The coast of Dressrosa is much higher than the sea level, and the bottom is a rocky beach. If outsiders don't use the port, it will be difficult to enter. It should be said that it is a good terrain suitable for defense.

But if you take the Shark Giant Amber Tour, you don’t have to worry about it. You can go ashore wherever you want.

But before landing, they saw a big man on the shore at a glance.

The guy was over eight meters tall. He was about to catch up with the shark giant, and it was hard not to notice him.

I saw that the man's long golden hair turned into double braids, and he wore a horn-shaped decoration on his head, which seemed to be a characteristic of the Beasts Pirates. He also had a pair of ivory-shaped decorations hanging on his shoulders, and he was wearing a fur coat.

His burly and muscular upper body, paired with extremely uncoordinated short legs, made him look like a square figure - this man seemed to have no neck.

Zhang Da didn't recognize anyone, but he recognized Xiang Tuo and asked in surprise: "Why is he here?"

Ye Yan asked: "Who is it?"

Shark Chili in the cockpit immediately revealed his information:

"Jack, one of the Flying Six of the Beast Pirates, has the form of an animal devil fruit, an ancient species, and a mammoth. Although he is less than 20 years old, the bounty has reached 500 million. It is said that he is very powerful. Hope it becomes a big sign.”

"So awesome." Ye Yan looked at the big guy carefully, and then also noticed the team at his feet, "There are so many people, don't they want to ambush?"

Hundreds of pirates who were easy to mess with stood there in a mess. Everyone near the port had already fled. They were the Beast Pirates, one of the Four Emperors. Of course, ordinary people would hide as far away as possible. How far.

"Maybe, this guy has this kind of personality." Zhang Da also agreed with Doflamingo in his understanding of Jack. This guy should be said to be quite capable, but he is also really stupid.

"Everyone is ready to fight, Wendy and Xia Lulu, be careful if they shoot." Zhang Da also reminded the pair of aerial units uneasy.

"Got it!" Xia Lulu and Wendy are quite experienced in dealing with the guns in this world.

"First let me test whether this guy's strength is worthy of his size. Everyone, sit still!" Shark Pepper reminded.

When the people in the cockpit stood firm and the people above the giant held their dorsal fins, Shark Pepper controlled the shark giant to sprint quickly through the water.

When it reached the shore, the shark giant suddenly jumped up and flew to the shore in the blink of an eye. Its huge fist was pointed directly at Jack's big face.

The attack method of this move is learned from the fishman.

Jack’s pirates screamed:

"What a big robot!"

"Oops, get out of here!"

Sipshead shouted: "Don't panic! Master Jack will stop him! Everyone retreat and stay out of the way!"

Starting from Kaido, the Beasts Pirates are called "Governor", "Big Kanban", "Flying Six Cells" and "Shen Da" from top to bottom. From below, they are basically ordinary pirates and may be further subdivided. Elite troops and ordinary troops.

Since the artificial devil fruit project has not yet been launched, naturally there are no givers and laughers.

However, Kaido recently purchased ten ‘numberers’ or ‘barbarians’ through unknown channels.

People only know that these guys are as huge and powerful as the ancient giants, but they don't know that these are the failed products of the human body enlargement experiment conducted by the world government.

Because the numberers are not very smart, their status is below that of real pirates and above that of ordinary pirates. Jack didn't bring any with him this time because he didn't need them when talking to Doflamingo.

At this time, apart from Jack, the one with the highest status was Sipshead. Hundreds of pirates obeyed his orders and quickly retreated to make enough space for Jack.

Jack looked at the shark giant flying towards him, and without any intention of retreating, he stretched out his hands and hugged the shark giant's arm.

He snorted coldly, took a half step back with his right leg to use more force, and firmly caught the giant shark.

"The power is good, but with this simple attack, are you looking down on me?" Jack exerted force with both arms, looking at the posture to throw the giant shark away.

However, Jack fell into the air because the shark giant suddenly disappeared. The people in the cockpit fell to the ground and quickly got out of the way, allowing the people above them to land safely.

Ye Yan asked: "Why is it suddenly gone? I thought you were going to transform and have a fight with him."

Shark Chili said: "There is no way around this. I used Shark Giant for too long today. I'm worried that I won't be able to hold on in the subsequent battles."

Due to suffering from inferior batteries in the past, Shark Pepper has modified the functional system of Shark Giant. Now the energy required for action is provided by himself. Although it seems unscientific, this thing itself is very unscientific.

Zhang Da also reminded: "In fact, Misaka can provide electricity."

Zhang Da didn't mention himself either, because Misaka is a user with the thunder fruit ability. Although her physical strength is not as good as his, the power supply lasts longer than him.

Shark Pepper was stunned: "Is that so?"

Just as Misaka was about to speak, Jack had already taken off the ivory hanging on his shoulder, removed the scabbard, and chopped it down violently.

It turned out that the ivory he was carrying was not just for decoration, but also a pair of ivory-shaped swords.

"How dare you be so lazy when confronting me, go to hell!" Jack felt that he was being slighted. I almost destroyed your big robot, how dare you be so careless? Who do you look down on?

Arturia and Rui Mengmeng, one on the left and the other on the right, each opened a big sword. It's not that one person can't withstand it, but because this guy is too big, the distance between the two swords is a bit far.

Uncle Long saw Jack's door wide open, raised his hand and fired a Dragon Explosion towards Jack's big face.

Hearing a rumble, Jack's head fell back and he took several steps back before standing still.

"Lord Jack!"

"Damn it, you actually besieged Mr. Jack."

"And even a sneak attack!"

The pirates cursed all kinds of curses, and then no one knew who fired the first shot, and the gunshots started ringing out.

Sand wall, sword blade, electric light, whirlwind... Everyone exited the chat state one after another, and each dealt with the flying bullets.

The bad habit of being too relaxed in battle was inherited from Zhang Daye.

Arturia discovered everyone's problem and knew the root of the problem. She decided to remind everyone when she went back, and also focused on training Tatsuya's combat awareness.

The gunpowder smoke on Jack's head dissipated, revealing a black face with extremely high-intensity armed domineering, making him look unscathed.

But when he removed his domineering force, Zhang Daye noticed with sharp eyes that Jack's iron chin seemed to have been damaged by Uncle Long.


A deafening roar of an elephant sounded, and Jack's body began to expand. His whole body turned into a huge mammoth, and he stepped down heavily with his feet.

The target was Uncle Long who made him look embarrassed.

"Tough luck, bad luck, bad luck!"

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