In fact, whether you welcome them or not is a lie. Just say that you don’t care about the food...

However, Zhang Da did not embarrass the soldiers. He just nodded and said, "I understand, thank you."

Then he took out a few bills as usual: "We have to work hard for you to help take care of our ship."

"That's our responsibility!" The soldiers didn't dare to accept the money. Stop making trouble. You are the person the king wants to greet personally.

Shark Pepper hurriedly took out a few small packages: "Then these are Dressrosa's snacks and tea. Let's treat you all to afternoon tea."

This time the soldier did not refuse. It was not considered a violation, and it was very honorable to take it back. The soldier left with a grateful look on his face.

Zhang Da also started to distribute activity funds to everyone: "It will take a while for the king to come from the capital. Those who want to go out to play can go, but don't go too long."

"Long live!" Perona, Rebecca and Weiwei cheered and ran out.

Tom took a few steps and followed.

Wendy and Xia Lulu were a little better, but they were obviously happy to keep up with them.

Only Misaka stood there a little blankly, counting the bills, probably confirming the available amount.

A few seconds later, Perona and Weiwei, who had already run out the door, ran back, picked up Misaka one on the left and the other on the right, and left.

Jackie Chan looked worried, but didn't move his feet.

Zhang Da also said: "If you're not worried, why don't you go and have a look?"

"No need, they have grown up a lot and won't cause any trouble." Jackie Chan said, "And forget about the children. If the king comes later and we are not here, it would be too rude."

The others had similar reasons for staying. Rui Mengmeng looked around. Do you all think so much? This seems to make me look stupid.

Zhang Da also said: "Then you can rest, I'll go see how the food provided by this hotel is."

Arturia followed silently.

The two found the restaurant and found that it was a buffet style. There were already many people dining there, and the people in the restaurant were silently divided into two groups. One group was of normal size, well-dressed and elegant, and the other group was He has a weird body shape, is casually dressed, and eats relatively ruggedly.

Zhang Da also casually asked a waiter what was going on here.

"Here are VIPs like you, who have come from neighboring countries to watch the competition. On the other side are players who have come from all over the world to compete. Due to the order of His Majesty the King, our store now only accepts these two types of customers."

The waiter just glanced at Zhang Tatsuya and Artoria and automatically classified them into the ranks of VIPs.

Just some disgusting rules. Zhang Daye asked: "Around the world? Is the scale of this competition so big?"

"Yes, this is the largest competition in the Prudence Kingdom. It was advertised in the newspaper a few days ago."

No wonder Zhang Da didn't know about it either. He always skipped the advertisements in newspapers.

"Thank you." Zhang Daye and Artoria each took a tray to choose some food.

According to the waiter's introduction, Zhang Daye and Artoria should sit on the guest side, but after weighing the weight in their hands, Zhang Daye felt that the other side was more suitable.

As soon as the two people walked over, they immediately felt that many unkind eyes were cast on them.

Not only do they look bad, but the players actually look at each other in a very unkind way. After all, everyone here is competing against themselves for 100 million Beli.

In a place where a large group of muscular men gathered, it was a bit strange to see Zhang Tatsuya and Artoria, two people with different styles of painting, but no one came forward to provoke them. It may be because they will be disqualified if they cause trouble.

Zhang Da was also eating one after another and quietly observing these players.

Many of them seemed to be quite capable, but once I saw the color and domineering power, I realized that most of them were embroidered pillows.

However, judging from Zhang Daye's own strength, they seem to be a bit bullying.



Arturia pointed to Zhang Tatsuya's dinner plate and asked, "Are these not to your taste?"

"Hmm... not bad." Zhang Da also picked up Artoria's empty dinner plate and pushed his over, "Whatever you want to eat, I'll get some more."

Arturia looked very happy: "The baked cod in butter tastes good, the egg tarts are also good, and the roasted pig looks delicious."

"Okay, you eat first."

Zhang Da also picked up the plate and left. When he came back, he found someone standing opposite Artoria and saying something.

This person seemed to have come from the guest area. He looked polite and smiling, but he was a bit annoying.

Artoria wiped her mouth slowly, stood up, and a long sword appeared out of thin air, with the tip of the sword pressed against the opponent's throat:

"I have made it clear twice, please don't disturb me. If you still don't understand, let my sword speak to you, you rude person."

The man subconsciously raised his hands, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

He never expected that the beautiful woman with delicate face and petite body in front of him could be so fierce. The moment she picked up the sword, he seemed to see a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Artoria asked: "Is there anything else you can do now?"

The man quickly said: "No, no more..."

Zhang Da also sighed. Artoria has never been the kind of weak little girl who needs his help to save her. It's just that when he is around, she usually considers herself a guard or something else, and doesn't like to make decisions for him.

For example, when Zhang Da also met someone who was chatting with him in Goa Kingdom, he said that he wanted to trick him, and Artoria would cooperate well. But when Zhang Da was not around, and he met someone who was rude, Artoria Liya is not so easy to talk to.

Zhang Da also put down his plate and asked, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I just met an annoying person." Artoria had put away her sword and sat back down, staring at the egg tarts on the plate.

Zhang Da also glanced at the guy running away in despair, chose to ignore him, and began to enjoy the joy of feeding.

The man who was scared away felt very unhappy and decided to go to the hotel owner to ask for the names of the two people, and then use his connections to disqualify them from the competition.

But after asking...

"Tiger Tiger Tiger...Amber Tour Group?"

"Yes, do you have any issues with them?" The boss thought that if so, he would have to find an excuse not to let this person live in the store.

"No, no, how could it be possible... I just said a few words in a normal way, and I feel like we can have a good conversation..."

There was no need for the hotel owner to come up with any excuses. This man didn't want to live here. Not only that, he didn't even want to watch the game.

Are you kidding me? I just went to chat with the guy who killed Doflamingo, and I plan to fight him to death?

I heard that if you offend them, you will be hunted to the end of the sea. In order to take revenge, they dare to fight even the four emperors.

This man kept wiping the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief. Do you want to apologize? But I have been warned not to go any further.

It's better to leave quietly.

Whether Zhang Daye wants it or not, their 'notoriety' has spread far and wide.

Killed two Shichibukai, defeated the Four Emperors, and captured countless pirates, big and small. The most outrageous rumor is that Hawkeye can't even beat a cat from Amber Tours.

Of course, no one believed the last one, but in their opinion, Hawkeye must have been defeated by these people, that's why such gossip spread.

No matter what, these people must not be messed with.

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