Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 653: Dare to go to Fenglai Tower to eat Overlord Dinner, you are seeking death

"Of course we didn't save the wrong person!" The soldiers were the first to retort, "All of us are grateful for your kindness! It was our failure to arrest them immediately. How can we blame you?"

Ye Yan said: "We went to beat up Sugar to save Ai Yin. After beating up Sugar, it is inevitable that these scum will recover together. Their harm is much less than the flamingos. It's good that the intended goal is achieved."

The soldier helped: "Yes, after all, you don't know who turned into a toy, benefactor. Even if there is a fault, it is the fault of the Don Quixote family."

Ye Yan continued: "So we rescued those good people unintentionally, and we rescued these bad people unintentionally. There is no need to feel guilty or to ask for their gratitude."

Perona looked at Ye Yan with empty eyes and said, "But you have been enjoying other people's gratitude since just now, and you insist on signing autographs with them."

"Absolutely not!" Ye Yan said confidently, "I am just a fan. They are all attracted by my art and become fans, right?"

"Yes...right..." What can the soldiers say? They are too embarrassed to retort that we don't need your signature at all.

After chatting for a while, the soldiers divided into two teams. One team escorted the prisoners away, and the other team returned the same way to return the handbags.

The Amber tour group continued shopping. When passing by a clothing store, everyone went in to choose clothes.

Zhang Daye doesn't pay much attention to what he wears. Since he exercises a lot every day, he likes to be breathable and suitable for sports.

When choosing clothes, just feel the fabric and try on the size, which is quick and accurate. Most of the time it was watching other people pick and waiting to pay.

Shark Chili is more worry-free than him. He doesn't need any clothes at all. Most of the time, he just wants to go shopping with everyone. He just picks something that can fit in and is not ugly, and it's done in a flash.

Sometimes after shopping for a long time, he might end up just buying a bow tie. He would rather spend time with Bailey choosing toothbrushes and toothpaste.

The same goes for Tom. He brings a lot of his own clothes. Sometimes when he suddenly finds out that he needs a set of clothes, he will make a temporary set.

He didn’t choose the fabric or anything else. Anyway, after he put it on, the effect was almost the same. Either it would never wear out, or it would be torn apart along with the cat skin if it was torn lightly.

However, Tom's clothing is very good. He will help Zhang Daye choose suitable casual wear, formal wear, and denim wear, and he can easily get the size that best suits Zhang Daye.

At this time, Tom was helping Carew choose a suitable hat and goggles.

Maybe it's because Uncle Long was engaged in adventure work before. When choosing clothes, he should first check whether they are strong enough, and then choose something that is easy to move after thinking about the current situation.

The most difficult one among the boys was Ye Yan. After he picked out a few Spanish-style clothes, he went to the boss to exchange experience in clothing design.

After talking a lot about it, I looked like my boss was going to faint with his talk, so I casually asked if I could get a discount.

The boss nodded dazedly, losing tens of thousands.

Zhang Da also quickly selected what he needed, glanced at the male compatriots casually, then sat down, drank the tea poured by the clerk, and waited to admire the beauty.

The fastest person to come out of the dressing room was Weiwei. She was picking out some cute little girl clothes. She is obviously a princess, so when choosing clothes, she always chooses simple clothes that are closer to ordinary people.

On the contrary, Perona likes those relatively complicated Lolita-style long skirts, such as those worn by Violet when dancing. She also likes long skirts of similar styles very much.

It's a pity that she is still young. Looking at her, she feels more like an exquisite doll. No matter how beautiful she is, she can only be called cute.

Under the helpless look in Xia Lulu's eyes, Wendy entered the dressing room with two sets of very mature clothes. However, after she came out and looked in the mirror, she changed into cute clothes with a sad face.

A red long-sleeved top, paired with a black skirt and knee-high socks, and two red hairpins like horns on her head.

Zhang Da also sympathized with Wendy a little, but his aggrieved expression made her look even cuter.

When he didn't know whether to comfort him, Misaka appeared in front of him:

"How about this style? Du~ Misaka is trying to ask for Zhang Tatsuya's opinions."

"Pfft~" Zhang Da also turned his head, spit out a mouthful of tea, and quickly covered his eyes with one hand, "Don't show me this kind of clothes! Wendy, Xia Lulu, take Misaka away quickly!"

When Wendy saw the situation here clearly, her little face turned red to the roots of her ears: "Mi Mi Misaka, you can't just show that to the boys! Neither can Tatsuya-nii!"

Xia Lulu was also frightened, and ran over with Wendy, holding Misaka's arms on the left and right to drag her away.

Sister Misaka did not realize the seriousness of the problem: "However, both Weiwei and Perona asked classmate Zhang Daye to help refer to the clothing styles. Du~ Misaka requires equal treatment."

"That's not the problem!"

"unclear meaning."

"Anyway, come with us first!"

Zhang Da also breathed a sigh of relief. He remembered that Rui Mengmeng and the others should have taught Misaka this aspect, right? Did you remember it wrong? I’ll remind you later.

When Ruimengmeng came out, she was still dressed almost as usual, a simple white T-shirt and light blue jeans. It felt like she only wore one or two styles here and there, and she didn't dare to try skirts and the like.

Rui Mengmeng asked: "What happened?"

"It's Misaka's business..." Zhang Daye sighed, "Go and see Wendy and the others."


Zhang Da also poured another cup of tea and reached for snacks, but was cut off by a small hand.

He knew who it was without looking up, and he pushed the tea cup over.

"Thank you." There was a little happiness in Artoria's tone.

Zhang Da also looked at her, still dressed in white and blue skirt, and asked, "Don't you have a style you like?"

Arturia sipped her snack and took the time to reply: "There are too many complicated dresses, and they don't feel suitable for me, and I already have a lot of clothes."

In addition, she had seen the price. A gorgeous long dress could be exchanged for many exquisite snacks.

Zhang Da also said that if this doesn't work, then wouldn't I wait in vain?

"Shall I tell you a story?"

"Story? Okay." Artoria nodded, listening to the story would not affect her eating.

Zhang Da also cleared his throat and started making up: "Once upon a time, there was a man who was living in a foreign country because of an accident at home. He had no money at all and was so hungry that he could hardly bear it. He was very desperate."

Arturia listened to the story more seriously. The story was so immersive.

"Later he found out that he could get free meals in a clothing store called 'Feng Lai Lou', so he went in to eat. But he ate a lot of food and didn't buy any clothes, and then he was raped. Beaten him severely."

Zhang Da also secretly watched Artoria's reaction, and continued: "Do you still want to fight while fighting? Dare you come to our Feng Lai Building to eat Overlord Dinner? You are looking for death, you @#%×... Oh, you are scolding so much It’s ugly…”

Arturia had already finished a plate of snacks, holding a tea cup and blowing on the hot air.

"Tatsuya, how many clothes do you want me to buy?"

Buying is not the problem, the key is to watch her change a few sets. But can Zhang Da also admit it? cant.

He vowed: "What I mean is, if the boss here dares to scold you, I will never spare him."

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