Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 479 The Adventures of Tatsuya (4000 words)

The hammock was returned, and it was Zefa who insisted on returning it. Although Aokiji was a little bit reluctant, it might be because he felt that killing people in dreams was really not good, so he could only agree in the end.

"Don't forget it." Zhang Da also agreed to take back the hammock. Anyway, he has already prostituted Qingzhi's labor force for nothing, so it's not a loss.

Aokiji probably felt bored, waved his hands and went back to his office to sleep.

Then the hammock was occupied by Tom, who had just eaten and just slept.

After Sengoku learned about this incident, he expressed his appreciation to Zefa. He had been worried for a long time when Sakaski had a problem last time, and he didn't want anything to happen to Aokiji.

However, Warring States still has some doubts. Where did Zhang Da get such a magical thing? According to Zefa and Aokiji, it is an ordinary hammock, and it is a broken hammock that has been mended. It does not look like a technological product.

Just like the cigarettes given to Sakalski at the beginning, they look ordinary, but they are amazing to use. Is it a product of ability?

This Zhang Daye's ability is probably not just a simple storage of items like bags of fruits, maybe it can give magical effects to ordinary items, but this effect is uncontrollable. Or, simply generate items out of thin air!

If such an assumption is true, then whether it is cigarettes or hammocks, the pistol Tom used that does not need to be reloaded, Jackie Chan's fire-breathing stone, Ye Yan's gong that can hold people in place... all seem to be With an explanation.

Zhan Guo pressed his temple, but he didn't know how this ability was activated, and what were the restrictions... That kid was too guarded, and asked him what his ability was, but refused to say, is the navy so scary?


"The navy is not scary, but there will inevitably be undercover agents in the navy, just like Virgo."

Zhang Da, who just came back after being called by the Warring States Period, is also educating the little lolis, "If our information is clear to others, it will be easy to be targeted by others. Remember the last time that made you suffer a lot Pirates, right?"

The little girls nodded one after another, and even Perona, who liked to contradict Zhang Da, had to agree with him.

"So if you can keep your ability secret, keep it secret. Even if you show it to others, don't explain it yourself, let them guess at will, and don't introduce your ability effect to others during the battle..."

Zhang Da also talked about commonplace issues, and gave a few counter-examples by the way: "Several people like Tina, Binz, and Ain have this problem, so don't learn from them."

"That... Excuse me." Ai Yin raised a hand in embarrassment. She was about to say hello when she heard Zhang Da also talking about her, which made her neither stay nor leave. In the end, she could only speak out remind.

"Sister Ai Yin." The little girls greeted each other, and Wendy and Weiwei were a little embarrassed for Zhang Da.

Perona didn't think it was a big deal, and said angrily: "Sister Ai Yin, he is talking bad about you behind your back, use your ability to deal with him!"

Zhang Da also said embarrassedly: "Ah... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, that, when I was educating them, if I didn't pay attention..."

"It doesn't matter. Mr. Tatsuya is right. In order to deter the enemy in battle, we really like to reveal our abilities. Perhaps the effect of surprise will be better." Ain deliberately bit the word 'deterring the enemy' very hard, It means that she did it to dampen the opponent's morale, not to show off.

"Yeah, I'm thinking too one-sidedly." At this time, arguing with her would obviously not be enough momentum, Zhang Da also directly admitted, "Miss Ai Yin came here on purpose, what's the matter?"

Ain didn't bother with this, and started talking about business: "Well, it's like this, Mr. Tatsuya said before that he wanted to experience my ability, and I just have free time today, so..."

"Oh~ yes yes yes, I almost forgot! Come on!" Zhang Da also patted his forehead, he really wanted to experience Ai Yin's ability, and by the way, test whether his domineering level is high or not.

Ain stretched out a hand: "Is it right here?"

"It's right here, I'll prepare a little bit." Zhang Da also mobilized his armed domineering as much as possible, and then stretched out a black hand, "Come on... what are you doing?"

As soon as he looked up, he found that his companions, from humans to cats to ducks, were all around, looking at Ai Yin and Zhang Daye with curiosity or expectation.

Arturia even put down her drink and watermelon, and said, "Based on Tatsuya's age, if you go back twelve years, you should be only six or seven years old, right?"

"That's right!" Rui Mengmeng continued, "I'm a little curious about what the boss was like when he was a child."

