The next day---

The sun shines on the royal court of Paladin, and every corner is coated with a layer of brilliant gold.

However, under this seemingly peaceful scene, there is a faint sense of parting.

It is finally time for Luo Zhen and his party to say goodbye to King Bran.

There are still many stories waiting for them on the vast sea, and it is time to say goodbye.

King Roland sighed, and the smile on his face was a little far-fetched.

After all, he failed to keep Luo Zhen and become the guardian of the Paladin Kingdom.

Of course, this was also expected.

Since ancient times, one era after another has passed. What reason can stop a man from running to the sea in this world?

The Paladin Kingdom, which has been passed down for thousands of years, cannot do such a thing.

Luo Zhen is a man who is destined to do great things. Compared with him, his country is too small.

King Bran looked a little sad: "After all, it is time to part. Mr. Luo Zhen and your companions have lifted the thousand-year oath and curse for our Smedley royal family.

I also want to keep you for a while to appreciate the customs and customs of our Paladin Kingdom, and become a piece of memory in your memory.

However, I also know that the vast world outside is where you can gallop.

Brave men, even if we are far apart in the future, please remember that there will always be a convenient door for you here, and Smedley will always be your loyal friend."

The beautiful words and emotions were fully conveyed.

Luo Zhen smiled heroically and held the hand that King Roland extended.

Luo Zhen said sincerely: "I wish you a long life, King Roland, you are one of the few wise kings in this world and this era.

We will not forget your care during these days.

And if there is a crisis in the future, we, as friends, will naturally lend a helping hand.

This is my promise, Luo Zhen."

King Roland was deeply moved.

There was no cunning diplomacy or human relations, only the mutual appreciation that can only be found in fairy tales.

As for the other one.

Princess Cindy has always admired Luo Zhen silently. At this moment, she stood in a corner of the royal court, her eyes were complex and fiery, as if she was hiding endless words.

The look of wanting to say something but stopping made people feel pity. Her pink lips trembled slightly, as if she was trying to organize her words and wanted to express her deep feelings.

But every time she mustered up the courage and prepared to speak, the shyness and nervousness were like an invisible shackle, tightly binding her and making her fall into silence again.

Perhaps this princess is dreaming of a crazy future.

But as a princess of a country, she still has her beloved father and mother, as well as the people who trust and admire her. How can she abandon the kingdom?

However, there is no need to be too sad.

There is still a long time in the future, and this farewell will not be the last meeting.

And Esdeath, who was summoned last night, is in a completely different situation from Princess Cindy.

Last night, she was like a burning fire, completely different from the external image and title of the Ice General. She wanted to get close to Luo Zhen at all costs.

However, today she behaved surprisingly normal. The face that was originally full of fanaticism and obsession was now as calm as water, without a trace of ripples.

She stood there quietly, and her eyes no longer had the madness and persistence of last night, as if all her emotions were buried deep in her heart overnight, making it difficult for people to understand her true thoughts.

Her transformation was really incredible, as if the person who was dying last night was not her at all.

This made Altria on the other side look at her differently.

However, she was still alert in her heart.

Because Esdeath was not a good person. That state, as well as the cruel aura when she just appeared yesterday, all told the people around her that she was a dangerous person.

And such a person would live with them in the future.

All because of the miracle performed by that man.

Doesn't that power choose objects that are good or evil?

If so...

It is not ruled out that difficult characters will emerge one by one in the future, and even one will be better than the other.

Altria was a little worried about this.

The relationship between Heroic Spirits and Heroic Spirits

The scene will be different.

Not to mention the living.

The upright Altria thinks very long-term, and is also worried about her allies. If such a team continues to expand, will the changes brought to the world be good or bad?

And can people standing on different positions really form a bond when they get along with each other, and can they really be called partners?

Human hearts have been the most profound problem since ancient times.

As a king, Altria has her own unique insights on this, but she also knows that she cannot impose her own subjectivity on others.

Because she herself is a loser.


Thinking, painful memories came to her mind, Altria raised her hand and stroked her forehead, her expression looked a little sad.

Machima noticed this and asked curiously: "Are you uncomfortable?"

Altria shook her head and cheered up again: "No, I just think too much..."

Machima: "..."

Machima is a master of psychology. No, to be exact, even among the group of demons, she is the best.

Combined with what happened recently, Machima has already guessed it.

Machima smiled slightly, gentle and quiet: "Don't worry, Miss Altria. Leave everything to Mr. Luo Zhen. Since we are his partners, we should trust him, right?"

Altria: "..."

At this point, Altria can feel the magic in Machima's words, and she believes in that man very much.

And since a demon can trust others so much, how can Altria, as a knight, doubt it again?

Altria smiled with relief: "Maybe you are right. Well, it's almost over..."

King Roland on the throne stood up, raised his hand, and a neatly dressed Paladin Knight took out an exquisite rectangular box and came to Luo Zhen.

Luo Zhen asked curiously: "This is..."

King Roland smiled and proudly introduced: "This is the sword of Smedley's ancestor, named Iluk. Legend has it that it was forged by a magical race in ancient times - the Fairies.

It has never faded after thousands of years of wind and frost, and it is a great forging miracle of that era!

A brave man must be equipped with a weapon with a legendary heritage, and such a weapon is just covered in dust here, and it is more of a commemorative significance.

But I believe that in the hands of a strong man like Mr. Luo Zhen, it can truly play its value as a legendary weapon.

I believe that the ancestors will also be proud of my decision."

Luo Zhen looked serious and solemnly accepted the gift.

Such a generous gift, such friendship, how can it not move people?

"In this case, thank you, His Majesty, for the reward."

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