Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 410 BIGMOM Pirates (4000 words)

Chapter 410 BIG·MOM Pirates (4000 words)

"How to deal with it? Of course, hand it over to the navy in exchange for the bounty." Zhang Daye said, "Don't worry, it is appropriate for a relatively difficult ability user like you to go to the deep sea prison to prevent the Devil Fruit from regenerating too quickly. Well."

Fa Zhi asked: "What about the eldest sister? What will happen to them?"

Zhang Da also thought about it and said: "They may be locked up, or they may be publicly executed to deter other pirates. It depends on the needs of the world government and their crimes."

People like Anne and Mary, who have a bounty of more than 60 million, can already be called "big pirates". They have no reputation, no fruit ability, and no backstage. Even if they are executed directly, there will be no consequences, so The World Government occasionally selects some of these pirates for public execution.

Of course, their public execution is definitely not the same as that of Roger the Pirate King. There will be several islands near the execution place where you can see the scene of their execution, and there may be a report in the newspaper.

"No, this won't work! The eldest sister can't die! Please, please let the eldest sister go! You can do anything you want from me, even if you keep making gummies all the time!" Fa Zhi was handcuffed by Hailou Shi Without much strength, he touched his head to the ground with difficulty and begged.

"Why can't they die?" Zhang Daye was not moved by the camaraderie among pirates. Although the AM Pirates seemed to have more moral integrity than the Midnight Pirates, it was just a little bit more.

They can "coexist peacefully" with the residents because their style is to "use swear words to curse those who dare not resist, and use weapons to greet those who dare to resist." Those who have been greeted with weapons know that there will be no good end. .

"Fa Zhi, don't say such useless words!" Anne was seriously injured, but her tone of reprimanding Fa Zhi was very harsh, "It's just the death penalty, it's no big deal."


"That's right, there's nothing terrible about the death penalty." Mary struggled to sit up and smiled easily, "If there was no death penalty, wouldn't even a coward be able to become a pirate?"

"But..." Fa Zhi bit her lip, hesitated for a while and finally made up her mind, "You can't hand us over to the navy, we are members of the 'Four Emperors' Big Mom Pirates!"

Zhang Daye: "Huh?"

The pirates who were still awake nearby showed shocked expressions: "That Big Mom? You're lying!"

"Don't be ridiculous, Fa Zhi, I don't know about that kind of thing!" Annie was very angry. "Are you going to betray us? Even if you want to live, you are not allowed to say such things casually!"

"Fa Zhi, why do you say that?" Mary asked, "You should know the style of Anne and I. Even if we die, we will not use other people's names. Our pirate flag is not something that can be discarded easily!"

"I'm sorry, eldest sister." Fa Zhi lay on the ground and did not dare to look up, tears dripping down on the ground, "Actually, I am really a member of the Big Mom Pirates!"

Anne and Mary's eyes widened and they asked with difficulty: "Then why did you join us? What's going on?"

"The main members of the Big Mom Pirates are Big Mom and her children, and I was noticed by chance because I ate the gummy candy fruit. They once taught me fighting skills and ability development, but I was very clumsy. I could neither learn domineering nor use my abilities well. The gummies I made were unpalatable, so I was quickly abandoned and was only a small character until the end." Fa Zhi told about his past. experience.

"I didn't like that place, where I was always an outsider, a waste of fruitful abilities. Until one day, 'Jam Chancellor' Charlotte Duckworth said, there was a mission that fit me , let me go to 'Paradise' to be responsible for finding some potential newcomers, interesting races, and suitable ability users..."

If you say this, Zhang Da can probably understand that sending people all over the world to collect rare races is very consistent with BIG·MOM's style. In comparison, finding new people with potential is secondary.

"Really, then we are the potential newcomers you said. When the time is right, someone will invite us to join the Big Mom Pirates?" Annie sneered, "As expected of the Big Mom Pirates. Master Zhi, Mary, Wile, Precious and I, all of us have been fooled by you. You are really an excellent scout, or spy?"

"No..." Fa Zhi denied.

Anne shouted, "What the hell are we to you!?"

