jointly maintain the security, peace, prosperity and stability of the North Sea."

In the office of the 321st branch base chief, Gion and Kake looked at the latest newspaper in their hands and were dumbfounded.

"How is this possible!?"

Especially, the newspaper report was accompanied by a photo of Darren and Vinsmoke Judge shaking hands under the Seagull flag, which made them unable to believe their eyes.

They fought to the death the day before and almost destroyed Germa 66, but they were "cooperating in a friendly manner" in just one day?

Looking at the familiar, kind and enthusiastic smiles on the faces of Darren and Vinsmoke Judge in the photo, others would think they were brothers who had been separated for many years!

This... is just like a dream!

"How can this be impossible... Mr. Vinsmoke Judge is a sensible person. After my patient explanation and advice, he quickly recognized the position of our North Sea Navy and the Navy's determination to maintain justice and peace..."

Darren smiled and glanced at the shocked Gion and the other man, and slowly lit a cigar.

"And he also realized his mistake in starting the war and decided to correct it. Isn't this a very reasonable thing?"

Kaji nodded in sudden realization.

"Well, this is indeed very reasonable..."


He gritted his teeth.

With Vinsmoke Judge's brutal, domineering, and unruly character and ambition, how could he be influenced by Darren's mere words! ?

You are a Devil Fruit user who controls metal!

You are not a Devil Fruit user! !

"Darren, what did you do? Did you threaten him?"

Gion gritted his teeth in disbelief.

"You found out..."

Darren raised his hands with an expression of "You found out".

He smiled,

"Actually, I didn't do anything. As I told General Sengoku, I just made him an offer he couldn't refuse."

"But I didn't expect that Vinsmoke Judge would be so reasonable."

Gion and Kaji:...

Looking at Darren's silent smile, they knew it was unlikely to get anything out of him.

Although they didn't know what method this guy used to make Vinsmoke Judge surrender, it was still perfect that things ended up like this.

They prevented this war.

Hundreds of thousands of people in the Kingdom of Yadis were not involved in the war.

The Kingdom of Germa gave up the pursuit of the North Sea Navy.

Gion received several silk banners sent by the Yadis royal family.

Kaji's mansion had a few more boxes of fine wine and good cigarettes.

Everything seemed to be moving in a beautiful and happy direction... What the hell!!

Gion looked at Darren's confident smile, which showed that he was in control of the situation. She felt indignant and crazy.

Intimidation, deception, violence, deception...

These were all extremely bad things, words that had nothing to do with the "justice" she believed in, but in the hands of Darren, this bastard, they became the best way to successfully govern the North Sea.

This was incompatible with all the education she had received in the past.

It completely overturned her three views.

"Bulu Bulu... Bulu Bulu..."

At this time, the call of the military Den Den Mushi suddenly sounded.

Darren picked up the Den Den Mushi and connected the communication.

"I'm Darren."

The hearty laughter of Admiral Sengoku of the Navy Headquarters came out from the Den Den Mushi:

"Hahahaha, Darren, you little brat, you are worthy of being a subordinate that I rely on. You have done a great job on this matter."

Gion and Kake rolled their eyes at the same time, their heads full of black lines.

They clearly remembered how Admiral Sengoku was furious at the Den Den Mushi yesterday.

"All glory belongs to justice, and this is all thanks to Admiral Sengoku's guidance."

Darren said modestly.

Sengoku smiled with satisfaction


"I really didn't make a mistake. Now it seems that it was the right decision for me to send those two little guys, Gion and Kaji, to the North Sea."

"Those two little guys are really a headache. Kaji is lazy and always wants to steal my cigars. And what about Gion? She looks too much like her sister and is too naive..."

Listening to Zhan Guo's complaints, Darren glanced at Gion and Kaji, whose faces were gradually turning black, and a strange look appeared on his face.

"... In short, those two little guys are still very immature. If you have time, take them out to see more."

Zhan Guo didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, and he became more and more excited.


Kake couldn't help but cough twice when he noticed that Gion's eyes were getting colder and colder, and he began to exude a chilling murderous intent.

Zhan Guo: ...

The military Den Den Mushi fell silent.

"General Sengoku, I heard that you are... not satisfied with me?"

Gion said to Den Den Mushi expressionlessly.


"Hello, hello? Why can't I hear you clearly... Hey, the signal seems not very good... I can't hear clearly... Darren, you little bastard, did you hear what I said just now!?"

"Take good care of Gion and Kaji for me, they are the future of the navy and the hope of justice!!"

"Hello, hello? Why... is the signal... not... connected..."


Den Den Mushi fell asleep.

The communication... was interrupted.




The three looked at each other.

The flying squirrel, who had been standing by and not speaking, covered his forehead with pain.

This acting... is too poor.

But less than a minute later,

The military Den Den Mushi rang again.

Darren answered again.

"General Zhan Guo."

"Well, Darren, I almost forgot to tell you that there is a very important mission." Zhan Guo acted as if nothing had happened just now, and his tone was serious.

"General Zhan Guo, go ahead." Darren said.

Zhan Guo said in a deep voice:

"Bondi Waldo attacked a World Government ship a few days ago, and the world noble Celestial Dragon Shields Saint on the ship was shipwrecked and drifted to Batia Island in the North Sea."

"The headquarters has received the government's order, and I am now on my way to the North Sea."

Darren frowned when he heard this.

He remembered the news he had read in the newspaper two days ago - "The great pirate "World Destroyer" Bondi Waldo sank the official ship of the World Government, and the world's noble Celestial Dragons were furious and offered a high reward of 200 million berries! The Ward Pirates may become the biggest threat to the government!"

"General Sengoku, what do I need to do? Hunt down "World Destroyer" Bondi Waldo?"

Darren exhaled a dragon-like smoke from his mouth, his eyes half-closed.

Zhan Guo shook his head and said:

"No, although your strength is good, it is still a long way from that guy Bondi Waldo."

"It is my mission to defeat Bondi Waldo."

"And your mission is to set off immediately to Batia Island to protect Shields Saint."

"The CP department has sent personnel to the North Sea to escort, but before they arrive at Batia Island, the government needs the nearest navy to protect the personal safety of Shields Saint."





I ask for everything, thank you very much.

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