The two of them were busy, and the two of them were busy.

"It's done."

After Sakura carved a message for Choji on the tree with a kunai, she patted the sawdust on her hands and asked everyone to get back on the road.

"Sakura, is Choji really okay?"

In the forest, Hinata opened her Byakugan to keep an eye on the surroundings while asking Sakura about Choji's situation.

Others also cast probing eyes at Sakura. After all, in their opinion, Choji was the weakest one in their group.

"Don't worry, Hinata-chan, Choji is very strong when he is serious. The Akimichi clan has a secret medicine that can convert fat into chakra. I feel it is a bit of a waste to let him deal with the fat guy named Jirobo."

Sakura also heard their worries and told them part of the truth to put their minds at ease.

"From the current situation, Sasuke should be in the big wooden barrel they are carrying.

Then our combat goal this time has become clear, that is, to take back the wooden barrel at all costs.

It just so happens that we can use the fat guy named Jirobo to surprise them..."

Sakura smiled slightly and began to explain her combat plan this time.

After a while, Sakura disguised herself as Jirobo and caught up with Tayuya, Kidomaru and Sakon.

"Jirobo, why did it take so long?"

Seeing Jirobo who was late, Kidomaru asked curiously.

"Sorry, those bastards had a lot of chakra, and it took some time to drain them completely."

Sakura answered in Jirobo's voice.

"Fatty, now that you're back, carry the barrel properly.

This is the job of a bastard like you."

Tayuya ordered Jirobo to do the hard labor.


Although Sakura knew Jirobo's attitude towards Tayuya, she still deliberately exposed her flaws.

There was no way, after all, she couldn't really take the barrel and take Sasuke back.


Sure enough, when Sakura pretended to take the barrel from Kidomaru, the other three people showed a trace of solemnity on their faces.

"Ninjutsu: Spider Web Binding!"

Kidomaru attacked Sakura directly, spitting out a spider web from his mouth and rolling it towards Sakura.

Sakura used the flexible love to bounce herself away and avoided Kidomaru's attack.

Seeing that Sakura was exposed, Naruto, Kiba and Lee, who were hiding not far away, also appeared and rushed directly towards Kidomaru who was carrying a wooden barrel.

"Spider's nest open!"

Kidomaru saw this and spit out a huge spider web from his mouth, directly blocking the three people's way forward.

"Not good!"

With Lee's reminder, Naruto and the other two were directly caught in the huge spider web and could not move at all.

"Leave this to me, you retreat first!"

Kidomaru threw the big wooden barrel behind him to Sakon and began to make seals quickly.

"Ninjutsu · Spider Web Combo!"

As Kidomaru's cheeks seemed to chew something, he spit out a series of spider webs at Sakura.

"Soft Fist · Acupuncture!"

Hinata suddenly rushed out from behind the big tree behind Sakura, and put the index and middle fingers of her left and right hands together, and kept stabbing at the spider webs flying towards Sakura.


Kidomaru was also surprised to see his spider web being cut by Hinata's hands like tofu.


After Naruto used a kunai with wind-attribute chakra to remove the spider webs on himself, Lee, and Kiba, he was furious and wanted to attack Kidomaru.


Hinata suddenly stopped Naruto who wanted to take action.

"Don't forget the mission this time, go chase Sasuke-kun!"

Hinata changed her usual timid attitude and gave orders to Naruto and the other two in a heroic manner.

"Tenten, you also keep up with them, they are good at close combat and need your support!"

Hinata then took a look at the inverted vertical behind her and gave orders to Tenten who had not yet appeared.

"Isn't Sakura the captain this time?"

Tenten, who appeared from behind the tree, muttered a little dissatisfied.

"Don't treat me like air!"

Kidomaru saw that he was being ignored, and threw several kunai made of spider glue at Hinata, who was looking at Tenten with her back turned.

But Hinata seemed to have eyes behind her head, and she dodged Kidomaru's attack by slightly turning sideways.

"Do you have any objection?"

Hinata looked at him seriously.

A glance at Tenten, her eyes seemed to contain unusual pressure.

"No, no!"

Tenten shook her head like a rattle, and hurried to the side of Naruto and the other two.

Naruto and the other two nodded like chicks pecking at rice, and hurriedly got up to chase Sakon and Tayuya, and Tenten hurried to follow.

I don't know why, Hinata today has an indescribable sense of oppression.

Sakura was stunned:

Is this still my soft and cute Hinata-chan?

How can she be so cool!

If Naruto's name was not still Naruto instead of Menma, Sakura would have doubted whether she had entered the world of limited Tsukuyomi.


Just when Sakura wanted to catch up with Naruto and the others, Hinata, who had solved several waves of attacks from Kidomaru, suddenly spoke to stop her.

What surprised Sakura was that Hinata's voice returned to its usual soft and cute voice.

