Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 640 If you don’t give up, someone will

Chapter 640 If you don’t give up, someone...

Of course, rest is not just about resting, but also taking a shower and changing clothes.

Everyone's body was more or less stained with sea water, blood, dust, etc., and their clothes were inevitably damaged and dirty.

The girls occupied one lounge and large bathroom together, the boys in another.

However, there were only Zhang Daye, Jackie Chan and Shark Chili on the boys side. Ye Yan was lying alone on the boat and was taken care of by the flag monsters.

Although Shark Chili's hands were short, he took a shower very quickly. He took a long towel and quickly wiped his body up and down until it had a metallic sheen, like a car that had just come out of a car wash.

However, after taking a shower, he spent another half an hour brushing his teeth, ten minutes of which was spent wondering which toothpaste and toothbrush to use today.

Jackie moved very quickly. After rinsing himself, he started to help Karu apply shampoo and lather. Originally, Weiwei wanted to take Karu with her, but Karu felt that the women's bathroom was not fun.

Zhang Da is also sitting on the small bench enjoying Tom's back rub service.

Although the two people's heads were wrapped with bandages before, after entering the bathroom, Zhang Da naturally took off the bandages with Tom, and took a shower when it was time to wash his hair, just like normal people.

That was the effect of Teacher Kai's stick.

In fact, Tom used to be taken along by Rui Mengmeng, but since Xia Lulu came, Tom has never entered the women's bathroom door again.

But it doesn't matter, Tom prefers it this way.

He picked up the shower head and helped Zhang Daye rinse his back, then unplugged the shower head, turned the water to the coldest setting, and poured water on Karu with the water pipe.

"Qua~~" Kalu was so excited by the cold water that he jumped two meters high. The cold water covered Jackie Chan with a little foam washed down from Kalu's body.

"Wow! It's so cold!" Jackie Chan picked up the basin and used it as a shield, "Don't fight in the bathroom!"

Tom hid the water pipe behind his back, showing a guilty expression.

"That's right." Uncle Long nodded and turned around.

Then... Tom continued to talk to Karoo.

Carew, a duck from a desert country, after playing with Tom for a long time, no longer cares about water resources so much outside Alabasta. His two wings are like propellers, splashing water at Tom.

Tom was splashed into a drowned cat, but he played more energetically, and Zhang Da also silently provided Tom with a fun water gun.

The bathroom is even more chaotic.

Jackie Chan sighed, pets are so difficult to take care of.

"They seem to be very noisy over there." Xia Lulu returned to her cat form and used her small pink pads to apply shower gel on herself.

Xia Lulu is very particular. Even in cat form, she must use shampoo on her head, shower gel on her body, and facial cleanser on her face if possible.

Weiwei said: "I heard Karu's cry. I wonder if it caused trouble to everyone."

"Maybe he's having a water fight or something. Uncle Long is here and will take good care of him." Rui Mengmeng rubbed her hair and stared at Xia Lulu, "They all have the same cat hair, why? What’s the difference between separate washing?”

She used to not pay much attention to these things when she was working outside. At first, she thought shower gel was too expensive and always used soap to bathe.

Xia Lulu paused and said, "I'm used to it...why don't I change back to human form and wash it?"

"No, I'm just talking casually. You must be tired from changing." The first half of Rui Mengmeng's sentence seemed to care about her, which made Xia Lulu feel comfortable listening to it, but the second half came immediately, " When you become a human, you need to use more things, which feels so wasteful.”

"I'm talking about you..." Xia Lulu didn't know what to say. She turned around and realized something was wrong, "Wendy, what's wrong?"

Wendy: O_O

When Rui Mengmeng was scrubbing the ends of her hair, it was actually fine. Her hands were on the sides and her arms could block what they should block. But when she raised her hands to rub the foam on her head, it was a different story.

Wendy's brain may have been overloaded, and she stretched out a finger stiffly.

Then he squatted in the corner.

"Hey!? What...what happened?" Rui Mengmeng was startled and quickly covered her chest.

As a result, she was surrounded by onlookers, with Vivi, Perona, Artoria and Misaka all squatting in front of her to join in the fun.

Weiwei is not yet old enough to understand Wendy's feelings: "Is there something wrong with Sister Mengmeng?"

After asking, Weiwei's expression changed, and she said fearfully: "Is it an injury that Wendy can't heal?"

Xia Lulu sighed, it was indeed something that Wendy couldn't cure, but the problem was with Wendy herself.

"Don't worry about this kind of thing, right?" Perona said carelessly, "It will come naturally when you grow up."

Wendy looked back and saw that Perona had grown a lot when they first met. She felt that she had been deceived and that her whole body was turning gray.

Sister Misaka's pupils gradually dilated: "It's just useless fat. It may affect your flexibility during battle. Du~ Misaka used a contemptuous tone to hide her true thoughts."

Arturia nodded in agreement when she heard the first half of Misaka's words, but blushed a little when she heard the second part of the beep.

Although she has a reason to stay at fifteen years old, Perona is also fifteen years old this year. Why does she surpass her in both height and...height?

Rui Mengmeng blushed deeply, put her hands in front of her body and leaned sideways: "Stop staring at me!"

"How is Ye Yan?" When Zhang Da also came out of the shower, he found that Ye Yan's clothes had been changed and his face had been wiped clean. It should have been done by the flag demons.

Suifeng'er said: "It's almost the same as last time, but I should be able to wake up earlier this time."

"Just leave it to us to take care of your master!" The flag demons expressed their loyalty one after another.

Zhang Da also nodded. The flag demons are not ambiguous about this kind of thing: "But we are going to have dinner soon. If he keeps fainting like this, we won't worry about taking you with him."

The flag demons who had just expressed their loyalty exchanged glances with each other, divided into six groups, called names, scratched their noses, and scratched their soles of the feet...

He looked like he would not give up until Ye Yan was awakened.

"Stop, stop, stop..." Zhang Da also felt pain in his head, and he had betrayed his master with this meal, "You might as well let Tom give him a shot."

The flag demons surrounded Tom: "Brother! Please help me by pulling out the needle!"

"That's enough, Tom, don't do it!" Zhang Da also hurriedly stopped these scammers, "Stop making trouble, my magic power has recovered a lot, please help him treat it."

The flag demons knelt down on one knee: "Thank you boss! If you don't give up, I would like to worship you..."


"Okay boss!"

The sequelae of the Dominator Form were studied by Zhang Daye and Wendy last time. It was simply that Ye Yan's physical and mental strength were not strong enough and could not fully adapt to the power of the Dominator Form, so he would fall into a coma after using it.

It should be helpful to use healing magic to relieve him. Adding auxiliary magic to improve all attributes should also have some effect. If you still have some energy left, you can help restore some physical strength...

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