Chapter 431 Foz Fowler

Jingling, the bell at the door of the tavern rang, and a pretty little girl stood at the door.

Wendy and the others looked curiously at this girl who was about their age.

Zhang Da also recognized her: "Isn't this Miao Ke? She has grown a lot taller and more beautiful!"

"Hee hee, thank you Brother Tatsuya, are you really back?" Miao Ke glanced at everyone in the tavern curiously. You guys, so come and have a look."

Zhang Da also smiled and said, "By the way, do you want to sell milk?"

"Ah, I've been seen through!" Miao Ke admitted generously, "Because I heard that Brother Tatsuya and you are going to live here for a while."

"You really know how to seize business opportunities." Zhang Da also said, "Then start tomorrow morning, twelve copies."

"Thank you Brother Daye!" Miao Ke accepted the advance payment from Zhang Daye, took out a small notebook and wrote a few strokes, "Then I still have work, so don't bother me~"

Zhang Da also waved his hand: "Come over to play when you have time, we have a few kids around your age."

"Okay~" Miao Ke rode away on the bubble car that he used to deliver goods, and he dragged a long tail when he responded, looking full of energy.

Perona asked, "Who is that?"

"The daughter of the owner of the milk station in the town, she should be 14 years old like you." Zhang Da also said, "A very sensible girl, please learn from her."

The latter sentence came into Perona's left ear and out of her right ear. She only knew that the child named Miu Ke seemed to be living a very stable life here, and it was not easy to be kidnapped.

Weiwei is thoughtful. Children from ordinary families are already working hard to help their parents at this age. It seems that they don’t have much time to play. Kosha seems to be the same, right?

Zhang Da also clapped his hands: "Okay, go and put everything away, and then choose some small gifts, we will go to Uncle Goodman's house for a while."

Speaking of choosing small gifts, they are really just small gifts. They are all brought back from various islands. They may not be very expensive, but it is difficult to get them in Shampoo.

For example, Mrs. Molly will like the exquisite ornaments from Goa Kingdom, the Triceratops horns from the small garden, Bayer will like this kind of amazing looking thing, and please Espagu and Fran Uncle Goodman should be interested in the small wooden carvings and ship models made by Qi.

More expensive jewelry is not unavailable, and Zhang Da also got a lot from various pirates. If it was for the Goodman family, he would not feel bad even if he gave away a box, but doing so would make them uneasy. It is also easy to cause trouble, so it is avoided.

Mrs. Molly was also very happy to see Zhang Da, and they talked a lot with Zhang Da, asking him if he was in danger and if he was sick on the way. While chatting, they talked about Goodman and Beyer and his son, which things made her happy and which things gave her headaches, which should be regarded as some short words from the parents.

Everyone can tell that the life of their family is very ordinary and happy.

Although there will be some small troubles in life, when talking about family members, whether it is joy or anger, the expressions on their faces clearly reveal happiness.

As the evening approached, Mrs. Molly enthusiastically invited everyone to have dinner. Fortunately, everyone knew that they were their own people, so they kept their mouths open and chatted at the dinner table most of the time.

Although Uncle Goodman and Jackie Chan just met each other, they chatted naturally after a brief introduction by Shark Pepper.

After a few glasses of wine, Goodman began to mix some troubles of being a child's father in the gap between bragging. Although Jackie Chan didn't become a father, he unexpectedly felt a little empathy, and the two chatted very speculatively.

Mrs. Molly lovingly served the three little girls food, asking if they liked it. After Xia Lulu transformed, she was surprised for a while, and then she took care of another person.

The four little girls were cuter than the last, and Mrs. Molly wanted a daughter.

She knew that Weiwei was a princess a long time ago, and was a little surprised that Weiwei didn't have the airs of a princess at all.

Bayer pestered Zhang Da and told adventure stories for a while, and then played with Tom and Karoo. Compared with those difficult young ladies and sisters, Bayer still prefers to play with pets.

Tom is funny, Karoo is a little silly, and it's easy to win the favor of young children.

Bayer was a little curious about why Xia Lulu didn't play with him until she turned into a beautiful girl with cat ears.

Baier asked cautiously: "Tom, you can't transform, can you?"

