Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 496 Official documents from Alabasta

"Are you planning to leave?" Not long after the new year, Zhang Da expressed his intention to leave to Zefa. Zefa knew that there was no hope of keeping them, and his heart was full of regret.

Zhang Da also said: "Well, it's the middle of this month, we've stayed long enough."

They have been in the training camp for more than five months, and Zhang Da has not forgotten that their original purpose of coming here was not only to eat, but also to learn the six styles.

Now, except for Shark Pepper, Weiwei, and Karu, everyone has mastered at least one or two moves, especially Yuebu, which can generally guarantee that they will not be killed if they fall from high altitude.

Not to mention Karoo, his physical structure limits him, let's talk about when Tom teaches him a set of six cat poses on a whim.

Weiwei is really too young, even if her physical fitness is far superior to her peers, it is still difficult to do it, at least it will take another year or two. Fortunately, she still has the rustling fruit, so as long as she doesn't fall on the sea, she shouldn't die.

As for Shark Pepper, as long as he is willing, he can bring his own finger gun and reinforced iron block, but learning moon steps is a bit difficult, so he can only think of other ways. If it doesn't work, everyone can take him with him at critical moments.

In this way, the skills that need to be learned have been mastered, the people that need to be seen have been seen, and all the dishes mastered by the head chef have basically been tasted. If you want to see something new in the vicinity, you can only go to the Holy Land Mary Gioia played around.

But Zhang Da was also afraid that he would not be able to help but want to make trouble when he got to Marie Gioia, so he didn't want to go there yet.

In addition, I don't know if he was overwhelmed, but Zhang Da also found that Zefa often inquired about his abilities recently, and occasionally created conditions for him to display other abilities in training sessions.

He suspected that Zefa might have noticed some details, and Zhang Da also thought it would be better to stay away from him.

In this way, it was time for them to leave the Navy headquarters and start a new journey.

Even Zhang Da is a bit reluctant to part with Ai Yin, it is really sweet to double the training experience.

In private, he asked Artoria and Rui Mengmeng to try to invite Ain to accompany him for a period of time, but unfortunately they failed.

Although Ain is very tempted to go with Artoria, she also has her own persistence. She joined the navy to uphold justice, so how could she give up her dream for the sake of "chasing stars".

The reason why Ain admires Artoria is because she is attracted by her temperament on the one hand, but more importantly because she has the power she desires, which can defeat most pirates and maintain justice.

If you rashly decide to go with her just because you admire her, then the cart is putting the cart before the horse. Regarding this point, Ain is very clear-headed.

"Since you have already decided, I have nothing to say." The invitation has been said more than once, and Zefa did not waste his words, he said, "Then I will hold a farewell banquet in a few days, which can be regarded as thank you Guidance and care for my students during this time."

When he realized that his skirt was being grabbed, Zhang Da also knew that he should accept Zefa's kindness.


The farewell banquet was not held in the headquarters, Zefa found a restaurant outside to reserve the venue, and the time was specially chosen on the rest day of the students so that they could enjoy themselves.

Zhang Da also complained quietly, not seeing that Zefa is actually the kind of leader who would take up the rest time of his subordinates for team building.

But if Zefa pays for it out of his own pocket, do you want everyone to restrain themselves?

"Let's eat freely. Although I can't say how rich I am, I still have the capital to treat you to a big meal."

Zefa knows what Zhang Da is also worried about, but his salary is not low, and he usually lives in the headquarters, and his only hobby is drinking a few glasses of sherry occasionally, but many students know what he likes, and he is often taken with him. Wine to see him, so Zefa usually has almost no expenses.

"And this is a restaurant opened by a family member of one of my students. If you eat more, you can take care of the business."

Most of the people living in the small town of Marin Fanduo are family members of the Navy. It is not surprising that there are Zefa students. Zhang Da also asked: "Then we will not welcome you. Is your student here today?"

Zefa also poured a glass of wine for Zhang Da, and poured another glass himself: "He has been sacrificed for more than ten years... During the war where the Golden Lion made a big fuss in the headquarters, he went to organize civilians to take refuge. The warship smashed down with people and boats..."

"Ah, sorry."

"No, there is no need to apologize." Zefa raised his glass, "Instead, I want to thank you for him, thank you for defeating the golden lion."

"It's just a coincidence." Zhang Da also clinked glasses with Zefa, and the wine flowed between the taste buds, with sweet, sour, and spicy flavors, and the taste was very complex.

After drinking a cup, Zhang Da probably knew the reason why Zefa likes this wine. The taste of sherry wine is as complicated and changeable as Zefa's life experience.

The topic at the beginning was a little serious, but not many people heard it. Most of the students were young people, and they quickly became agitated.

Tom took Karoo Duck to eat, drink and play tricks everywhere, Shark Pepper was good at socializing, pulling several groups of people to fight for wine, and Ye Yan, a person who can create atmosphere and likes to show off, was there, and the atmosphere of the banquet gradually heated up.

During the period, people kept coming to Zhang Daye and the others to express their gratitude. Usually, whether they played against each other or trained together, they learned a lot from each other, and many people were saved by them on the battlefield, but now they also I can only say thank you and keep the kindness in my heart.

Artoria was a little annoyed, thanking and saying goodbye to people would only affect her efficiency in tasting delicious food, but these people had fought side by side, and Artoria was sincerely happy about it.

Rui Mengmeng was wrestling her wrists. She had already knocked down more than 20 people, and Uncle Long was one of them. Now he was mingling with the onlookers to cheer for Rui Mengmeng.

The little girls were looking for delicious desserts everywhere, looking very happy, especially Perona, neither Uncle Long nor Zhang Da would spoil the fun on this occasion, which means that there is no limit to the desserts today!

She was almost out of her body with joy.


A long shed was set up for thousands of miles, and there was no permanent feast. After a happy gathering, the Amber finally sailed away from the Navy headquarters.

In addition to the trainees in the training camp, Zefa with a regretful expression and Garp who was picking his nose were watching them leave.

Zefa sighed: "In the end, I still refused to stay."

"Yeah, damn guy." Garp flicked his fingers, and a suspicious object flew out, "Eating 900 donuts in a row failed to beat that little girl, it's disgusting!"

Zefa dodged skillfully, not wanting to talk to Karp.

Binz looked at the 'flying misfortune' on his shoe, dared not speak out, he had an idea, and asked: "Ai Yin, can you help me back up?"

Ain said bluntly, "I refuse."

At this time, Warring States was reading an official document from Alabasta in his office.

In the beginning, there were some polite words to thank the Navy for taking care of Vivi, and then some appreciation for the Navy’s work in the past year. The key point is that in the end, Cobra made a request to the Navy in the name of the king.

"I hope to invite Mr. Binz, an outstanding student from the training camp, to go to Alabasta to serve as an environmental and agricultural consultant after graduation."

Zhan Guo wiped his glasses and rubbed his eyes again, is there something wrong?

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