Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 674 Unreasonable Defense

Rollinger Logan struck first, and his fist as big as a casserole was stamped on Kelly Fanku's face.

Kelly tilted his head back, with a mocking smile on his face: "What's the number one strength? Is this punch tickling me?"

"What did you say?" Luo Gen was furious and glared at Ye Yan fiercely.

Ye Yan showed a puzzled expression. He was mocking you. Are you glaring at me?

"You just caught my punch, don't get carried away!" Logan somewhat pointed at Sang and scolded Huai, and punched Kelly in the chest with all his strength.

The punch hit hard again. Kelly took two steps back, then raised his hand and lightly swept his chest: "It doesn't hurt at all. You've had enough punches. Come and try my fist! Oh!" Oh la oh la!”

Kelly's shots were a series of rapid punches.

Logan tried to use his fists to fight hard, but his punch speed couldn't keep up, so he could only raise his arms to defend.

"Oh la la! What's wrong? Are you just a coward? Come and fight me, come and beat me! Oh la la la la la..."

Kelly fought harder and harder, with a look of excitement and madness on his face. Continuous punches hit Logan's thick arms like raindrops, leaving red marks one after another.

As he continued to attack, the red mark quickly turned into bluish-purple, and Logan was about to lose his strength.

However, Logan has almost figured out Kelly's situation. This guy has strong defense, but his strength is far inferior to his own: "Just stop it!"

Logan suddenly spread his arms, allowing Kelly to punch him twice on the chest, and took the opportunity to hit Kelly with an uppercut on the chin: "Go to hell!"


Kelly's chattering mouth suddenly closed, and his upper and lower teeth collided with each other. His whole body fell backwards and flew several meters away. He then slid back some distance and almost fell out of the ring.

Ye Yan felt his teeth sore when he heard the sound of his teeth clashing, and then he remembered that these guys didn't wear braces during boxing matches.

Diaz shouted excitedly on the commentary table: "Beautiful uppercut! Rogan counterattacked hard against Kelly's fist, and Kelly fell to the ground! Could it be said that the victory has been decided?"

Logan showed a proud smile: "This is of course, no one can take advantage of my trick, 100 million Baileys are mine!"

"Stop talking to yourself." Kelly stood up easily. He moved his chin slightly and made a rattling sound, "I can take such soft attacks a hundred times!"

As soon as Kelly finished speaking, he rushed forward again, still using the same fast attack as before, and he only focused on attacking, completely ignoring his exposed flaws.

defense? His younger brother's strong body is his best defense.

Because Logan couldn't keep up with the speed, he could only try his best to defend, and then found an opportunity to give Kelly a hard blow. In his opinion, Kelly's hundred punches are not as effective as one of his own. If this continues, he will definitely win!

The two shirtless burly men were not dodging or evading in the ring, punching each other hard, and each punch was in the right place. This kind of competition was not enjoyable for Zhang Daye and the others.

But it inexplicably ignited the fire of violence in the hearts of the audience. This is the kind of fighting that tough guys should have. This kind of physical blow is so enjoyable and exciting.

Many spectators cheered wildly, waved and shouted the names of the two contestants. The atmosphere in the venue was extremely warm.

Even Tom was infected by them and jumped directly on the table in front, punching and kicking, vividly demonstrating what immersive viewing is.

Logan and Kelly became more and more addicted to the fight, and the fierce confrontation lasted for nearly half an hour before they temporarily separated, panting violently.

At this time, Logan had many bruises and scars on his body, and even his cheek was swollen.

Kelly, on the other hand, looked basically the same except that he looked dirty with sweat and dust.

Logan stared at Kelly: "Damn it, this guy... Phew, he must have endured too much."

Kelly whispered to his brother in his body: "Bobby, the rest is up to you, I want to take a short rest..."

His jacket fruit can control other people's bodies, but it requires his own physical strength to move. Even with the cooperation of his younger brother, it is still very tiring.

Fortunately, he could temporarily give back control and buy himself some breathing time.

But Bobby's character is a big problem: "Brother, I don't want to fight, and you don't want to fight anymore."

"Idiot! What are you talking about? You're going to get a lot of money soon. Cheer up!"

"But I don't know how to fight at all."

"You guys are like this every time!" Kelly said angrily. Such a good body has become so weak. "Then just delay it for me. As long as you don't fall outside the ring, you can do whatever you want." See how that guy defended just now!"

"Yes...yes." Bobby didn't dare to disobey his brother's order. The worst he could do was get beaten. He was best at being beaten.

The secret exchange between the two brothers had just ended when Logan rushed forward and hit Kelly's temple with a right hook: "How about this move!"

But this punch was in vain, because it was Bobby who was controlling the body at this time. He panicked when he saw the fist, and subconsciously squatted down with his head in his hands.

Logan didn't expect that the other party would suddenly dodge. After his fist was empty, he almost lost his center of gravity and fell down. He cursed angrily: "What's going on with that embarrassing posture! Are you considered a man like this!"

"Yes... I'm sorry!" Bobby blurted out his apology.

Because the contrast between before and after was so great, no one even noticed that his voice was different from before.

"What happened?" Dias obviously didn't understand what was going on. "Contestant Kelly Fanku suddenly lost his momentum. Is he going to give up?"

"What is this!"

"Stand up, you bastard!"

"Don't be embarrassed!"

The audience yelled angrily, but Rogen turned from anger to joy, this guy can't hold on any longer! That must be the case!

Logan said: "If you don't dare to fight, just admit defeat and get out of the ring!"

Bobby shook his head: "No...it won't work."

"Then stand up for me!"

"This...I can't do it either."

"You bastard!" Logan punched his opponent who was squatting on the ground.

Logan thought very clearly. Everyone heard those few words just now. It was because this guy refused to admit defeat and did not dare to fight seriously that I attacked him. I was not bullying him.

Logan wanted the bonus, but he also wanted the fame.

With the support of the audience's shouts, Logan continued to punch countless times, but the more he punched, the more desperate he became. How hard is this guy's body?

His fists were already swollen, but the opponent actually didn't move at all, and even whispered to him not to fight!

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