Tom shook his head. Now he often suspects that Xia Lulu is not a cat. How can a cat transform?

Bayer breathed a sigh of relief. If Tom turned into a beautiful girl, he wouldn't know how to deal with it.

After chatting for a while, Zhang Da also remembered that he could get some information from Uncle Goodman: "I heard that something big happened here in Chambord after we left?"

Goodman recalled, and said: "Yes, on the day you left, I heard that there was an explosion in the employment security office, and the whole house was blown up."

Gas explosion? Zhang Da was also taken aback for a moment before he realized that he had done something good. He asked, "What happened next?"

"Later it seemed to be changed into a casino, the largest casino in Chambord, I heard that many nobles would go there to play, but it didn't take long for the subsidence to occur there, and many casinos in the illegal area also collapsed. trap."

Goodman said puzzledly: "But the Chambord Islands are obviously the root system of mangroves. It's too strange that subsidence occurs on the roots of the tree, and it only happens in places with casinos. No matter how you think about it, it's not right."

"If you ask me, maybe those casino bosses tripped each other up, and then retaliated against each other. In the stories, don't all the stories say that shopping malls are like battlefields." Goodman tried his best to use his imagination and made irresponsible guesses.

Zhang Da also asked: "That should have caused quite a commotion, has it been affected here?"

"Not really, because of the conscientiousness of Lieutenant Colonel T Penn, the law and order has improved a lot." Goodman said, "I also heard that Major General Kadalu wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to do something, such as bringing the illegal The scope of the zone has shrunk a little bit, but the navy has only been operating for a long time and then it’s gone again.”

Zhang Da also nodded, T Penn is a good person, and Kadalu should be regarded as competent, but there are obviously some people who don't want the lawless area to disappear, and then put pressure on Kadalu, and those people are likely to be the same group as the people who investigated the tavern people.

Huh? A small light bulb flickered on Zhang Daye's head. Isn't this the opportunity to add trouble to them?

It's not that I want to do anything specially, I just do my job. It's not too much for me, a world-renowned bounty hunter, to catch bounty criminals in illegal areas, right? By the way, it is also reasonable to clean up those criminals who hinder us, right?

Without the lawless area of ​​criminals, can it still be called a lawless area?

To be honest, this is still a contribution to the security of the Chambord Islands and the maintenance of peace and justice on the sea. They not only want to give us money, but also thank us!

Hastily made up his mind, Zhang Da also sat in Goodman's house for a while, and then left.


In the evening, everyone did some training and had a supper before going to sleep.

In the morning of the next day, Tom got up energetically and went out, took out the newspaper in the mailbox and put it under his arm, and took the milk at the door and put it into the store-he hadn't done this for a long time, and there was still a bit of it. nostalgia.

The others also got up and went downstairs one after another. Ye Yan kept watch all night, yawning and waiting for breakfast. Just as sleepy as him was the dazed loli team.

Zhang Da also asked: "What's the matter, are you not used to sleeping?"

Several people faltered and hesitated to speak, but in the end Wendy blushed and said, "Because...because we played pillow fight until midnight, everyone didn't sleep well in the end."

"Quack~" Karu is also listless. Generally speaking, this kind of thing has nothing to do with him, but somehow he was involved, and his wings are not easy to throw pillows. He is beaten most of the time, and he dare not come out when he is beaten. Noise, afraid of disturbing other people, it's too miserable.

"Pillow fight?" Zhang Da was also surprised, "Even Xia Lulu participated?"

"Yeah." Xia Lulu nodded shyly. Although she was more mature than the others, she shouldn't play such childish games, but the atmosphere was already there, and she couldn't help but join in.

"It's too much! How dare you play pillow fight until midnight!" Zhang Da also said angrily, "No one came to call me after playing until midnight!"

He also wants to participate in such an interesting event.

"Tatsuya, isn't your focus off?" Jackie Chan reminded, and said with a straight face, "Children should go to bed early."

Zhang Da also coughed, and said, "Uncle Long is right, let's not be an example."

After all, they have just arrived here, and it is rare for them to live together, so it is normal to get excited.

After breakfast, Ye Yan went to Zhang Daye's room to catch up on sleep. Uncle Long took the little girls to Chambord Park to play. When they saw the Ferris wheel from a distance yesterday, they wanted to sit on it.

