Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 419 Who will be the Qibuhai (4000 words)

Chapter 419 Who will be the Qiwuhai... (4000 words)

"Shirley, did I hear wrong just now? He just said that the world government invited them to become Qiwuhai, and then he scolded the five old stars?" Dongji Te stroked Shirley's mane, Shirley's neck was too He can't touch his head when he grows up.

Dongjite wondered if he had not communicated with people for too long, so his ears were not working well.

Shirley made a nice voice: "Xi Lv Lv~"

"Oh, I really misheard." Dongjite translated Shirley's cry into the answer he wanted.

Not only him, but even Hawkeye was the first time he saw someone who insulted Wulaoxing so bluntly. He asked, "Don't you want to be that?"

Zhang Da also said: "Brother, we are not even pirates, and what are the benefits of being Qiwuhai?"

The so-called King Shichibukai is a big pirate recognized by the world government, which needs to possess catastrophic destructive power and powerful combat power that can rival the country.

Note that it is the "big pirate" recognized by the world.

Zhang Daye and the others are neither pirates, nor have they ever expressed any desire to become pirates, but Wu Laoxing gave them positions that only pirates can hold, so Zhang Daye said that they are out of their minds Lost.

"Is it good for them to turn us into pirates? Or is it that these five old guys are not the kind of people who will mess around even if they become pirates?"

In view of the various mysterious operations of the five old stars in the comics, Zhang Da has never regarded them highly, but it is unreasonable to say that they are fools, and there must be their purpose for making such a sudden decision.

"By the way, why do you want to be Qiwuhai?" Zhang Da also asked Hawkeye curiously.

Hawkeye didn't hide anything about this problem: "It's more convenient to move this way, and there are some good swordsmen in the navy."

Zhang Da also thought about it and expressed that he could understand. Hawkeye was definitely not afraid of the navy's pursuit. He went alone with a knife and a ship, and he could cut down a warship when it came. But usually there will definitely be some naval soldiers who are overwhelmed, shouting for justice and making moths to the flame.

With his personality, he would definitely not have any psychological burden to kill those who dared to swing a knife at him, but it would be annoying after a long time, and it would also delay his trip.

In addition, it is not convenient to challenge the masters of the navy as a pirate. Sometimes you have to pick a boat when you challenge, maybe that is not his original intention, but he beat hundreds of people to the ground and said No malice, who would believe it?

Perhaps that's how Hawkeye's title of "Navy Hunter" came about.

Dongjite is almost dumbfounded, oh, that person is Shichibukai, I think he has seen it in the newspapers after a closer look - after he gets used to staying on stilts, he can basically do everything except get off the stilts , and occasionally use the little change left to buy a newspaper to relieve boredom.

If that person is Shichibukai, then it should be true that another person was invited to be Shichibukai? Oh, it turned out that the person who wanted to help me after saving me was the big man who was about to become Qi Wuhai.

Dongjite jumped off the horse, took out the water cup and poured some water for himself: "Suck~ha~ After calming down, it's no big deal...at most it's just two Shichibukai..."

Tom crawled out of the pit, climbed onto Zhang Daye's shoulder, and stretched his neck to read the letter.

After tidying up the warehouse, Rui Mengmeng jumped off the boat and asked, "Boss, we are all ready, why don't we go yet?"

While waiting for Dongjite to pack up, everyone was not idle. Arturia and Rui Mengmeng went hunting, Uncle Long took the little lolitas to pick fruits, and the banner demons were driven by Ye Yan to help transport them. Good thing, Shark Pepper is doing a routine pre-sail inspection on the Amber.

When everything was ready, everyone saw that Zhang Daye and the others were still dawdling, so Rui Mengmeng came over to ask.

"Encounter a little trouble, let's get on the boat first, and talk while walking." Zhang Da also looked at Hawkeye, "Do you want to go together?"

"The competition is not over yet."


So temporarily there was an extra horse on the Amber, a dizzy old man, and a handsome man sitting outside the crowd drinking quietly.

Hawkeye's coffin ship was tied with ropes behind the Amber and dragged away. Tom sat on it out of curiosity, put on the hat Hawkeye gave him, and imitated Hawkeye's posture and sat on the seat. The distance is only a black knife and a little aura.

