Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 472 Tom's Party (4000 words)

Whitebeard II is very strong, and Kizaru commented that "Compared with other pirates, he has overwhelming strength, just like a young Whitebeard, of course it is only in terms of strength."

Although Kizaru, a person with a mouth full of fear, may be a little watery in his evaluation of the pirate's strength, and this sentence is suspected of ridiculing Weibull's lack of brains, but it is what he said to his subordinates, so it shouldn't be too bad.

Judging from the few moves he made just now, it must be no problem to kill Crocodile.

So Zhang Da also slipped away with Tom.

Not because of cowardice, but because Weibull refused to communicate, he couldn't get any words out. If there is a chance, Zhang Da would still like to try his hand, but right now it is more important to go and see how Wendy and the others are doing.

Weibull has Artoria and Zefa here, so no matter what happens, the car will not be overturned.

In fact, it stands to reason that the little girls don't have to worry too much. Wendy's combat power is nothing to say, and Perona's ability is also like cheating. Everyone can't resist it with domineering, right?

It’s just that Zefa reminded him that the remnants of the Waldo Pirates who cooperated with Weibull are very powerful, and there is also a think tank who is extremely good at collecting information (Zhang Da also automatically translated into "Old Yin" in his mind. Than'), which made him a little worried.

Facts have proved that Zefa is right. This think-tank character Binjack is a bit above average. Not only is the information collected comprehensively, but also the utilization efficiency is amazing. Even a little thing can be analyzed by him. Then speculate on possible weaknesses.

At least now the little girls are being targeted very hard.

Weiwei controls the sand on the ground to form a wall to protect everyone, but a thin layer of sand wall is difficult to block these "elites" carefully selected by Bin Jack, and after Weiwei's body is wet, it cannot be transformed into elements for a short time , to be distracted to avoid the attack.

If she wanted to suck up the water on her body, at least one hand would not be able to participate in the battle, and it would be a big challenge for her physical strength to continuously activate her abilities, so she might as well try to dodge and attack.

Xia Lulu spread her wings to catch up with the flying earth cube, she helped Wendy up: "Wendy, cheer up, I'll take you away right away!"

"Don't try to succeed!" Nan Ding took a sip of the potion and sprayed it out, "Chinese medicine boxing, Chinese medicine poisonous gas!"

A burst of mist sprayed out from Nanding's mouth and enveloped Xia Lulu. Immediately afterwards, the navy uniform on Xia Lulu's body began to be corroded by the mist. Holes began to appear in various places on the shoulders, chest, thighs, and the remaining fabric could only cover the key points. parts, and may fall off at any time.

"Ah~" Xia Lulu screamed and blocked the important parts with her arms. Although her body was not affected, the sudden change made her blush, "What kind of move is this!"

"Hee hee hee~ As long as you move around, the clothes on your body will fall off, little girl!" Nan Ding smirked, and looked Xia Lulu up and down, "But there is nothing to be shy about your figure, right? Is your little girl really worth 200 million?"

Xia Lulu is indeed Wendy's good sister. Even if she transforms into a girl with magic transformation, her figure is very similar to Wendy's, but she obviously doesn't want to be told by an old man who is also short: "Use such a strange move, and what do you have?" Are you qualified to say me?"

"Qualification? Then let me show you." Nan Ding took out a pack of medicinal powder and swallowed it. "Chinese medicine boxing, secret medicine, Korean newcomer!"

I saw that Nan Ding's legs and arms became slender and fit in an instant, his skin became smooth and firm, all the wrinkles and age spots on his face disappeared, and the original loose cheongsam and white coat were perfectly held up—that old man The heavy old man suddenly turned into a tall, youthful and beautiful beauty.

Wendy's eyes lit up when she was dizzy from the 'vehicle'. Is it a medicine that can grow taller after taking it? Vomit... No, I'm still dizzy.

"At the age of 70, I can become such a youthful appearance after using this secret medicine." Nan Ding proudly puffed out her chest. Facing this kind of little girl who has not yet begun to grow, Win has no sense of accomplishment at all. She put on an offensive posture, "Now you can't move, and I... Chinese medicine boxing method gegentang!"

Nan Ding jumped up and kicked Xia Lulu one after another with her beautiful legs in high heels, which looked a bit like Chun Li's cracked feet.

What she didn't expect was that Xia Lulu flew up with Wendy, leaving only a few small rags floating in the air.

