The crowd suddenly became chaotic, and everyone stared at the three figures in white cloaks in amazement, and a sense of panic surged in their hearts.

How could the navy appear here! ?

Is this a trap set by them?

Or have the navy's warships surrounded the island?

Countless thoughts surged in the hearts of the pirates, making them restless. The timid or cautious ones kept retreating in the crowd, ready to run away at any time.

After all, in the impression of the world, the actions of the navy have always been crushing with powerful numbers and sophisticated equipment.

Generally speaking, once you see a navy on an island, it largely means that the navy's large forces have arrived!

Dust drifted away.

At this time, the three oppressive figures standing on the ruins finally appeared clearly in front of everyone.

The figure on the left was wearing a yellow and white suit, a navy cloak on his shoulders, and exaggerated frog sunglasses. He rubbed the stubble on his chin with a teasing look, and was slowly retracting his raised foot in the air.

The figure on the right had a black afro, black-framed glasses, a solemn look, and a deep aura. The wheat ear cloak representing the rank of admiral of the navy looked full of majesty.

The navy in the middle was far more dazzling than the first two.

With a look of disdain, handsome and cold features, short black hair fluttering in the wind, and a pair of blue-black seastone shackles on his hands, he looked wild and unruly.

When the pirates saw the appearance of these three people, they all gasped and their faces changed drastically.

"Admiral of the Navy Headquarters!! Buddha's Warring States!!"

"Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters... the existence known as the "monster", Borsalino!!"

"And that man... Hey, hey, hey, I'm not dreaming..."

"'King of the North Sea' Rogers Darren!! The navy monster that killed "World Destroyer" Bondi Waldo, many legendary pirates have suffered at his hands!!"

"Wait! Darren killed Bondi Waldo, is his target the Momo Fruit!?"

"Damn!! How could the monsters of the Navy Headquarters appear here!?"


At this time, Charlotte Perospero was sweating profusely.

Admiral Buddha Sengoku, that is the same level of peak powerhouse as his "invincible" mother!

"Damn... It's actually the admiral of the navy..."

In a huge pit on the ground not far away, Charlotte Daifuku crawled out of it covered in blood, her face was swollen, and a pool of blood spit out of her mouth.

He and Charlotte Perospero looked at each other.

On the other side, under Jin's mask, his eyes suddenly became extremely solemn.

The three exchanged glances with each other. Although there was no word, they quickly determined the same goal.


The navy even dispatched the admiral... Only if they join forces together can they fight against the navy and take the Momo fruit from them!

The next second, the three did not hesitate and acted at the same time!

Jin jumped up in one step, and his figure quickly changed in the air, transforming into a black toothless pterosaur.

Slender wings, a head like a bird's beak, and a blazing red flame burning on his body.

"Flame Emperor!"

Several fireballs suddenly shot out from the vibrating wings, whistling towards Darren and the other two.

Charlotte Perospero shouted coldly, and swung the candy cane in her hand heavily!

Large pieces of pink candy spread out like a tsunami, flooding the wreckage of the 3A box.

"Candy Wave!"

Charlotte Perospero is a superhuman-type licking fruit that can make candies and syrups of various shapes, and can also turn objects or creatures that touch it into candies.

Charlotte Dafu wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, summoned the blue lamp demon again, and shouted and slashed out a magnificent sword energy, breaking through the air.

"Demon Hunter!"

There was no coordination, but the attacks of the three completely covered all the escape space for Darren and the others, and there was no escape!

"It's so scary... The leaders of the Beasts Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates are all as strong as monsters.


Faced with the joint efforts of the three major cadres, Borsalino was unusually diligent, making a teasing sound, and his figure turned into a dazzling golden light.

The figure rose into the air with his arms open.

Countless golden light bullets were shot out like a storm, colliding heavily with the attacks of the three people in mid-air.

Boom boom boom!!

The dull explosions continued, and large balls of flames and black smoke billowed out. The entire auction hall was swept up by a purgatory-like strong wind, blowing everyone to the left and right.

Then, two balls of light, one black and one gold, penetrated the thick smoke at an astonishing speed and collided violently!


The feet of Jin and Borsalino, who had transformed into human form, wrestled fiercely in mid-air, exploding a surging wave of air.

"Monster of the Navy Headquarters... Borsalino, I have heard your name many times. "

Jin's eyes were full of fighting spirit.


Borsalino glanced at him with a half-smile,

"You wrap your body so tightly that I can't tell what race you are... I always feel that you are a species I have never seen before."

Jin's pupils shrank, and then he gritted his teeth and said:

"You are looking for death!"

Draw the sword suddenly!

The roaring red flames were like a mad dragon, wrapped around the huge long sword blade, and slashed heavily at the rear admiral in front of him!

"Oh, it seems that I guessed something..."

Borsalino calmly clasped his hands together, dragged out a golden lightsaber from his palm, and swung the sword to block.

"Sword of the sky cloud cloud! "

Clang clang clang!!

The two figures kept turning and moving in the air, turning into phantoms at a speed that could not be captured by the eyes, and kept fighting. The collision of swords splashed large sparks.

On the other side,

Charlotte Perospero and Charlotte Dafu also supported the waves of candy and jumped in front of Darren and Sengoku.

"What about the admiral of the navy! ?"

"Let me see the strength of the admiral..."

They said with a grin.

But the next second, a grand golden Buddha light rose in front of their eyes, occupying all their vision.

"Just you! ?"


"Fight, fight! ! "

The crowd became extremely chaotic, and bursts of horrified exclamations broke out.

They looked at the navy and the two major pirate groups fighting in horror, and the auction house that was in turmoil and seemed to collapse at any time, and their hearts were in turmoil.

"No...if this goes on, we will all die..."

"Quick...Run away..."

"Run away! ! "

"If we don't run away, we will all die here! ! "


The pirates from the New World tried to retreat with pale faces, scrambling to squeeze towards the exit of the auction house.

If they were facing a navy unit led by an ordinary vice admiral, they would not be afraid and would still have the strength to fight.

But now even the admirals of the navy have come...they don't even have the courage to fight!

But not everyone chose to run away.

"Hahahahaha! ! Momo Fruit, I'll take it! ! "

The bald pirate named "Bear" suddenly burst out from the crowd with a big laugh and rushed to the auction table.

Not only him,

Dozens of pirates who thought they were strong also took the same action.

The scene was in chaos.

The navy has been held back by the leaders of the two major pirate groups, BIG MOM and Beasts...

This also means that now is the best time to snatch the Momo Fruit!!

The crowd rushed forward!

"Quick! Protect the auction items! ! "

The auctioneer in a tuxedo screamed in fear.

Dozens of security personnel in black suits fell from the sky, holding various weapons and ammunition in their hands, and set up a defense line around the Momo Fruit behind them.

Fire like crazy!!





Ask for everything, thank you very much.

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