"So do we!" The eyes of the little girls were about to sparkle, and they always felt that something bad was brewing.

Shark Pepper said: "I'm a little worried, will the Boss Tatsuya cry and act like a rascal when he was a child?"

Jackie Chan suggested: "Why don't you tell me what toys and snacks you liked when you were young, so we can prepare them in advance."

Ye Yan didn't say a word, he was just watching the excitement, he must be thinking of some bad idea.

"...Thank you for your concern." Zhang Da also sighed resignedly, and confirmed to Ai Yin, "Come on."

A pink flame ignited in the palm of Ai Yin, pressing it on Zhang Daye's black hand: "Back!"

"Hmm~" Zhang Da also had a weird feeling on his body. His armored body couldn't resist Ai Yin's ability, and his whole body quickly began to shrink, shrinking to about one meter before stopping.

The originally well-fitting navy uniform suddenly became much bigger, and it was loosely put on him, and the trousers fell down. Fortunately, the top fell down in time like a skirt to cover important parts.

"Uh~ha..." Zhang Da managed to poke his head out of his collar, and looked down at his own state.

The lower body was chilly, but since it wasn't naked, let it be ignored. Both hands were covered by long sleeves, and they lifted up and shook a few times before they were successfully stretched out. He looked up and saw that everyone except Tom and Karoo had grown taller than him.

"It failed, I couldn't stand it." Zhang Da was also a little disappointed, but it was still expected. In addition, such a scene reminded him of Conan involuntarily.

Zhang Da also tried to take a step, but found that his shoes were not following his feet, and he tripped over his pants on the ground, and fell to the ground with a plop.

"It hurts... It seems that I feel Wendy's pain." Zhang Da also got up and rubbed his forehead, feeling that his physical fitness had deteriorated a lot.

"So cute!" Zhang Daye's change caused a burst of cheers.

Rui Mengmeng, who is usually more boyish, feels her girlish heart has been awakened: "So the boss was so cute when he was young!"

"Is this still the black-hearted boss?" Perona showed an unbelievable expression, and then said what she would say when she saw a cute animal before, "Be my pet!"

Wendy rushed forward exaggeratedly——began to pat her head: "Brother Tatsuya, good boy... No, it's Brother Tatsuya!"

Even Arturia couldn't help but join in the fun, and took out a little lion headgear from somewhere, and put it on for Zhang Da without any explanation, and nodded in satisfaction after looking at it carefully for a while.

The smaller Zhang Da was also unanimously welcomed by the girls, and Weiwei even used her ability to build a sandcastle for him to play with.

As for Zhang Da himself, he immediately learned Ye Yan's dead fish-eye expression.

Seeing his helpless look, Ai Yin quickly asked, "Do you want to cancel the ability?"

"Hey? Don't you want it?" Everyone was a little bit reluctant, it was fun.

"Let's change back later, I still have some tests to do." Zhang Da also broke free from his clutches, and said mature words in a childish voice, "Tom, lend me a suit of clothes first."

He looks a little taller than Tom now, so he should be able to make do with it.

Tom nodded, turning out his red lifeguard outfit.

Zhang Da also wanted him to change, but forget it. Tom didn't have many pants in his clothes, and the western cowboy one didn't feel very comfortable, so let's deal with it first.

But Tom seemed to see that Zhang Da was not too satisfied, so he picked up the clothes he had changed, brought a basin of water, and started washing and drying the clothes on the spot.

As a result, the wearable and washable navy uniform began to shrink under the eyes of everyone, just shrunk to a size that Zhang Da could also wear.

"You are amazing." It was also the first time Zhang Da saw clothes that had shrunk so badly.

After changing his clothes again, Zhang Da also looked at himself in the mirror. He felt that something was wrong. His appearance seemed to be somewhat different from his childhood self. It didn't look like going back in time, but seemed to be scaled down.

All kinds of energies in the body are still there, but the total amount has decreased a lot. Zhang Da also tried the armed domineering color. It is more difficult to make his fists black, and it will be very tiring to punch a few times with domineering.

"Shave!" Zhang Da also rushed out of the locker room, then fell to the ground, clutching his ankle.

"Brother Tatsuya, how are you?" Wendy hurried over to check.

"I sprained my ankle. Although I still have the six-style technique, my body seems to be unable to support it." Zhang Da also talked about his situation, then tapped Wendy on the head, reminding, "Also, I only have a temporary physical change." I'm young, but my mental age is still there, it feels strange to be called my brother by you."

