(Mistake, the original shape of the Perfume Snake is the Qingyan Boat in the Summer Palace, and the previous chapter was written as a building boat)

"My lord, it's a navy ship, and there's the amber tour group, do you want to avoid it?"

On the Perfume Snake, the green-haired Sandersonia asked.

Boa Hancock bent her legs slightly, and a boa constrictor with red markings coiled up into a chair shape spiritually behind her.

Hancock sat on the boa constrictor calmly, propped his chin with one hand, and asked, "Why do you want to avoid it?"

Sandersonia knew that her sister didn't like to pay attention to outside intelligence, so she specially reminded: "My lord, the amber tour group was able to defeat Crocodile who is also Shichibukai. They are not ordinary small characters. And they have been training with the navy recently. The battalion is acting together, which means that Zefa, who once served as admiral of the navy, is on board the warship."

The orange-haired Marigold persuaded: "Yes, even if my sister is Shichibukai, you don't have to worry about the navy chasing you, but it's better not to have too much contact. It's okay to avoid it a little bit."

"I refuse, Sandersonia, Marigold, don't forget one thing, I can become Shichibukai because I am strong, not because I avoid it." Hancock is very confident in her own strength, she is tough Said, "Straight ahead."

"Master Snake Princess!"


"It's so beautiful!"

There was a scream behind the three sisters. The female fighters of the Nine Snake Pirates were also fascinated by Hancock, and her charm killed both men and women.

"That's right, if it's my sister, you don't have to make way for anyone." Sandersonia and Marigold were very convinced by their sister.

The two swimming snakes were ordered and continued to move forward without avoiding.

Unexpectedly, before the two sides got too close, the warship and the Amber took the initiative to change course and avoid the Perfume Snake.

The members of the Nine Snake Pirates were taken aback for a moment, and naturally attributed the matter to Hancock: "As expected of Master Snake Princess!"

Although Hancock was also a little suspicious, he took it for granted that others made way for him. Rather than thinking about it, it was better to find the next target quickly, and it was almost time to return.


Zhang Da, who took himself off the mast, didn't look at Hancock again. It was enough to satisfy his curiosity with a glance. Wouldn't it be Sanji to stare at the beauty? He is a person with self-control, not because he is afraid of pain.

Regarding Zefa's decision to turn around, Zhang Da also expressed his understanding. Zefa must be worried about his students' accidents, so he immediately followed after receiving the decision to turn from the warship.

But afterwards Zhang Da also asked Zefa to persuade him: "Actually, there is no need to be afraid of them. Even if there is a conflict, we are still here."

Am I afraid of them? The reason why I hide away is because you are here! Zefa found that Zhang Da also had no idea how troublesome he was.

"It's not that I'm afraid of her, it's better to avoid such troubles, and with Boa Hancock's style, since they came from that route, there will be no living pirates on that route Yes." Zefa managed to find a plausible reason, "It doesn't make sense for us to go there any longer, so we might as well change the route for inspection."

"Oh." Zhang Da was also convinced, as expected of a former admiral, he was really thoughtful.

Rui Mengmeng tugged at Zhang Daye's lapel and whispered, "Boss, why do I feel that Mr. Zefa is lying?"

"No, there's no need to lie to us about such trivial matters." Zhang Da also felt that Zefa was a real person.

"That may be because I think too much."

Looking at the Perfume Snake going away slowly, Zhang Da also took out a pen and paper and scribbled a few words: "It's a rare encounter, let's say hello, Tom, send this over with a bow and arrow."

Zhang Da also handed the note to Tom, pulled out another set of bows and arrows, and said, "Shoot the mast, don't shoot people, or it will be provocation."

Tom nodded. He knew how to shoot an arrow. It was an easy distance to shoot.


Tom skillfully bent the bow, set the arrow and loosened the string. A series of processes were skillful and beautiful. If there is anything imperfect...

That is, after the arrow was released, the bow and arrow remained in place, and Tom flew out by himself.

"Tom!" Everyone froze for a moment, then shouted. It's just that their shouts were not as fast as Tom's, and no matter how much they shouted, it was useless.

But there is one thing that everyone can agree on, that is unexpected and reasonable.

As expected of Tom.

"If I had known it earlier, I wouldn't have been fooling around." Zhang Da also felt a little bit regretful.

Tom, who was flying in the air, blinked his eyes in confusion, but after looking down and found that he was flying, Tom gasped, "It's broken, the master asked me to deliver the letter, where is the letter?"

Oh, it's in the hand, it's all right, Tom wiped the sweat from his brow, and heaved a sigh of relief, it's ok, ok. But there was always something wrong, and Tom crossed his arms, unable to figure it out.

It wasn't until Tom bumped headlong against the mast of the Perfume Snake that he rolled onto the aft deck and was surrounded by a swarm of snakes that he realized what had happened.

The female warriors of Nine Snakes basically carry a snake with them. In addition to the functions of warning and tracking, this snake can also be used as a bow for the female warriors, allowing them to shoot arrows at any time.

But now, the cat that fell from the sky attracted the attention of the group of snakes, and they spit out the letter and observed this seemingly delicious little thing.

"Hmm..." Tom put his hands behind his back and let out an awkward laugh, trying to ease the atmosphere.

But when he smiled like that, it was usually of no use.

A snake couldn't bear it and launched an attack. It opened its mouth wide and rushed to bite.

Tom jumped up and stepped on the snake's head in an instant.

Another snake rushed down and bit it, and Tom jumped up in a panic to step on the snake's head again.

A large group of snakes attacked them. Tom dodged left and right, jumped up and down, and successfully tied all the snakes' bodies together, and even tied a Chinese knot.

The snakes struggled hard, but found that the struggle became tighter and tighter, and finally fell to the ground panting.

Tom found a snake that was pleasing to the eye, and tied the snake's head and tail to two railings as a slingshot. He sat on it and tried to stretch it backwards.

"Hiss~" The unlucky snakes were stretched until they rolled their eyes, and quickly called their boss, Salome, a boa constrictor belonging to Hancock, in "snake language".

Salome spit out the letter to observe the situation, and jumped towards Tom and bit down.

Tom quickly loosened his legs and let himself be ejected by the 'slingshot'.

The unlucky 'Slingshot Snake' fell loosely on the deck, its body became thin and elongated, and it couldn't return to its original shape for a while.

At the same time, a note fell lightly—even though Tom was in danger, he did not forget that his mission was to deliver the letter.

The note ended up in Hancock's hands, with just two words written on it: Hail hydra!

"Long live the Hydra?" Sandersonia hesitated to read out this sentence, "What does this mean, do you want to attach us?"

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