Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 457 Iron Block! Grass (4000 words)

Chapter 457 Iron Block! Grass... (4000 words)

Of course, things were not as bad as imagined. It was not a day or two since the two cigarettes were sent out. If they really wanted to make trouble, they couldn't sit leisurely like they are now.

While everyone was chatting, the waiter had already brought the food, and everyone tasted it. After eating, there are still many shops waiting for them to explore.

The town of Marin Fanduo is indeed a bustling town as Ain said, even Rogge Town near the entrance of the Great Airway cannot compare with it.

The mental outlook of the people on the street is also different from that in Rogge Town. Living near the Navy Headquarters makes them feel safe.

Only the elders know that there will either be no accidents in this place, or there will be huge accidents, but such incidents are rare in decades, and most of the time, everyone just needs to live in a down-to-earth manner.

Everyone had a good stroll around the town, and they had toothpaste and toothbrushes, history and art books, dolls, snacks, clothes and other items in their hands.

After returning to the base, everyone shared things with familiar sailors—after coming for so long, there will always be some familiar people.

For example, Kane, who was thrown over the shoulder by Tom, would always challenge them whenever he had the opportunity after that time. Although the record is still ugly, his strength has improved rapidly.

At this time, Kane was deep in thought with the toothpaste in his hand. Why did his roommate receive only snacks, but he received toothpaste? He bared his teeth in the mirror, it's not dirty...

A few more days passed in a flash, Zhang Daye and the others were still exercising their physical fitness every day in the training camp, learning the six styles, developing their abilities, and occasionally hitting the students in various courses.

Of course, it is important to learn some useful knowledge in cultural classes. Zefa is also considered to be well-intentioned, and he specially found an ordinary teacher to teach the little girls various basic knowledge.

Although Zhang Da would also urge them to learn these things on the Amber, it was not as comprehensive as a real teacher after all.

Zhang Da also often took turns attending classes with other people because he was worried. The obvious reason was to prevent Perona from taking the lead in making troubles, but in fact he was worried that the teacher would instill strange ideas in them.

By the way, you can also grab some textbooks for backup, and continue the class after leaving the training camp.

Perona protested against this arrangement, but the protest was ineffective, and Zhang Da felt that it was almost time to arrange junior high school courses for her.


This kind of life continued until Akazuki went out to perform missions, and Kizaru returned from missions.

What Zhang Da was worried about did not happen. Akaken left the naval base normally that day, which made him feel relieved that nothing happened, but also disappointed that he could not see the gentle Akainu.

"Today's combat course is different from the past." Zefa made an introduction gesture to the scarred man beside him, "I invited Lieutenant General Dauberman to teach you physical and sword skills. "

Inviting spare generals to the training camp to teach students is a common thing Zefa does. Anyway, he has a lot of lieutenant generals and students, so he has to show some face when he invites them, even if the students have different ideas from him now.

"Hello, everyone, I'm Dauberman." Dauberman tried his best to put on a kind expression, but the effect was not ideal because of the scar on his face.

Fortunately, this is a military camp. Except for Tom and Karoo who were a little scared, the students not only didn't care, but also looked at him with admiration - the scar is a soldier's medal, and Lieutenant General Dauberman's face was covered with scars. With such injuries, one can imagine how dangerous the battles he has experienced.

"Just like you, I am also a student of Teacher Zefa." Dauberman respects Zefa very much, "Frankly speaking, my level is far from being comparable to that of Teacher Zefa, but since it is the teacher's request, I have to Come here to communicate with everyone.”

In fact, he was a little frightened by the changes in Akainu recently, and urgently needed to go out to relax. Just when Zefa found him, he agreed.

In addition, Dauberman also wanted to see how sacred the legendary amber tour group was—the pack of cigarettes could not detect any problems, so what happened to General Sakalski's change?

"Don't say such modest words." Zefa said, "Lieutenant General Dauberman's swordsmanship and domineering are very good, everyone should study hard."

"Yes!" The students answered loudly.

A few strange people mixed into the voice, Dauberman focused on Zhang Daye and the others, and began to teach.

