Ruined Balon Terminal, an empty island in the new world.

Kaido, the central figure in today's news, is recovering from his injuries here.

If it was an ordinary injury, it wouldn't be worth recuperating at all. Being able to sleep casually would be considered a favor, and he would do whatever he had to do when he woke up.

But this time it was different. The injuries caused by various abilities were a bit more complicated, and injuries such as lightning strikes and sword wounds were considered 'ordinary' traumas.

But the attack from the dragon-slaying magic and the Lord of the Night was something I had never experienced before. Even after eating and sleeping all night, I still felt groggy.

It was way more heady than the usual hard liquor he drank.

Kaido dazedly took out his phone and wanted to notify Jhin to rob a naval escort ship.

But the phone bug rang first.

The world is so big, and the only people who care about Kaido so much are his men and his aunt far away in Totland.

After Charlotte Lingling heard about this incident, she immediately called Kaido to express her condolences:

"How cute. I heard that you were beaten badly by a group of brats. Do you want me to help you vent your anger?"

She totally sounded like a big sister caring about her little brother.

However, Kaido didn't appreciate it: "Those guys are the ones I'm targeting, so don't mind your own business, old woman!"

"Well... well..." The aunt was not angry at all, and said with a smile, "Since you are so ungrateful, I will have that boy Jack thrown into the sea."

"What did you say?"

Svallo Island in the North Sea.

Four teenagers gathered on an inconspicuous coast. From the perspective of ordinary people, it should be said that they were three people and a bear - a talking bear.

"What's wrong, Luo? I've always had that expression since I finished reading the newspaper." The boy named Pei Jin (Penguin) asked.

"Yes, although we were also surprised that Shichibukai was killed." A young man named Xia Qi (killer whale) poked the white bear next to him, "Bebo, do you know what's going on?"

"I'm sorry!" Bebo of the polar bear fur tribe stood at attention and apologized.

"I don't know if I don't know. Why should I apologize..." Peijin and Xia Qi complained together.

However, the three people's tricks failed to divert Luo's attention.

Three years have passed since Mr. Corazon, whom Luo respected most, was killed by Doflamingo. The 16-year-old Luo has become very skilled in using the surgical fruits that Mr. Corazon desperately tried to snatch for him.

Luo's platinum lead disease has long since been cured.

For the past three years, he has been working hard every day to practice what he learned from the Don Quixote family:

Rao G's physical skills, Diamanti's sword skills, Gladius' artillery skills, Doflamingo's strategy...

At the beginning, Doflamingo indeed regarded Luo as the top leader of the next generation of the Red Heart Army, so he devoted himself to teaching and training him in all aspects.

But since Mr. Corazon was killed, these have become Luo's tools to study day and night in order to seek revenge against Doflamingo in the future.

But today, Doflamingo died.

The man who was so powerful that it almost made him despair, died just like that.

Luo raised his head and looked at the sky with falling snowflakes, as if he could see Mr. Corazon's smiling face.

After a while, Peijin and Xia Qi waved their hands in front of Luo's eyes worriedly: "What's wrong, Luo? The snow is getting heavier and heavier, shall we go back?"

Luo said seriously: "Peijin, Xia Qi, Bebo, I want to go to sea."

Pei Jin was not surprised at all: "I knew this day would come sooner or later, haha!"

Xia Qi said: "Yes, I have been waiting for this sentence for a long time! In fact, I have even thought of the name of the pirate ship. You see, we have penguins, killer whales, and polar bears here. It is called the Polar!" "

Peijin said: "Hey, you only care about the three of us, what should Luo do?"

Xia Qi said: "The ship will be named after us. The name of the pirate group is Luo... ah no, the captain will name it."

One of these two people is 18 years old and the other is 17 years old, which is when they are most restless.

"Are we going to be pirates?" Bebo was the youngest, only twelve years old, with a confused expression on his furry bear face, looking like he was being cute.

Luo tried his best to keep a straight face, as if he was definitely not attracted by Bebo, and denied: "No, I can't be a pirate."

"Ah, why?"

Luo pointed to Zhang Daye who appeared in an inconspicuous corner in the picture in the newspaper: "Because they are the people I am looking for."



Peijin and Xia Qi were surprised and didn't understand why Luo would go to such a big shot, while Bebo habitually apologized when he was denied.

Luo held up the spotted hat on his head and said in a deep voice: "Aren't you always curious about my past affairs? Now I will tell you everything."

"Here we go again." Zhang Da is already used to the World Government's operations. Even Morgans doesn't seem to have enough power and courage now. I wonder when he will be able to make a big deal. The news is completely ignored even by the world government.

Zhang Da also dropped the newspaper: "Let's go, Tom. Let's go out."

Tom drew a dotted line with his hands.

Zhang Da also understood it at a glance and said helplessly: "Don't worry about the dragon tail. That thing is really inedible. It fell off Kaido's body. Isn't it disgusting?"

Tom's mood was waning.

Zhang Da also patted Tom on the head: "Okay, okay, let's go catch fighting fish to eat later?"

Tom immediately became happy, nodded quickly, pulled out a furry costume from under the bed and followed Zhang Tatsuya.

Cyrus was already waiting at the door, because it was agreed that his wife and daughter would be sent back today by the two flag demons who stayed behind on the Amber.

Cyrus was so anxious that he decided to follow them today until the Amber arrived, just in time to serve as a tour guide.

Zhang Da also nodded to Cyrus: "It's been a long wait, have everyone else come out?"

Cyrus said: "Miss Artoria and Miss Rui Mengmeng are having breakfast, Mr. Jackie Chan is taking the children for morning exercises in the garden, Mr. Shark Pepper is browsing the information left by the Don Quixote family, and Mr. Ye Yan is also Didn’t come out.”

Doflamingo has collected a lot of information, and it may contain the information they need. Of course, let Shark Pepper do this kind of thing.

If Misaka Network was there, this kind of thing could be left to the Misaka sisters. Unfortunately, there is only one number 9982 now.

"I'll go find Ye Yan and ask where the two flag demons are... Actually, you can just ask Princess Violet to take a look, right?"

Cyrus shook his head and said: "It is very rude to use your ability to spy on other people without authorization. Violet doesn't like to use the ability of 'clairvoyance' for private matters."

"..." Those are your wife, children, her sister and niece. You authorized her to help see what there is, even though there is still a flag demon on the ship...

Oh, is this also respecting the privacy rights of the two flag demons?

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