"What? You are so shameless... a cat?" Nan Ding was taken aback. By the way, this girl seems to be a cat that ate the human fruit. If the cat doesn't wear clothes, it seems that there is nothing to be ashamed of?

"Hmph~" Xia Lulu was actually a little shy, after all, she was usually wearing clothes, so it felt a bit strange, "Wendy, get rid of her now!"

Then I can go find something to change into.

"I see, but..." Wendy was trying to restart, so she looked at the situation on the ground first.

Perona and Weiwei are teaming up to fight. Although Weiwei can't elementalize, she can still use basic abilities and moves, and she has learned a lot in the training camp, but her strength is not that strong and she needs to rely on Rusha The fruit increases lethality.

Perona is better. After all, she is fourteen years old. Although she usually likes to be lazy, since Uncle Long came, she has maintained the basic kung fu practice, and she has not missed a single physical class in the training camp. Zefa felt that Perona had potential, and even thoughtfully customized a training plan for her, and it was a step-by-step, one with heavier tasks day by day.

Although this caused Perona to hate the navy more and more, the progress she had made was real. There was nothing she could do with three or five pirates relying solely on physical skills, but now that there were too many enemies, she was in a hurry.

However, the pirates who fought with her were also uncomfortable, because Perona was still using passive ghosts and explosive ghosts to harass, and the pirates could only take some bitter medicine after a while, and some of them didn't take it The medicine is now being stared at by the negative specter, and it is constantly being harmed, and now I can't even stand up.

Karu and Moda really couldn't help much. Moda had tried before, picked up a stone and hit a pirate on the back of the head, but he didn't even look back and continued to besiege Weiwei. There is no other way, Karu can only be a real duck, obey Weiwei's order and run away when he finds a chance, hoping to find someone to rescue him.

"In that case, I'll come to support everyone first." Wendy felt that she had almost recovered, and stretched out her hand, "Everyone can rise, Knight of God! Also, stamina of all attributes will rise, Crown of God!"

Two magic circles lit up under Perona and Weiwei's feet, and then a feeling came from the bottom of their hearts—they were strengthened.


At this time, Zhang Da was also on the way carrying Tom, and happened to meet Kalu who was running back with Moda on his back.

"Quack~" Karoo felt relieved when he saw Tom, and hurried over, croaked and told Tom about Vivi's plight, pointing in the direction with his wings, begging Tom to come and save her.

Zhang Da couldn't understand either, and he didn't realize that Kalu was talking to Tom, otherwise he would have been a little embarrassed.

Moda said anxiously: "Please hurry up and rescue Sister Weiwei and the others. It seems that everyone has been caught in a weak point. It's very dangerous!"

"I'll go right away! Run in that direction, remember to stay away from the battlefield!" Zhang Da also became anxious. The person Zefa said was good at collecting intelligence really found out everyone's weaknesses? While running, he conveniently cast an acceleration spell on himself.

Some of the pirates had rich combat experience and didn't wait quietly for the magical girl to transform. No matter what her ability was, they fought first.

So Weiwei was accidentally hit in the back by a mace while dodging. Because her body was too wet to be elementalized, Weiwei flew out and hit the face of an unlucky pirate on the top of her head.

The pirate screamed and fell down, Weiwei was bounced back and rolled on the ground a few times, rubbed her head and got up.

"Vivi!" Perona used a kick that didn't fit the fighting style here, knocked down a pirate, and hit a pirate in the stomach with another punch, sending him flying five or six meters away. , and then rushed to Weiwei's side to support her, "How are you?"

"Huh?" Weiwei rubbed her back in a daze, but didn't feel any pain, "It seems to be fine, it's Sister Wendy's ability!"

Perona also realized that her movements just now were ridiculously sensitive, and her strength had also become much stronger. She clenched her fists, with a little devil's smile on her face: "What an exaggerated effect, then, let's show them some color!"


"Perona! Weiwei! Come on, I'll help you right away!" Wendy yelled in the sky, Xia Lulu lowered the height very cooperatively, Wendy took a deep breath, "The roar of Tianlong!"

When there are many enemies, it is best to use this trick to deal with them. The violent tornado blows more than a dozen people flying nearly 100 meters away. Shangsheng broke the tree.

"Damn little girl, don't ignore me!" Nan Ding stepped on the block platform Gayram made for her, and pointed at Wendy with her finger, "Chinese medicine boxing: Cordyceps Sanshou gun!"