"That's not the case!" Fa Zhi denied desperately, "I never thought about betraying everyone!"

"Big sister is different, everyone is different from those in Totland! Only after joining the AM Pirates did I realize that being a pirate can be so fun.

You don’t have to worry every day, and you don’t need to be very strong to drink and laugh with everyone. Even the newcomers can have arm wrestling and fights with the elder sisters without worrying about being punished! Everyone comes together like a family! "

Anne looked sulky and said nothing, and Mary asked: "What about your mission? If you can't complete it, you will be in bad luck, right?"

Fa Zhi shook his head: "It doesn't matter. Darkworth said that I decide the time limit of my mission and the target myself. The only requirement is that I am not allowed to do anything that will embarrass the Big Mom Pirates."

Such a task requirement sounds very free, but in fact it is almost the same as being abandoned. If you find a suitable newcomer, then continue to explore; if you fail to meet, then continue to look for it.

The importance of enamel to BIG MOM Pirates is actually not as important as some Homiz.

"I know that what I'm doing now is an embarrassment to the BIG MOM Pirates, but it doesn't matter, as long as you can survive." Fa Zhi burst into tears, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, "All this time, thanks Everyone has taken care of me, please let me do something for you at the last moment!"

Annie's cold face couldn't hold back: "Are you an idiot! Such..."

"That, interrupt." Zhang Da's untimely interjection ruined the touching atmosphere of the pirates risking their lives to save each other, "You may have misunderstood something, we are just catching some evil pirates, which pirates are they? The regiment is the same, you can keep these words and tell the navy."

Fazhi couldn't believe it: "Are you crazy? Even if I'm just a fringe figure, as long as I'm captured by you, the BIG MOM Pirates won't let you go!"

"Then come, I can earn an extra bounty." Zhang Da is not worried about this. Big Mom has just become the Four Emperors, and he is probably very busy now. It's interesting enough to check 'xx Minister'.

Besides, Ye Yan has just unlocked the master form, and when he has studied it for a while and can send and receive freely, the soul fruit? What it is?

"Okay, you guys are chatting, I'm busy." Zhang Da also picked up the two brothers Arifu and Ariphant and left the prison. This place is not suitable for teaching.

Wendy followed Zhang Daye and lowered her head to think about things. After a while, she asked, "Brother Daye, shouldn't we arrest them, destroying their family feels like doing something bad."

Zhang Da also weighed his left shoulder, threw Aliphant onto his right shoulder, and rubbed Wendy's head with his left hand:

"Don't be led astray. Their 'families' exist on the premise that they have destroyed many innocent families, and so far they have no intention of thinking that they have done anything wrong. If they are left alone, that would be a bad thing."

"Yeah." Wendy nodded.

The reasoning is like this, but it may be because she has a group of companions who can bet their lives for each other, so Wendy will still be a little touched when she sees this kind of people who care about their companions regardless of their lives.


"The soul and the spirit are closely related, so the treatment of damage to the soul can also refer to the healing magic of the spirit, for example..."

While demonstrating, Wendy explained to Zhang Da.

Zhang Da also followed suit on the side, and the palms of the two emitted similar green light, and the complexions of Alifu and Aliphant, who were sleeping, gradually became soothed.

At this time, the four banner demons hurried over, and when they passed the door, the four demons huddled together, cursing: "Let me pass!"

"Don't squeeze me!"

"I'll go there first!"

Zhang Da also asked: "What's the matter? Tell me quickly."

"Ouch!" The four banner demons squeezed the door frame into shape, and threw themselves on the ground with a thump, and hurriedly said: "Miss Wendy, the master is awake, please go and see him!"

"Ye Yan woke up?" Zhang Da also immediately stopped the healing magic, "Let's go, let's go and see!"

"Okay." Wendy responded obediently, and then calmly stopped her magic.

After walking a few steps, Zhang Da also turned around and said: "Oh, by the way, you should pay attention to these two guys, and fix the door frame by the way."

"Yes!" The Banner Demons answered in unison.

Arifu and Ariphant in the room had a contorted face and a gentle expression.

When Zhang Daye and Wendy walked into Ye Yan's room, Suifeng Er was explaining to Ye Yan what happened before.

