Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 524 Treatment and Treatment

"Clones whose actual age is only a few months, knowledge and common sense are almost instilled through the 'learning device', and it only takes 14 days from cultivation to 'mature'..."

In the medical room of the Amber, Guleiwa summed up a few key points of what Zhang Da also said to Misaka, of course it was limited to the information about the physical condition, and Zhang Da did not mention anything about Academy City.

Gu Leiwa re-examined Misaka, and asked: "Could this be a clone soldier who escaped from the Germa Legion in the North Sea?"

"It has nothing to do with Germa, but I want to get some research materials from them to see if it can be useful." Zhang Da also said, "Of course, if you have a solution, I don't have to bother. "

It takes 5 years for Germa 66 to produce a batch of 20-year-old clone soldiers, which should be different from the technology of Academy City.

If Gaji knows that there is a drug that can 'ripen' human clones and shorten the 5-year period to two or three weeks, then he will try his best to get Misaka back for research. As for the lifespan issue, soldiers are consumables in his eyes , one or two years of shelf life is enough, what life expectancy?

So after Zhang Da thought about it calmly these days, he felt that Germa had little hope.

"Wait a minute." Zhang Da also suddenly discovered a blind spot, "Germa's clone army shouldn't be something everyone knows about, right?"

"Hehehe... Don't you know that too?" Guleva said with a smile, "There is no such thing as complete secrecy in this world. It would be better to talk about this child's body than to talk about these boring things."

Doesn't this old lady have some scary background? Zhang Da also stopped his divergent thinking and asked, "Do you have a solution?"

"There are probably two things to do to solve her problem. The first is to balance the growth-promoting hormones in her body, and the second is to adjust the division speed of the cell nucleus." Guleva raised two fingers one after another, "These two things I can basically do it with drugs, but…”

"What?" Zhang Da was also a little nervous. What he was most afraid of was the word 'but' from the doctor.

"But even this can only slightly prolong her lifespan. To reach the level of a normal person, I am afraid that the 'bloodline factor' needs to be adjusted."

"It's a pity that Vegapunk, who discovered the bloodline factor, is now working for the world government, and the bloodline factor is also known as the 'design map of life'. Because research in this area is too dangerous, it has almost become a taboo."

"Even you don't understand?" Zhang Da even wondered if this 131-year-old old woman had been in the Rocks Pirates, or knew Lao Bei when she was young.

"Don't look at me like that, I won't cure a disease just to hide something." Gu Leiwa opened a bottle of good wine that Zhang Da also gave her, "At my current level, I can probably only cure half of the disease." Help her prolong it by five to ten years, is such a result acceptable?"

With little understanding of the genetic level, it should be very difficult to achieve this step, right? Zhang Da also thought it was acceptable, at least he could buy enough time for him to try other methods.

But Zhang Da was not in a hurry to help Misaka make a decision, but asked, "How about it, Misaka, do you think it's acceptable?"

"I want to say something up front. This is not asking you to cooperate with the experiment, nor is it ordering you to do something. You should have heard the conversation just now, right? Your will will determine your future fate."

"Would you like to have a longer time to spend with us?"

"Hee..." Gu Leiwa smiled, she admired this brat a little bit, but as a doctor, she also has her own position, she took out a scalpel and twirled it at her fingertips, "I also said what I said earlier , There are only two cases where my patient disappears from my eyes, either complete the treatment or die, don't even think about running away!"

"Misaka has 9982 experience in fighting opponents who will die as long as they are caught. If they chase a target over 130 years old, Misaka has the confidence to survive. Du~ Misaka analyzed it this way."

"..." Misaka's words contained a lot of information, and Guleva was a little surprised. She thought that Misaka's experience might be miserable, but she didn't expect it to be this miserable. He was only born for more than three months, but he has nearly 10,000 combat experiences. Does this mean that he has to fight more than a hundred times a day?

If this little girl is not lying, then the environment in which she grew up is terribly cruel.

"So what's your decision, do you want to run away?"

"No, Misaka is willing to receive treatment. Misaka likes her current life very much and hopes to continue traveling with everyone. Toot~ Misaka insists that she is simply answering questions and not expressing her inner feelings."

"Okay, I heard your answer." Zhang Da also smiled, "Then Dr. Gulewa, I will trouble you next."

Gu Leiwa didn't start dispensing medicine immediately, because her medicine box was full of commonly used medicines, and there were many medicinal materials that needed to be taken home, or even picked.

So Zhang Da also borrowed the banner demon Jin Erpeng and Ma Laowu from Ye Yan. One of these two can fly people and has excellent eyesight, and the other has a keen sense of smell and can communicate with animals. They should be able to help when looking for herbs.


Wapole didn't come out to play the demon today because he was sick and had a bad cold.

Last night, just after eating a hot roasted house, it was sent into the sky by a tornado, and then flew for a few kilometers before falling down and hanging on a cedar branch.

Wapole called for help as he thrashed his short legs in a daze.

But no one paid attention to him, because his staff officers, affairs officers, and soldiers were all stunned by the tornado, some of them were hung on trees like Wapole, and some were buried upside down in the snow.

Others were preoccupied, so Wapol had no choice but to save himself. He twisted his body and swallowed the upper half of the tree hanging from him in one gulp in a very unscientific posture.

So Wapole also fell headlong into the thick snow.

Immediately afterwards, a big mouth protruded from the snow surface, and it closed with a click. Wapol directly swallowed the snow that buried him, chewed a few times, and spit out two people.

"Useless things, you actually want this king to save you!"

"That's why His Majesty the King is much greater than us." Jess, the staff officer, cheered Wapole up with a word, and then he and the officer Cromarimon summoned the soldiers.

When Doruton arrived, some of the soldiers were digging out their companions, and some were trying to climb trees to save people.

Wapol has already brought Jess and Cromarimon back to the palace. In his words, how can there be any reason for the king to wait for the soldiers in the cold wind?

Without a word, Doruton joined the digging party and returned to the palace after all had been rescued.

Then he got the good news—the king had a bad cold.

That is to say, even with the treatment of 'Doctor 20', the king will not be able to go out and harm the common people for at least a few days, Doruton almost laughed out loud.

The author has a problem with his cervical spine, but fortunately, there should be help...

It’s just that the latest update may be affected. If it’s too late, don’t stay up and wait. I stayed up until midnight to keep full attendance. In fact, it’s not necessary for everyone to read. You should rest when you should. Health is really a big problem.

I would also advise everyone to try to move as much as possible. People who sit for a long time will have physical problems. I am an example o(╥﹏╥)o

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