The owner of the tavern said, "Boss, a beer and a cherry pie." Darren walked into a tavern, found a seat and sat down, and shouted to the owner behind the bar. The light in the tavern was not bright, and many guys with blood on their bodies were eating meat, but when they saw Darren, they immediately became quiet. Some of the timid ones changed their faces slightly and slipped out carefully. The arrival of the commodore made the atmosphere in the tavern weird. The strength of the first half of the Grand Line was limited, and the pirates who could run from the four seas to Gaya Island basically had some brains. A commodore of the Navy Headquarters might not be a big deal in the New World, but in the first half of the paradise, he could basically walk sideways. "Hey... am I right?"

"Yes, it should be him..."

"Unusual height, and that look..."

"It's the navy who killed "World Destroyer" Bondi Waldo!"

"'King of the North Sea' Rogers Darren!"

"Damn... How did such a big shot come to Magic Valley Town?"

"Will we all be killed by him?"

Waves of whispering continued to sound, and the drinkers in the tavern looked at Darren with awe and fear.

Directly ignoring the gazes of these people, Darren picked up the foaming beer, took a gulp, and took a bite of the freshly baked cherry pie in front of him.

Well, it's not particularly delicious, but at least it's not bad.

While replenishing energy, Darren began to think.

Thunder Fruit, the strongest natural devil fruit known as "invincible", according to historical records, the owners of Thunder Fruit in all generations are extremely powerful and have power comparable to that of gods.

In reality, the Thunder Fruit is worthy of its name as the "strongest natural system".

The ability to cross the void and move at the speed of light,

The terrifying destructive power of natural disasters,

The natural elemental ability of the natural system...

Coupled with the heart network amplified by the Thunder Fruit, the observation Haki is enough to cover the entire island.

Such a comprehensive and powerful devil fruit has become one of the most coveted abilities of countless time travelers.

In the original plot, the Thunder Fruit's ability user is Enelu, the arrogant guy who rules Sky Island and calls himself "God".

But at this time, Enelu is probably just a kid who is less than ten years old, and the probability of eating the Thunder Fruit is not high.

This means that the Thunder Fruit is very likely to be in a corner of Sky Island.

He is already the ability user of the Magnet-Magnet Fruit, and cannot have the Thunder Fruit at the same time.

Although it is a pity, Darren does not regret it.

If he had not eaten the Magnet-Magnet Fruit that year, he might not be able to live until now.

Not to mention that the Magnet-Magnet Fruit has brought Darren too many surprises. As long as he continues to work hard to develop it, the power of this devil fruit will not be inferior to the Thunder Fruit, and it may even be better.

As for the Thunder Fruit... Such amazing power must be mastered.

It must be assigned a potential user, and this person must be someone he can trust.

For this, Darren already has a very suitable candidate.

In addition to the Thunder Fruit, there is another huge fortune waiting for Darren to discover on Sky Island.

The Golden Country.

That's the gold of an entire city!!

How much wealth is the Golden Country Sandora worth?

Darren doesn't know.

Just the little bit that the Straw Hat Pirates took away from Sandora was exchanged for 200 million Baileys.

Although this is due to inflation and Bailey's depreciation after the opening of the Great Pirate Era, it is still amazing enough.

Darren made a slight calculation and soon came to an exciting conclusion.

If the entire Golden City of Shandora is emptied, with the city's gold reserves, the size of the North Sea Fleet can definitely be expanded more than ten times from the current basis!

Hundreds of modified heavy warships, equipped with various technological weapons and heavy artillery, can be expanded to 30,000 elite joint combat fleet corps...

This scene is exciting to think about.

The current North Sea Fleet is still small, but because of the excessive investment in technology and arms, plus the soldiers' salaries and warship modification and maintenance costs, even if he makes money crazily in the North Sea, he can only barely maintain a balance between income and expenditure.

But if he gets all the wealth of the Golden City...

He can

It is no exaggeration to say that for at least five years, Darren does not need to worry about the military expenditure of the North Sea Fleet!

With such a huge gold reserve as financial support, Darren can also further deploy the development of the North Sea Fleet and implement some plans that do not exist on this sea but exist in the real world!

Thinking of this, Darren's eyes lit up.

What, you said that the Navy Headquarters is also short of military expenditure?

That is something that Marshal Kong Ganggu and General Zhan Guo need to worry about.

The salary of the North Sea Fleet is not paid by the headquarters.


Three days later.

North Sea.

321 Branch.

The base chief's office.

"Are the gifts ready?"

The flying squirrel wearing a cloak of a navy colonel raised his head from the pile of documents and asked seriously.

The young navy nodded and answered respectfully:

"Everything is ready. Two hundred million Baileys of gold and silver treasures, as well as various precious tobacco and alcohol gifts, have a total value of more than 300 million Baileys... They have been properly arranged and will be escorted directly to Rubeck Island by a warship."

He paused and asked cautiously:

"But Admiral Flying Squirrel, the Don Quixote family is just an underground force in the North Sea. Do we need to give him face in the North Sea Navy?"

The Flying Squirrel glanced at him expressionlessly and suddenly asked an irrelevant question:

"Tell me, how does the North Sea Fleet treat you?"

The soldier was stunned, and then answered honestly:

"Very good..."

"The military pay is more than three times that of the same level in the headquarters, plus rich bonuses and incentives, enough for any naval soldier's family to live a good life."

"In addition, we are also equipped The best food, the most advanced weapons and equipment, and the best training instructors are prepared... It can be said that no other army on this sea can provide such treatment. "

The flying squirrel nodded and asked again:

"Then do you know why the North Sea Fleet gives you such generous treatment?"

The young navy suddenly raised his hand to salute and said loudly:

"Unconditionally execute the superior's orders!"

He was stunned at this point, and then instantly understood what the flying squirrel meant, blushed, and hesitantly said:

"Sorry, Admiral Flying Squirrel, it was the subordinate who said too much."

The flying squirrel smiled and said:

"There are many unreasonable things in this sea, just like I unconditionally obeyed Admiral Darren's orders... The most important thing for a soldier is often not thinking, but pure execution."

"The subordinate understands, thank you Admiral Flying Squirrel for your guidance!"

The young navy straightened his chest and saluted again.

"By the way, Admiral Flying Squirrel..."

He remembered something, picked up a document and asked:

"There are three charity banquets, two card games and an auction in the next three days... Do you want to attend?"

Flying Squirrel waved his hand unhappily:

"Please refuse them all for me."

The young navy learned a lesson this time, and nodded without asking any more questions, then turned and left.


As the office door slowly closed, Flying Squirrel leaned back with a tired face.

He lit a cigar, took a deep puff, and gently pinched his temple with his fingers.

"This position of the North Sea Admiral... is much more troublesome than I thought..."

He couldn't help but sigh.

A voice with a faint teasing smile suddenly sounded.

"Really? Kaji was begging me to come to Beihai to be your deputy..."

Hearing the sudden voice, Flying Squirrel's expression became fierce, and he subconsciously pressed the handle of the saber at his waist.

But when he turned his head, a look of surprise appeared on his face.






There are only two chapters today, so I'll take a short break on Saturday.

Please everything, thank you!

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