Zhang Da has also read the letter from the world government to everyone, and he didn't forget to mention the bat.

Jackie Chan asked curiously, "How did that bat find us?"

Zhang Da also raised his chin in the direction of Hawkeye: "He can calculate the approximate schedule of our voyage, and it is certainly not difficult for the world government to find us."

"Your Majesty Qiwuhai, it sounds quite majestic to be able to restrain those big pirates with the Navy Headquarters." Ye Yan spread his hands, "But if you think about it carefully, there is no practical benefit for us?"

Zhang Da also nodded: "Yeah, we don't want to be pirates, and we don't need any right to plunder. Apart from a name, it's not only useless, but we also need to be summoned by the world government when they need it." .”

"And Qiwuhai is self-sufficient, the government doesn't pay wages, and doesn't care about food. So, whoever owns this thing..." Zhang Da also heard the sound of Hawkeye putting the wine glass on the table, and stopped in time He finished the conversation, and at the same time apologized to Jinping in his heart, buddy, this is a bald mouth, and it was unintentional.

"But it's very majestic. There are only seven of them in the world..." Perona's words faltered halfway through. It's true that there are only seven big men in the world, but they killed only two of them. , it doesn't seem to be very powerful.

Wei Wei asked: "Who are the current Qiwuhai?"

"Hawk-eyed Mihawk sitting there, Nine Snakes' Pirate Empress, Seaman Jinbe from Fishman Island, mysterious 'Tyrant' Bear, and a scumbag named Doflamingo." Zhang Daye The introduction to Doflamingo was full of emotion.

Weiwei snapped her fingers one by one: "Five? Hmm...there is one more Crocodile, what about the seventh?"

Zhang Da also said: "It's Moonlight Moriah, who was defeated just like Crocodile."

He looked at Perona. Although it had been a long time since the incident, he was usually careful not to talk about it, worried that there was something wrong with her.

Perona just glared at Zhang Daye. She now clearly knows that Moriah's behavior is not good. Fortunately, she has not been with Moriah for a long time and her sense of identity is not so high.

Hawkeye, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "Sure enough, you did what happened to Moria."

"Hey~ Don't talk nonsense if you don't have evidence. Be careful and I will sue you for defamation." Although the fact is that, it is impossible for Zhang Da to admit it. Anyway, no one can prove it.

It doesn't matter if Hawkeye knows, he's not a big mouthed person.

Rui Mengmeng looked at the letter and asked curiously, "You said, could it be that the world government can't gather seven qualified people, so it wants to invite us?"

"It's entirely possible." Shark Pepper pointed to his head and said, "Judging from the information in the newspaper, the most active and famous people during this period, apart from the Four Emperors, is the Red Hair Pirates, The other is us, and the others are probably rarely qualified enough."

Zhang Da also crumpled up the letter paper and said, "Maybe, let them do whatever they want, we won't do it anyway."

Artoria is not interested in becoming Shichibukai, but she still reminded: "This invitation is different from the past, will there be any trouble if you refuse rashly?"

"I'll ask someone in the know about this." Ye Yan graciously poured some red wine for Hawkeye, "Brother, is there any trouble in refusing to become Qi Wuhai? Can you give me some inside information?"

"I don't know, I never refused." Hawkeye's answer made it impossible to refute.

Moreover, it was probably the first time for non-pirate people to receive the invitation.

"Then I'll ask other people in the know." Zhang Da also took out his phone bug and dialed Lieutenant General Gion whom he hadn't contacted for a long time.

However, it was not connected. That's right, Gion is a vice admiral after all, not a navy customer service lady, so it's impossible for her to be there every time I look for her. Zhang Da also thought about it, and called Zefa again.

After a few simple greetings, Zhang Da also explained what happened.

"What?" Zefa was surprised, and for a moment he even had the same impolite thought as Zhang Da, "How could they make such a decision?"

"We are also very puzzled. In short, we don't want to do it, but we are worried about the trouble of directly refusing, such as turning into a pirate for no reason, so we come to ask you for advice."

"Although I don't want to admit it, theoretically the Qibuhai and the headquarters are at the same level, and they don't interfere with each other. You don't need to ask the navy's opinion to conquer the Qiwuhai, so this matter may not even be known by the Warring States." Zefa said, " How about this, don't rush to answer, I'll ask the opinion of the Warring States."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Da also said: "That's it, let's go, send the old man back first."