Considering that they were not familiar with the place, Rui Mengmeng went to be their tour guide.

Zhang Da also went to the dock and talked to Uncle Goodman about wanting to renovate the house. Goodman agreed and said that he would take a few people to see the design later and try to let them today live in.

After arranging these things, Zhang Da also took Tom, Artoria and Shark Pepper to the illegal area.


There used to be a tendency for the lawless area to be controlled by the navy. Some of the criminals gathered here were prepared to do their best, while others planned to evacuate at any time.

What I didn't expect was that there was only a lot of thunder and rain on the navy's side, and they retreated immediately after rectifying some places.

Although I can't figure out what the navy's intentions are, it is certain that the illegal area is still their territory, so they have become more arrogant after getting used to making trouble here.

"It's really noisy here, Captain." A woman in black tights, fishnet stockings, a cat ear mask, and a cat tail behind her said, looking at the brawls and fires everywhere, "Do you want to kill them all?" ?”

"Don't worry about it, we just need to leave after the coating is completed." The tall man in a red suit and a red mask said, "A group of troublesome people came to this island yesterday."

"Amber tour group? If it's the captain, they must be able to defeat them, right?" Catwoman is very confident in the strength of her captain. Captain Foz Fau is a big shot who defected from the mysterious organization CP9. She has never I have seen someone stronger than the captain.

"Don't be careless, those people are not easy to mess with, tell the little ones, and run away immediately when you see them." Although Foz Fowler claimed to be a genius who could not lose to Rob Lucci, he was more or less confident about his own strength. There are points.

There is a swordsman in the amber tour group who can rival the world's number one swordsman. Although Fuzi Fu is not afraid of her, his crew is not as good as theirs. If he is dragged by that swordsman, then The final outcome may be that the crew is besieged after the death of all crew members, which would be very bad.

"Yes, Captain." Catwoman first delivered the message according to Foz Fu's order, and then asked, "Captain, you are so powerful, why do we have to be so cautious?"

"My 'colleagues' will not let me, a traitor, be easily let go. Once the position is exposed, those guys will pounce on me like wolves smelling blood." Foz Fu said, "How many of you can escape? Their assassination?"

CP9 is a secret intelligence agency directly under the World Government. Its existence itself is not known to ordinary people. It is not easy to defect from such a department, and it is inevitable to be hunted down.

If it wasn't for being robbed by the red-haired pirates and losing the fruit when he was escorting the rubber fruit last year, Foz Ferrer would not have chosen to defect.

And there is another thing that he didn't tell his subordinates, that is, he was caught once after defecting, and he accidentally learned the secret about the rubber fruit and the legend about the sun god Nika in prison.

Knowing this kind of taboo, he knew that he would be executed sooner or later, so he escaped from the prison and formed his own pirate group, ready to find a protective umbrella.

When he saw the title of the Four Emperors in the newspaper, Foz Foz knew that his opportunity had come. Kaido wanted to form a real "Hundred Beasts" pirate group. position.

Even the world government would not dare to take action against the cadres of the Four Emperors at will, right?

Foz Foz seemed to think of something, and asked: "The coating matter is related to our lives. Is the craftsman you are looking for okay?"

"No problem, we have inquired in many places, and the 'coated old thunder' is the one with the best technology, as long as the money is enough, it can be completed in three days." Catwoman said, "We have already stayed here It took two days, that is to say, if all goes well, we can go to sea tomorrow.”

Foz Fu nodded, and then frowned: "It's just at this time that I meet the person I don't want to meet."

Zhang Da also folded the stool with his left hand and the frying pan with his right, successfully persuaded the two groups of pirates who were fighting to put down their weapons.

He glanced at Foz Fu's direction: "I seem to have met someone who can fight."

An unknown young author was brutally treated with poisonous milk. Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?

I was shocked to hear that Sister Lily turned over my brand name. It was the wild weeds in the grave of the author of "Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms", known as poisonous weeds. Other people's sacrifices are usually py push books, and her sacrifices... are really sacrifices, it is said This is the second time she has sacrificed me (I don't even know about this), um... a little flustered.

It must be her fault for writing so slowly today (reasonable and convincing)

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