Ye Yan looked confused: "Me? Master of the night?"

Sui Fenger nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, master, you were so handsome at the time! You look mighty and domineering, the brothers are weak when they see you!"

Wendy checked Ye Yan and said, "No problem, don't you remember what happened?"

Ye Yan thought for a while: "I just remember that Midnight made a big move. At that time, he wanted to go up to him, but he fell into a coma all of a sudden."

"We speculate that the darkness created by that guy with the dark fruit stimulated the power in your body, and then made you show that posture." Zhang Da also said, "One thing to say, it is really handsome, hurry up and study, learn Remember to teach me."

Ye Yan scratched his head: "No matter what you say, I don't have the slightest impression. I don't know what to study."

"If you can't study it, you have to study it. The form of the ruler of the night is the key for you to become the trump card in the night censor." Zhang Da also remembered Ye Yan's purpose, "Although you have made great progress in physical fitness recently , you can continue to become stronger if you continue like this, but the master form should be regarded as a buff state, which can make you stronger on this basis, work hard boy."

"Okay." Ye Yan sighed, "I'll take care of it."

"By the way." Zhang Da also asked, "If you can find that dark fruit, would you eat it?"

"Dark fruit?" Ye Yan recalled Weiwei's experience of obtaining the rustling fruit, "You mean like Weiwei?"

Zhang Da also nodded: "Yes, I asked Mengmeng and the others to buy fruit, maybe we can run into each other?"

"If you eat a devil fruit, you will turn into a landlubber. It's very troublesome." Ye Yan said, "Although it may not be affected in our world, but that ability feels very low."

"That person is too good." Zhang Da also said, "If you have the dark fruit, you can create darkness anytime and anywhere, and become the master of the night."

"Well... I'll think about it." Ye Yan couldn't make up his mind.

"Don't think about it, master." Suifenger said, "If it's just to create darkness, then you don't need to eat any fruit at all."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because I was lucky enough to see the dominant form of your ancestors." Sui Feng Er is a banner demon passed down from generation to generation of the Ye family, and knows a lot about the past. He said, "The master of the night can create a large area of ​​darkness by itself, without the help of any fruit."

"The master still has this function?" Zhang Da was also surprised, he couldn't remember every detail in the comics.

"Yes." Sui Fenger had a proud expression, "With the master's aptitude, the range of darkness created is at least ten kilometers, and the upper limit is immeasurable. It is much better than that guy. After all, the master is more powerful. A rare genius in a thousand years!"

"This is much more convenient." Zhang Da also relaxed a lot, so that the importance of the An An Fruit to them was greatly reduced, and even if they couldn't find it, they didn't have to worry too much.

It doesn't matter whether he will be obtained by Blackbeard in the future, Zhang Da also blindly guessed that after Blackbeard gets the dark fruit, he will either come to win over the amber tour group, or he will hunt them as capable people, and give him some at that time A little surprise of the same style as Midnight.

Wendy asked: "Then do you want to inform Sister Mengmeng and the others to stop buying fruit?"

"No need." Zhang Da also shook his head cautiously, "It's not a loss to buy more fruits, anyway, we're about to receive a large sum of money."

The point is, he clearly agreed to buy all the fruits, but if he suddenly cancels it now, Zhang Da also feels that Arturia might help him practice swordsmanship and knowledge skills, as well as iron blocks and weapon skills.

"Tell me more about the details, such as what does that power feel like?" Actually, this is not Ye Yan's first transformation into the Lord of the Night, but the first transformation is the same as this transformation. No memory of that part.

And because some unpleasant things happened during the training related to the ruler of the night, and when he transformed for the first time, no one in the family mentioned it to Ye Yan.

This time was different from before, everything from transformation to battle went very smoothly, so Suifenger and the others felt that there was no need to hide it, so they simply took the opportunity to help their master master the night master form thoroughly.

The stronger Ye Yan is, the more face these banner monsters will have.

"Puru, por, por..." The voice of the phone bug rang, and Zhang Da also answered the phone: "Hello, who is it?"

"This is Tina..."

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