The night was dark, and the weather was very good.

That evening.

Yadis Kingdom, the capital of Vilna.

A magnificent side hall of the palace.

"Daren, you bastard boy!! That's Germa!! A member of the World Government, and you almost destroyed it!?"

The furious roar came from the military Den Den Mushi placed on the coffee table, and the Den Den Mushi vividly simulated the appearance of the Navy Headquarters Admiral Sengoku jumping up and down like a rage.

"You know, the Germa Kingdom is not just an ordinary member of the Allied Powers, it is one of the member states that is eligible to participate in the World Conference!!"

"Do you know how much political pressure this will cause?"

"It is the duty and responsibility of the Navy to protect the members of the Allied Powers!"


Darren sat on the soft leather sofa, holding a glass of iced whiskey in one hand and a lit cigar in the other.

He crossed his legs and smoked, listening to Sengoku's scolding carelessly.

Gion, Flying Squirrel and Kaji, whose face was swollen like a pig's head, stood there without daring to breathe, watching with their eyes and noses.

"...Damn it! Darren, you bastard, did you hear what I said!!"

After two minutes of continuous spraying, Sengoku saw that Darren had no intention of answering, and he became even more furious.

"You don't want to be the admiral of the North Sea anymore!?"

Darren smiled and said:

"Then I'll leave?"

Zhan Guo: "..."

On the other side of the Den Den Mushi, the admiral's office.

Zhan Guo was silent, his old face flushed red.

The situation in the North Sea is extremely chaotic, he has not forgotten the lessons of the two bastards Borsalino and Sakaski in the North Sea.

Only Darren, the cunning kid, can govern the North Sea.

If he leaves, without his suppression, I'm afraid that the North Sea will soon become the backyard of pirates and mafia families.

"Just kidding..."

Darren's smile became more intense, he took a sip of whiskey, felt the spicy and strong liquor flowing through his throat, and said lightly:

"General Zhan Guo, don't be so nervous, I will handle this matter."

Hearing the Beihai Admiral's nonchalant attitude, Zhan Guo almost jumped up again, and his eyes couldn't stop twitching.

He took a deep breath and forced himself to suppress the urge to rush to Beihai and beat up Darren immediately.

"Darren, what are you thinking about... If this matter is not handled properly, it will cause a series of reactions."

Zhan Guo said in a low and solemn voice:

"Since the establishment of the Kingdom of Germa, it has been a member of the World Government for three hundred years."

"The Navy took action against the member of the member country... If this matter gets out of hand, even I can't protect you."

Darren exhaled a puff of smoke and smiled:

"Of course I understand, General Zhan Guo."

"But this time, everything happened for a reason. Vinsmoke Judge led Germa 66 to attack the Kingdom of Yadis, which is also one of the member countries of the government... If I hadn't stopped this war, I'm afraid that the Kingdom of Yadis would have been plunged into war and blood."

Zhan Guo's mouth twitched.

Are you trying to stop this war?

You almost slaughtered the entire army of the Kingdom of Germa!

Darren continued:

"As for the chaotic situation in the North Sea, I believe that with the wisdom of the Warring States generals, they must be able to see through it clearly."

"Countries are constantly at war, and this incident just sends a signal to many countries in the North Sea, and it is also a warning..."

"As for the casualties of the Germa Kingdom... The army of Germa 66 is basically cloned soldiers. This product of cloning technology is essentially a weapon, and naturally it is not a civilian."

"Given Vinsmoke Judge's ambition and rebelliousness, after research and judgment, I think this is the only way to "If he is not subdued by overwhelming force, given his character, he will only become more arrogant, rampant, and unscrupulous. By then, it will not just be the Kingdom of Yadis that will be dragged into the quagmire of war." "It is hard to imagine how many innocent civilians will be deprived of their lives by the flames of war, and how many happy families will be shattered because of Germa's ambitions?" Hearing the righteous words of the naval captain, Gion and Kake, who were standing next to them, rolled their eyes. You don't care about civilian casualties, you only worry about the outbreak of war.

It will only make you lose money.

On the other side of the Den Den Mushi, Sengoku was also silent at this time.

He naturally knew something about Vinsmoke Judge, the ambitious Germa commander.

Indeed, as Darren said, the Kingdom of Yadis was only the first step for Vinsmoke Judge. After all, the latter's ambition and goal was to dominate the entire North Sea.

"...So Darren, how are you going to deal with it?"

Sengoku pondered for a moment, and the anger in his voice dissipated a lot.

Although he was very dissatisfied with Darren's actions, since the incident had already happened, it would be useless to pursue the responsibility.

Darren's talents, means, talents, merits... all proved that he was an indispensable mainstay of the navy in the future.

And according to Sengoku's understanding of Darren, this cunning and shrewd kid would never get into trouble.

No matter how sensitive the political event was, he could solve it perfectly in an unexpected way.

"You don't have to worry too much about this, General Sengoku..."

Darren flicked the ash off his cigarette and smiled with interest:

"I will take care of everything and give Vinsmoke Judge an offer he can't refuse."

"He won't protest to the World Government, the Germa Kingdom will remain a member of the Allied Powers, the Navy will not be implicated or affected in any way, and the North Sea will still maintain peace and stability..."

Darren leaned forward slightly and smiled fiercely.

"...Under the governance of our Navy."

The side hall suddenly became quiet, with only Darren's strong and domineering voice echoing faintly.

Three seconds later,

"...Then I'll leave it to you, Darren. No matter what, you must handle this matter well."

Sengoku's low voice came from the Den Den Mushi.

Darren smiled with satisfaction:

"Make sure to complete the task, General Sengoku."


The Den Den Mushi communication was interrupted.

Darren turned to look at Flying Squirrel,

"How is the situation in Germa going?"

Flying Squirrel said in a deep voice:

"We have already dispatched 10 warships and more than 5,000 troops from other branches in the North Sea. Basically, the situation in the entire Germa Kingdom has been controlled. Their fleet has already left the waters of the Kingdom of Yadis under our 'escort'."

"As for Vinsmoke Judge himself, he has been detained on our warship as you wish."

Darren nodded.

After years of cooperation and working together, he has great confidence in Flying Squirrel's ability to do things.

"How do you plan to deal with Vinsmoke Judge? After all, he is the head of a country."

At this time, Gion, who had been silent all the time, finally couldn't help but speak.

Darren glanced at her and suddenly smiled:

"There is no need for Major Gion to worry too much about this."

"Now we have more important things."

"What is it?" Gion was stunned.

Darren clapped his hands and smiled:

"Celebrate our victory."





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