"Tianlong's broken tooth!" Wendy was not afraid at all, with a hurricane wrapped around her hand, she grabbed it like a dragon's claw.

laugh! The sleeves of Nan Ding's white coat were torn to pieces, and three bloodstains appeared on his arms.

"Traditional Chinese Medicine Boxing Sanqi Zhixue Powder!" Nan Ding's wound stopped bleeding and healed at an incredible speed, and said proudly, "I never thought that my Chinese Medicine Boxing can not only attack and defend, but also heal myself in battle! "

Wendy really didn't expect that she didn't know Xue Liya who used the magic of destroying the gods in the sky when she was on Sirius Island, but it's no big deal, Wendy has seen people whose wounds heal faster than hers.

"Xia Lulu!"


The two of them have a good understanding, and they often don't need much communication to understand each other's meaning in battle. Xia Lulu took Wendy to dive down, and Wendy waved her hands when she was close to the ground: "Tianlong's wave wind!"

A tornado appeared out of nowhere, and more than a dozen unlucky pirates were swept up by the storm, spinning upwards from bottom to top, and then thrown out.

"I told you not to ignore me!" Nan Ding jumped down from a high place and slashed down with one leg, "Chinese Medicine Boxing Bazhen Decoction!"

"Good opportunity!" Xia Lulu and Wendy smiled at the same time, they were just waiting for each other to hang in the air.

"Tianlong's hook claw!" With the help of Xia Lulu's strength, Wendy not only avoided Nan Ding's leg, but also took the opportunity to turn over and kick, kicking Nan Ding's chin hard with a swift kick.

"Wow!" Nanding's jaw was hit hard, almost biting his own tongue, and he turned backwards and flew out.

When Zhang Daye and Tom arrived, what they saw was the scene where Perona and Weiwei were playing Wushuang in the crowd, and Wendy kicked Nan Ding flying.

He scratched his hair wonderingly, did he misunderstand Moda's words just now, what she actually said was that the other party's situation was very dangerous?

While thinking about it, the ground under Zhang Daye's feet suddenly turned into a square and moved. A man with a figure like a tumbler came out of the ground and swung a square sledgehammer taller than Zhang Daye's sideways to smash it.

This trick is a bit like Zhong Wuyan in a certain game.

Zhang Da also slashed horizontally with his sword and split the sledgehammer in half, but the matter was not over, and the split hammer accidentally hit Tom.

Tom didn't even understand what was going on, so he was sent flying, and when he landed on the ground, he became square and blinked innocently.

Gailam stopped his hands confidently, and said confidently: "I am a cubic fruit capable person, and I can turn anything into a cube shape, even that cat is no exception!"

Zhang Da also looked at him with funny eyes, let's not talk about why you suddenly reported your family name, and didn't mention whether you have a relative named Steve, let's just say that Tom is square and square, Are you sure you turned him into a cube?

"Even if you defeat me, my ability will not be released! If you don't want your cat to stay that way, don't act rashly!"

According to Bin Jack's information, Zhang Da also attaches great importance to this cat, eats and lives with it every day, and even uses its image as the banner of the tour group. Another theory is that the Amber Tour Group killed Crocodile because he sent someone to catch the cat! So this cat is the biggest weakness of the amber tour group, at least it is also Zhang Daye's weakness!

Guy Ram is very convinced of Binjack's intelligence and plans, so after he controls Tom, there is no suspense in this battle!

Although there was a slight error in the capture of the little girl, he was sure that with Nanding's ability, he would still be able to take medicine and fight again. As long as the two of them work together to deal with those little girls seriously, it will be absolutely fine.

At this time, the square Tom stretched out his hands and feet, and ran to Zhang Daye's side in small steps. He leaned his elbow on Zhang Daye's leg, put his other hand on his hip, and raised one foot, feeling a little unhappy. Look at Guy Ram.

Zhang Da also looked at Tom, and then at Guy Ram who was speaking: "Come on, you continue."

"This is impossible!"

The Nan Ding who uses traditional Chinese medicine boxing has a very strange combat power setting. She can use various powders and messy physical skills to deal with the empress for several rounds, and she can also block the empress's arrows, but it is very funny. Get down with a tail twitch. .

The setting of this special episode of "3D2Y Beyond the Death of Ace" is really difficult to describe in words. With the strength shown by Waldo, Luffy can defeat him without even learning the domineering. In fact, the empress should be able to sweep him. Flying to follow is a hindrance, and it turned out to be the main C...

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