"It seems very serious." Rui Mengmeng worried, "If something goes wrong, will we not be able to travel like this in the future?"

"It's not that bad, at most there is a bounty, but it's a bit troublesome to exchange the bounty with pirates. You have to find a middleman or something, so it's not a big problem." Zhang Da also said, "The worst case is that Weiwei must be sent in advance. Send it back, the princess of a country cannot blatantly mix with wanted criminals."

"Huh?" Weiwei's face changed, it's not long since she came out.

"Isn't this serious enough?" Perona almost jumped up, "Wu Laoxing is really not a good person, he will only cause trouble for others!"

Wendy hugged Wei Wei's arm: "Is it really so serious?"

"Not necessarily." Ye Yan embraced his arms, as if he was holding a wisdom pearl, "If it doesn't work, we can still rely on Qi Wuhai's name!"

The little lolis were ignorant: "Affiliation?"

"That's right, if a reward is really offered for refusing to become Qi Wuhai, and we can't go back on our word, we can claim to be a subordinate of a certain Qi Wuhai, such as this eagle-eyed old man."

Ye Yan squeezed his chin with one hand, showing a very unbeatable smile: "According to their rules, the reward offered by Qi Wuhai's subordinates will be revoked, and then we can play as we want, and we can also go and dance under their noses, Fuck those bastards!"

Rui Mengmeng didn't turn the corner: "Wouldn't it be better to just agree to be Qi Wuhai?"

Ye Yan said with a smile: "Qi Wuhai wants to respond to the call of the world government, but Qi Wuhai's subordinates don't need it."

Zhang Da also looked at him: "You really are...a witty group."

Ye Yan was very embarrassed: "It's so so..."

Hawkeye didn't want to talk, who the hell did he know? If things really developed like that, he really didn't seem to refuse.

Everyone chatted and laughed, and soon drove to the small island where Dongjite's village is now. The environment is not much different from the previous island, and there are still all kinds of long animals and plants.

It's just that there are many more cattle, sheep, horses, etc., and there are many buildings that look like yurts in the distance.

Dongjite excitedly took Shirley off the boat and warmly invited everyone to visit his home. Although Dongjite has realized that this ship is full of big shots, and even standing in front of them feels a little uncomfortable after calming down, he still wants to express his gratitude.

"Thank you for your kindness, but we still have other things to do, so we won't disturb your reunion with your family." Zhang Da also declined Dongjite's invitation, and they also wanted to watch the competition between Hawkeye and Artoria. By the way, I have to wait for Zefa's reply.

Based on the principle of avoiding harming the innocent, Artoria suggested to go to a small island with no residents.

Tom had had enough of Hawkeye's boat on the way, and began to fiddle with the candles on both sides of the boat.

Zhang Da also asked curiously: "Where did you buy those two candles? The wind on the sea can't be extinguished, and they can burn for such a long time?"

Hawkeye glanced at him, but said nothing.

"Is there anything wrong with this?" Zhang Da also asked, "I heard that you actually hid a lot of candles in the cabin, and you didn't light them at all when you sailed by yourself. You lit them up after you found someone nearby with your knowledge. is that true?"

He was curious, just as curious as to whether the tattoo on Dorag's face was actually Garp's slipper print.

Hawkeye touched the hilt of the knife. He felt that Zhang Da also encountered some difficulties in swordsmanship and needed the guidance of a swordsman.

Zhang Da also saw his eyes, and suddenly felt that he might not be so curious.

Ye Yan and Perona, who were waiting to see Zhang Da get beaten up, were a little disappointed.

There are always endless rumors about celebrities, and some of them are completely unfounded. Hawkeye understands this. He has never been interested in rumors about himself, and no one has ever dared to bring such things to him.

But this time is a little different, the style of this nonsensical rumor, Hawkeye always feels like something that Shanks can make up after drinking too much. Besides, there are people who are familiar with him and dare to arrange him wantonly, and also know Zhang Daye, besides Shanks, is there anyone else?

Hawkeye felt that he should go to the New World when he was free. I heard that Shanks has been making a lot of noise in the New World recently.

The author's status has been problematic for the past few days, please don't wait until it's too late... I'll try my best to adjust the time back

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