"Did Brother Tatsuya have a temper?" Wendy didn't care about being knocked, she reached out to touch Zhang Daye's head, took out a lollipop, and said with a smile, "Do you want some candy?"

Zhang Daye: ...

This child must have lost his temper, and feels hopeless.

For minor injuries like a sprained ankle, Wendy can heal quickly.

A few minutes later, Zhang Da also tried to practice various sword skills with a lollipop in his mouth and a long sword in his hand.

He has almost gotten used to this small body, he still has all the abilities he knew before, and he has not forgotten his physical skills, but many moves can't be used just by knowing the skills, or they can't use the power they should.

Ye Yan "kindly" wanted to be a training partner for Zhang Da, but Zhang Da also refused. He could guess what this guy wanted to do with his heels.

It would be better to ask Uncle Long for help, at least he has a conscience.

Ai Yin has already left, because Zhang Da does not plan to change back for the time being, he wants to try to exercise in this state for a few days, and see if he can become much stronger after recovery.

Anyway, maintaining this state does not require Ain to expend physical strength. Her ability is similar to that of sugar that can turn people into toys. After the cast is completed, there is no need to maintain it. It doesn’t matter if the ability user sleeps, as long as he does not accidentally lose consciousness.

On the first day of being a child, Zhang Da also received a lot of care. For example, Wendy would help him cook, help him wash clothes, and even wanted to help him wash his face. After Zhang Da also emphasized many times that he has not lost the ability to take care of himself, he stopped.

When it comes to eating rice, Zhang Da also found that his appetite has become smaller, so he had to share the extra food with Artoria.

Then Arturia felt that she liked the smaller Tatsuya more.


During morning exercises the next day, Zefa noticed something was wrong: "Who is that child? Where is Zhang Daye?"

"I am Zhang Daye, Mr. Zefa." Zhang Daye's immature voice made the students in the training camp feel very novel.

"Are you...Ain's ability?" Zefa suddenly thought of the reason, "Are you having a conflict?"

"No, I asked for it myself." Zhang Da also talked about the unique training method he thought of.

"Can the ability of regressing fruit be used like this?" Zefa looked at Ain, but Ain himself didn't know if it was useful.

"I don't know, let's try." Zhang Da also feels that his progress has not been so fast recently. Of course, it may be that after reaching a certain level, the improvement in a short period of time is not as obvious as before. So I wanted to try something else, anyway, I had nothing to lose except a little shame now and then, and the bed was roomy for sleeping with Tom at night.

Then, there were a few more kids on the training ground.

Among the trainees, there are also those who are eager for success and dare to take risks. Let's try it together. If it works, the speed of the Navy's training of recruits will be greatly improved in the future.

Three more days passed like this, and Zhang Da was called to the marshal's office again.

Everyone looked at him as if they were looking at a problem student who was called away by the teacher to talk.

Little Zhang Da also knocked on the door of the marshal's office accompanied by Artoria and Tom.

Zhan Guo nodded to Artoria, then looked at Zhang Daye and Tom who habitually ran to feed the sheep, and asked, "Who is this child, where is Zhang Daye?"

"Here." Zhang Da also explained, "I'm experiencing Ai Yin's ability."

"?" A question mark popped up on Zhan Guo's head. He is quite good at playing. What is the experience of that ability?

He didn't pay much attention to the training camp these days. He didn't know that there were a group of children in the training camp, which was almost enough to open a kindergarten.

"It's not important." Zhang Da also sat down on the sofa that Karp usually likes very carelessly. He is already very familiar with this place, "Why are you looking for me? I haven't caused any trouble recently."

"That's not necessarily true, let's take a look at this." Zhan Guo handed him a document.

Zhang Da also held the document in both hands, and read it word by word.

Zhan Guo adjusted his glasses, but he didn't expect this child to be quite cute when he was young.

"Upheaval in the Kingdom of Lulucia"

A few days ago, the king of the Kingdom of Lulucia suddenly fell into a coma for unknown reasons.

The minister of state took advantage of this opportunity to spread rumors among the people and launched a coup when public opinion became more intense.

Lancer, the captain of the king's army, had a conflict with him. At present, the minister of state affairs is in a disadvantageous position, and the domestic situation is turbulent.

Zhang Da also put down the file, blinked his eyes and tried to be cute: "What does this have to do with me?"

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