"What's wrong, Hinata?"

"Can I kill this six-handed monster?"

Hinata asked Sakura hesitantly.

"Of course, why do you ask?"

Sakura was very curious about Hinata's question.

"Because Sakura-chan, you don't seem to want to take Sasuke back..."

Hinata didn't have so many twists and turns in her mind. After confirming that Naruto and the others were far away, she directly hit Sakura with a straight ball.

Sakura was directly shocked by Hinata's words. Sakura never dreamed that this seemingly not very smart Hinata was the first person to realize her true intentions.

"Did I reveal a flaw by not asking the enemy how they saw through me?"

Sakura didn't answer Hinata's question directly, but she acquiesced.

Sakura recalled her actions. The only flaw that could be called a flaw was that she didn't ask Kidomaru how he saw through her disguise, and acted as if she knew the result long ago.

"No, Sakura, I just simply think that Sakura's battle plan will not fail!

Or, Sakura will not propose a battle plan that may fail.

Since Sakura was discovered by the enemy, it must be intentional!"

Hinata didn't think too much and directly said her true thoughts.


Sakura didn't know what to say. Is this the legendary straight ball that overcomes everything?

"Okay, I will tell you about Sasuke later. What you have to consider now is how to deal with the enemy in front of you. Don't hold back. Remember!"

Sakura smiled and touched Hinata's short hair. After a word of advice, she chased in the direction of Naruto.

"Then, I have to work hard too."

After Sakura walked away, Hinata's originally blushing face suddenly turned cold.

She didn't know what Sakura was planning, but Sakura was not wrong. Since Sakura had spoken, the only thing she had to do was to deal with the enemy in front of her.



"Woof woof——"

When Sakura caught up with Naruto and the others again, Kiba and Akamaru had already fallen down the valley with Sakon and Ukon, and Lee also successfully grabbed the barrel containing Sasuke.

"Sakura, you finally..."

Naruto was overjoyed to see Sakura coming, but a slender figure suddenly appeared beside Naruto at the moment when Naruto was relaxed, and knocked Naruto out with a shoulder.


Lee and Tenten couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Tayuya, why are you guys so slow."

The figure that suddenly appeared stopped and held the barrel under his armpit.

"Kimimaro, you are not..."

Looking at Junmalu who suddenly appeared, Tayuya couldn't believe her eyes.

"Stop talking nonsense. Remember, the reason you are still alive and talking is because you still have a mission that you have to complete.

Uchiha Sasuke is an important vessel for Orochimaru. This mission cannot fail."

Although they are nominal companions, Kimimaro's words scolding Tayuya are like the cold wind in December, without any warmth at all.

"You come to stop them."

After leaving this sentence, Kimimaro rushed away with the wooden barrel.

"Asshole, stop talking to yourself there!

Sasuke is ours!!"

The angry Naruto rushed directly to Kimimaro's back, but what greeted him was Tayuya's iron fist.


Feeling the touch from the fist was not right, Tayuya was stunned.

I saw that Xiao Li's figure inserted between Naruto and Tayuya at some point.

"Xiao Li, this woman is left to you to deal with!

Tiantian, you go to the bottom of the valley to search for the trace of Ya

"Sign up and support him in the battle."

Seeing that all the main characters had appeared, Sakura gave orders to Tayuya and Tenten, and she used her flexible love to directly launch her and Naruto in the direction of Kimimaro and left the battlefield.

Lee and Tenten, who stayed where they were, looked at each other and immediately split up.

Lee went straight forward to entangle Tayuya, while Tenten attached chakra to her limbs and climbed down the rock wall carefully.

Soon after, Sakura and Naruto caught up with Kimimaro, and just at this moment, the barrel containing Sasuke suddenly exploded with a "bang", and Sasuke, with curse seals all over his body, slowly walked out of the smoke and dust of the explosion.

"Is this the power of the curse seal?"

Sasuke felt his own state and looked back at Sakura and Naruto.

"Sakura, there is also the last one.

Long time no see."

"Sasuke! "

Naruto saw that Sasuke was fine and started shouting excitedly.

Sasuke ignored Naruto's shouting and left the place in an instant.

Although he had been locked in the barrel, he still had a vague understanding of what was happening in the outside world.

At this time, Sasuke knew very well that Sakura deliberately designed to let the pursuit team fight on their own to create an opportunity for his defection.

And the only thing Sasuke could do at this time was to escape as soon as possible and live up to Sakura's painstaking efforts.

Seeing Sasuke escape, Naruto also chased him out. Seeing this, Kimimaro blocked Naruto with an instant body technique.


To Kimimaro's surprise, his attack was also blocked by Sakura's instant body.

"Naruto, leave this guy to me.

You'd better catch up with Sasuke quickly."

Sakura crossed her hands, resisted Kimimaro's left leg kick, and issued the last order of this mission to Naruto.

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