"The so-called swordsmanship should be a move with strong lethality and the pursuit of defeating the enemy with one blow..." Dauberman briefly described his own understanding of swordsmanship, and then drew out his katana to demonstrate basic moves such as chopping and stabbing. "If you want to achieve something in swordsmanship, a solid foundation is essential."

Zhang Da also listened to him talking nonsense for a long time, but in the end the only thing he could agree with was the last sentence, swordsmanship is swordsmanship, how can there be so many messes.

However, the Lieutenant General Dauberman's basic movements are really beautiful, and it seems that he has definitely put in a lot of effort. Zhang Da also silently commented on Dauberman in his heart, and then felt that his mentality might be a little drifting.

Ordinary students listened more seriously than him, especially those with a little talent in swordsmanship. It was the first time for them that a lieutenant general who had experienced many battles and was good at swordsmanship shared his experience without reservation.

The more agile trainees tentatively pulled out the navy-standard swords, and saw that Zefa did not stop them, so they boldly followed the drill, and corrected their movements bit by bit according to Dauberman's explanation.

Seeing the changes in the students, Dauberman nodded in satisfaction. But when he saw a cat wielding a sword and stabbing it neatly, his expression gradually froze.

What's the matter with this cat, the movement, strength, and angle of swinging the sword are exactly the same as his, and he can't find any faults with his vision!

Seeing Dauberman's expression change, Zefer subtly found a little pleasure. In the future, we should find more people to come and guide us. Zefa made such a decision, which is for the benefit of the students.

He patted Dauberman on the shoulder: "Go ahead, don't worry about that cat."

"Well, ah, yes." Dauberman suppressed his astonishment and doubts, and continued to give further guidance to the students.

When the course was about to end, Dauberman finally couldn't help but approached Artoria: "I heard that Miss Artoria once had a fierce battle with Hawkeye Mihawk. Why would you listen to me patiently? What about simple things?"

Artoria slowly retracted her sword: "What you explained is very useful to me, thank you for your guidance."

"I don't think my level can guide you." Dauberman's knowledgeable look told him that the thin little girl in front of him is very strong, but he is not a character who will easily shrink back. "I don't know if I can have the honor to communicate one time?"

Artoria didn't mind fighting with the opponent: "If possible."

Fighting intent rose in the eyes of the two of them, and they looked at Zefa at the same time. No matter how they fight here, they must seek the permission of the training camp instructor.

"Really... spread out!" Zefa asked the other students to retreat to the edge of the training ground to watch the battle, and then said, "It's okay to exchange ideas, don't make too much noise."

The area of ​​this training ground is not small, it is enough just to learn from each other, and it also happens to let the students learn a lot.

Zhang Da also retreated to the side, and pulled Tom who was eager to try, otherwise Tom would shout "Look at the sword" in the next second. Although he really wanted to see Tom beat the vice-admiral violently, Zefa probably wouldn't. agree.

After so many days of training and fighting, Zefa has decided that it is completely meaningless to arrange someone to fight against Tom, because there is no experience to be learned.

Even if it increases, it is completely useless experience-normal enemies will not jump up and continue fighting after being flattened.

If there was any point in fighting Tom, it would probably bring joy to the onlookers.

In the expectant eyes of the sailors, the swords of the two collided.

Arturia gave Dauberman enough respect, and specially changed into the blue dress and silver armor, coupled with her serious expression during the battle, which instantly amazed everyone present.

"So strong, so beautiful!"

"This is the first time we've seen Miss Arturia make a full shot, right?"

"That's right, Lieutenant General Dauberman was actually suppressed!"

The sailors talked a lot. Artoria was usually paddling, or eating and drinking with Tom. This was the first time they saw her fighting seriously.

Zhang Da also listened to everyone's compliments on Artoria, and smiled without saying a word.

This is not Arturia's full strength. She was much more fierce when she hit Hawkeye than she is now. It looks like she really wants to exchange swordsmanship, and force out all Dauberman's learned with each move.

He can even spare a bit of attention to pay attention to which moves are suitable for Tatsuya and which ones are suitable for Mengmeng...

The two fought for nearly an hour, and the ground in the center of the training ground was rolled up, ravines criss-crossed, and it was destroyed badly.

Arturia's expression remained the same, but Dauberman's forehead began to sweat—not because of physical fatigue, but because of too much mental stress.

