The old man was very happy.

Darren had a good understanding of the difficulties of the flying squirrel.

He knew Doflamingo's talent better than anyone else.

He awakened the Conqueror's Haki at the age of eight!

He developed a seemingly useless String String Fruit into a terrifying ability that combines "attack, control, self-healing, clones, and large-scale extermination and massacre".

This innate potential is unique in the entire pirate world!

Coupled with his cold-blooded, cruel and inhumane temperament and personality, to be honest, there are not many people who can compare with him in this sea.

Although Flying Squirrel has good talent and is an elite lieutenant general and a mainstay of justice in the original plot, performing various difficult tasks, he is still slightly inferior to Doflamingo, a "natural" dark king.

The most important thing is that in the absence of the opportunity to master Haki in the early stage, the advantage of Devil Fruit ability users in strength is overwhelming.

Perhaps Flying Squirrel can still barely suppress Doflamingo with his superb swordsmanship and rich combat experience, but as time goes by, the pressure he faces will inevitably increase, and he may even be overtaken in the end.

This is an undeniable fact.

As for the solution, it is actually very simple.

Send Flying Squirrel to the officer training camp to create a time difference, so that he can master the six styles and Haki as soon as possible and grow up quickly.

But there are two difficulties with this method.

First, the next officer elite training camp is still quite far away, and the flying squirrel needs to improve its strength urgently;

Second, with the flying squirrel's talent, the Navy Six Styles may be mastered quickly, but the domineering power is not necessarily.

So the final solution is only one.

"I brought you a gift from the Grand Line."

Facing the flying squirrel's puzzled eyes, Darren smiled:

"A gift that can make you reborn and gain an epic leap in strength."

"Gift... thing?"

A hint of doubt flashed in the flying squirrel's eyes, and he asked curiously:

"What is it?"

Darren waved his hand, and a metal box with a smooth surface floated in from the window with a stable flight trajectory.

"A devil fruit."

As the faint blue arc danced between Darren's fingers, the surface of the metal box rippled, and then split to both sides, revealing what was inside.

The moment the flying squirrel saw the thing in front of him, his eyes froze instantly.

He stared at the strange fruit in the metal box, which exuded a strange, mysterious and even destructive aura, and tried to identify it carefully.

His lips were tightly pursed, and his expression was extremely serious.

After a while, his eyes suddenly widened, and his expression was extremely shocked. He, who was always calm, couldn't help but exclaimed:

"This, this is..."

"Yes, the strongest natural fruit... the thunder fruit."

Darren was very satisfied with the reaction of the flying squirrel and laughed.

"...The legendary devil fruit... actually exists, and you found it..."

The flying squirrel looked at the fruit in disbelief, his hands even trembled a little, and his eyes could no longer move away.

It was a strange fruit that was golden and shaped like a pineapple. There were lightning-like patterns on its surface, exuding a violent, violent and mysterious aura.

The legendary thunder fruit!

It is known as the "strongest" natural fruit!

If you take this devil fruit, you will gain extremely powerful power!

This is different from the general natural devil fruit.

Thunder, originally symbolizes natural disasters!

Possessing the destructive power of natural disasters!

As the North Sea Admiral and Darren's deputy, Flying Squirrel has also seen the devil fruit illustrations through Darren's channels.

After all, the devil fruit known as the "Secret Treasure of the Sea" is a rare commodity in itself, and they have tried to collect devil fruits in the North Sea over the years.

So almost the moment he saw this devil fruit, he recognized this legendary ability!

But the first reaction was a little unbelievable.

This is a natural devil fruit that can keep pace with the three "monsters" in the headquarters!

And now, Darren is going to give it to himself?

It is absolutely impossible for Flying Squirrel to say that he is not moved.



Flying Squirrel suddenly took a deep breath, forced his eyes away from the thunder fruit, and gritted his teeth and said:

"This is a legendary fruit, you should keep it for yourself, Darren."

There was a trace of

A trace of blood, but staring at Darren very solemnly.

Darren pinched his temple helplessly and said:

"Have you forgotten that I am already the user of the Magnet-Magnet Fruit?"

"A person cannot take two devil fruits at the same time. The consequence of greed is to explode and die. This is the iron law of the devil fruit."

"I don't plan to commit suicide."

Blackbeard can become a double devil fruit user, which may be related to his special physique.

The temptation of the double fruit is indeed great, but Darren doesn't want to gamble his life.

At least there is no need to gamble his life in such a place.

Flying Squirrel was stunned when he heard this.

He forgot about this matter for a while in a hurry.

But he still shook his head,

"Then you should also give this Thunder Fruit to a more suitable person..."

