Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 595 Meeting an old friend in a foreign land

Zhang Da didn't mean to use the electromagnetic gun, because he was not cruel enough to kill birds with the electromagnetic gun, unless it was a flamingo.

This time, the paper gulls are here. Even in places with harsh environments like the New World, paper gulls are indispensable.

The recent news, except for the news that Brother Ming became the king a few days ago, is almost all trivial news.

Occasionally, something happens that makes Zhang Da also care, but has nothing to do with him for the time being:

For example, a certain genius marine born in the North Sea fell into a pirate; a gang leader appeared in the West Sea who easily defeated other forces with an overwhelming advantage; and the red hair went to fight with someone somewhere...

"No, if you think about it carefully, the place where the red hair is making a big fuss is in the New World. This seems to have something to do with us, because we may encounter it at some point."

Maybe because he stayed in the paradise for a long time, Zhang Da occasionally ignored the fact that he was in the new world.

There are not many noteworthy things in today's newspapers. There is only one thing that attracts Zhang Daye:

"The world's largest offshore casino is open for trial operation! The world's largest entertainment city 'Gran Tezoro' is under planning!"

Is this the Golden City of the Golden Emperor? Zhang Da was also a little surprised. Did the construction of Golden City start at this time?

Gilder Tezzolo, a user with the ability of the Golden Fruit, should be said to be a very pitiful person. He managed to earn 20% of the world's Baileys by relying on a Golden Fruit and his own efforts, which should be said to be very powerful.

However, in the end, he ended up living in the most disgusting form of his former self.

It seemed that his career had just started. Zhang Da also remembered that this man seemed to have some conflicts and cooperation with Doflamingo.

Zhang Da also thought about it, and with Tezzolo's current strength and financial resources, it should not affect their actions, so he didn't pay much attention and directly handed the newspaper to Tom.

——Tom likes reading the joke section above.

After leaving the climate zone of Thunder God Island, the sea began to become unstable again. Fortunately, it was not as bad as it was in the waters of Mobejanmulu, so everyone did not need to spend too much effort to deal with it.

"I saw the island!" Uncle Long was the lookout today. After nearly a day of sailing, Uncle Long found the target.

"Is it Dressrosa this time?" Zhang Da also jumped on the mast and looked into the distance.

Shark Chili compared the direction of the permanent pointer: "The direction is correct, but is Dressrosa so close? It feels like we haven't walked very long at all."

Zhang Da also didn't see anything. He didn't know what the real Dressrosa looked like, so he could only say, "Just find someone to explore the way."

Perona put her hands on her hips and stood up.

But Zhang Da didn't call her: "Ye Yan, let Jin Erpeng and Sui Feng'er go?"

Ye Yan readily held out the Huang Yao Banner, and Jin Erpeng quickly flew to the island ahead with Sui Feng Er.

Perona sat down angrily and took a sip of juice through a straw, her cheeks immediately puffed up.

Zhang Da also saw her look and comforted her: "Don't be anxious, you will be able to help later, just don't complain about being tired."

Perona swallowed the juice and whispered softly: "I'm not in a hurry."

The Amber stopped temporarily. After a while, the flag demon reported: "We have asked, it is not Dressrosa, it is the Kingdom of Prudence, a neighbor of Dressrosa. From here to Dressrosa It won’t take more than a day.”

"Prodence...Prodence..." Zhang Da also said it several times before he remembered that it was the country of the 'Fist of the King'.

Shark Pepper asked: "How about it, do you want to approach the shore or go around?"

"Let's dock. It happens to be getting late." Zhang Daye said, "Let's hide the Amber here tomorrow and then take another boat over."

Weiwei asked curiously: "Why not take the Amber?"

Zhang Da also said: "Doflamingo is very insidious. I'm worried that he will send people to destroy our ship."

Doflamingo is not a pirate who likes confrontation. As long as he finds an opportunity, he doesn't mind using any means to defeat his opponent.

Just like in the original plot, he will send people to hunt down the Sonny and the left-behind personnel of the Straw Hats, and he will also give the Sonny a few hits while chasing Luo.

Zhang Da didn’t want to leave this loophole.

Jackie Chan agreed: "That's good, it just so happens that we can get more news about Dressrosa from neighboring countries."

Wendy hesitated to speak. She was worried about seasickness, but if the journey was less than a day, she could just endure it.

Zhang Da also thought of this: "As for Wendy, can Xia Lulu and Jin Erpeng take her there tomorrow?"

The magic Troia that relieves seasickness doesn't work for long.

Xia Lulu naturally had nothing to say: "Leave it to me."

Wendy felt aggrieved: "I'm sorry, I always cause trouble to everyone in this regard."

Zhang Da also patted her head and said with a smile: "This is a good thing, it means you are getting stronger and stronger."

Xia Lulu wondered: "Your dragon-slaying magic is obviously very strong, why don't you still get seasick?"

Zhang Da also said: "Maybe it's because of my special physique. In fact, I may have been seasick, but I didn't think I would, so I didn't feel dizzy. To put it simply, it was, well... I felt dizzy."

Entering the port of Providence, Zhang Da also paid an entry fee for the first time in a long time.

It’s okay, not too expensive, at least it’s much better than the previous Drum Kingdom.

The reputation of the Amber Tour Group was so great that people still knew them even in the New World, and the officials in charge of immigration management recognized them.

However, he may not be a fan of the Amber Tour Group, his attitude is very ordinary, and he didn't give any preferential treatment.

Maybe the influence in the new world is not enough, Zhang Da also thought, it doesn't matter, it will be enough soon.

After paying a few extra 10,000-beli bills, Zhang Da also gained the right to choose where to park the ship at will. Everyone parked the Amber in an inconspicuous corner, leaving Lu Dashan and Jintongue Langjun alone. The most capable flag demon was guarding the ship.

The Kingdom of Prudence is not large in size. Judging from the area alone, it is far behind Alabasta. Zhang Da also roughly estimated the population through his knowledge and experience, and felt that the population is not as large as that of Fish-Man Island.

This port city seems to have a good economic situation. People are walking on the streets, looking for restaurants and hotels with great interest.

Many pedestrians on the street were wearing clothing suitable for fighting. Some were carrying weapons, and some even conspicuously wore gloves. I heard people chatting that they seemed to be the same type of gloves as the king.

It seems that this is a relatively martial country, and people regard the king who possesses the 'Fist of the King' as an idol.

"Tatsuya, there is a familiar smell nearby." Artoria reminded, "It seems to be... Mihawk."


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