He felt that Artoria's sword was not held in his hand, but was hanging above his head, ready to stab his vitals at any time. This feeling was really uncomfortable.

Dauberman tried his best to fight for a few more rounds, jumped out of the battle circle, and said calmly: "I lost, so I still have so many loopholes, thank you for your guidance."

"It's just communicating with each other." It's not that Artoria has gained nothing, at least she has something new to teach Tatsuya. It seems that she hasn't played with him for a while, and I don't know how much she has improved recently.

Both sides gained something, the students were eye-opening, and Zefa was also very satisfied with the students' gains, and everyone benefited from it.

Only the Navy Headquarters needs to allocate a little money to maintain the training ground. I think that Warring States will definitely not say anything after learning about the teaching results.

Zhan Guo, who was about to feed the sheep with a document, sneezed, and the document suddenly poked the lamb's nose.

"Baa~" the lamb yelled in dissatisfaction, turned around and pointed his butt at Zhan Guo. It misses Tom a little bit, the kitten who feeds it grass is simply an angel.

Zhan Guo rubbed his nose, always feeling a bit ominous: "That fellow Karp, he must have caused some trouble again, right?"


The following month is the happiest month for the trainees in the training camp, because Zefa will invite a well-known mid-term future training camp to impart experience, such as Huoshaoshan, Dalmesia, and Stoloberg.

The lieutenant generals have their own strengths in swordsmanship, gymnastics, and six styles, and the things they teach are also different, but just listening to the lieutenant generals talk about their combat experience and experience makes them feel that they have benefited a lot.

Especially the lieutenant generals will point out some students who are more compatible with themselves. If there is no accident, these people are likely to be assigned to these lieutenant generals after graduation and focus on training.

This is actually one of Zefa's goals. He generally does not intervene in the so-called "factions" in the navy, nor does he interfere with the students' respective ideas of justice. He will only try to provide them with enough opportunities to let themselves Choice, the road ahead will ultimately depend on them to walk.

In addition, I don’t know when it started. At the end of the course, it became a must to play a game with members of the Amber Tour Group. Sometimes Arturia played, sometimes Rui Mengmeng and Shark Pepper, and even Zhang Da He also fought with Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan.

What the students were most looking forward to was this exciting session. They could not only see the demeanor of the lieutenant generals, but also learn more about the strength of the amber tour group that had been suppressing them. They could also learn something, killing three birds with one stone.

Seeing how enthusiastic they were, Ye Yan immediately thought of opening the market to make money, and even wanted to persuade everyone to play a fake match.

It's a pity that no one paid attention to him, Ye Yan lost the opportunity to make a fortune.

In fact, Zhang Da has nothing to do with Huoshaoshan even if he doesn't play fake matches. Without wanting to expose his many abilities, Zhang Da can only rely on swordsmanship and six moves to fight.

You can't use magic to add status to yourself, you can't use super-transformation to burst seeds, and you can't use soul-suppressing to kill him. Zhang Da also fought very hard in that battle.

"Brother Tatsuya, for Lanjiao, you need to concentrate your strength more. For us swordsmen, you can imagine your legs as a knife, and refer to the way of using flying slash." Huoshaoshan corrected Zhang Da also Watching Lanjiao's way of exerting force, and even demonstrating it personally, "Just like this, Lanjiao·Break!"

Zhang Daye was thinking about Huoshaoshan's words, and his body responded subconsciously: "Iron block!"

"Grass..." Zhang Da, who turned his head around, immediately added a layer of armed color, a layer of magic power, and a layer of true energy to his chest, and successfully accepted this trick, highlighting a stable Character.

The students watching the battle were not aware of it: "Did Mr. Tatsuya actually develop his own iron block derivative technology?"

"Iron Block Grass, I don't know what it means, but it seems very strong."

"Yeah, it actually took the attack of Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan intact."

Zhang Da also listened to the voices of the sailors, and always felt embarrassed, but he was too embarrassed to correct him.

Ye Yan almost went crazy laughing in the crowd, and screamed at the top of his throat, "Mr. Tatsuya is too strong! Please teach me this move 'Iron Block Grass'!"

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