A hint of gloom flashed in his eyes.

"My talent and potential are probably not enough to control it."

The development of devil fruits has an upper limit, and this has a lot to do with the user himself.

No matter how powerful a devil fruit is, if it falls into the hands of an incompetent person, the power it can develop will be extremely limited.

Darren was a little angry and amused when he heard this:

"I really didn't expect that the gifts I gave out would be rejected..."

He shook his head and looked at the flying squirrel seriously:

"Don't underestimate yourself, flying squirrel."

"In my opinion... you are the most suitable candidate."

The flying squirrel pursed his lips, pondered for two seconds, and still shook his head:

"No, this gift is too expensive..."

Darren glanced at him, exhaled a puff of smoke, and suddenly said something irrelevant:

"In the year 1487 of the Haiyuan calendar, I was fourteen years old that year and had just joined the North Sea 321 branch. My position was the lowest private."

"At that time, I My physical fitness is very poor. Even the most basic physical training can cost me half my life... However, according to the rules of new soldiers, in addition to daily training, I must also be responsible for the cleaning of the military department. "

"That day, when I dragged my tired body and took a brush to clean the toilet, I suddenly fainted."

"You found me and carried me to the hospital..."

"When I woke up, the toilet had been cleaned, and I avoided military punishment."

The flying squirrel was stunned, waved his hand disapprovingly:

"It's just a piece of cake."

Darren ignored his words and just went about his business. He continued:

"In the year 1488 of the Sea Circle Calendar, I participated in a combat mission for the first time. The target at that time was the Blood Scythe Pirates. I was so scared that I couldn't even hold my saber steadily, and was almost cut in half by a pirate's axe... You pulled me back and saved my life."

"And you, because of that, got shot."

The flying squirrel opened his mouth to say something, but Darren didn't give him a chance and continued:

"In the year 1489 of the Sea Circle Calendar, you and I were promoted to lieutenants at the same time, and we were full of energy... We led a team of 20 people to clean up the underworld forces on an island..."

"It was a trap... The whole team was ambushed. The team was trapped in an alley, all the men died, I was shot twice, stabbed three times, and finally lost consciousness. "

"When I woke up later, I was already in the hospital."

"The person lying on the bed next to you is you."

"You look much worse than me."

"The doctor told me that you rushed out of the alley with me, who was seriously injured and unconscious, on your back. I was shot five times and slashed six times..."

He glanced at the left foot of the flying squirrel,

"There is still a shrapnel in your knee that has not been removed, so you have not dared to use your left foot for many years."

Darren smoked a cigarette and smiled.

The smile was a little light, but there was a heavy feeling in his eyes.

"Do I need to continue?"

"Others don't remember, and the military merit book doesn't record it, but I remember it all."

"Five years have passed since I joined the navy..."

"In these five years, including the time when you cleaned the toilet, you have saved me thirteen times in total..."

"Tell me, if I go out to risk my life... how much is the value of me, a big man with a prominent reputation now, the "King of the North Sea" who dominates the North Sea, the "monster" of the Navy Headquarters, the rising star of the Navy who killed the "World Destroyer" Bondi Waldo and wiped out the headquarters of the Beast Pirates?"

The flying squirrel fell silent.

He gradually understood what Darren meant, and whispered:

"It's inestimable."

"Yes, it's inestimable."

Darren laughed,

"But you saved such an inestimable life thirteen times."

The flying squirrel pouted and said:

"You saved me more times, okay..."

Darren was speechless and said unhappily:

"Now I'm with you

Is this the time?"

"I mean, we have fought side by side for so many years, and we have such a good relationship... why are you still hesitating! ? "

"I don't have many friends, and I don't trust others."

"You are one of the few people I can trust in this sea."

The flying squirrel hesitated.


"I tm! ! "

Darren was immediately furious, and before the flying squirrel could react, he waved his hand.

Clang clang!!

The metal wristband flew out, melted and separated at lightning speed, forming several objects similar to shackles, which quickly wrapped around the flying squirrel's hands and feet.

"Nailed" him to the ground!

"Darren you..."

The flying squirrel's face changed, and he screamed subconsciously.

But Darren took this opportunity to grab the thunder fruit with one hand...

and stuffed it into the flying squirrel's mouth!

The juice splashed everywhere.

The flying squirrel was stunned for a moment, and his eyes froze.

The next second,

"Darren you damn bastard! !"

"This thing..."

He roared, his face flushed, his expression distorted, he coughed and vomited violently, and tears burst out of the corners of his eyes:

"...It's like eating shit! ! ”





Ask for everything, grateful.

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