Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 366 Is There Really Someone Seasick in This World (4200 words)

Smoker was injured again.

Smoker is healed again.

There was a little accident during the competition. Wendy's Dragon Slaying Profound Technique directly sent Smoker into the sea.

After Shark Pepper picked him up, he didn't know whether he was directly injured by the Dragon Slayer Profound Art, or because he was soaked in water and couldn't use his abilities.

All he knew was pain, his whole body was in pain, especially the chest and abdomen that was hit head-on by the compressed hurricane, even though Wendy healed the injury, he still felt the pain.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Smoker." Seeing Smoker frown, Wendy apologetically released pain-relieving and healing magic on him.

"It's okay, it's because I'm not...as good as a human being." Smoker said this sentence with difficulty, and it felt very familiar after he finished speaking, as if he had just said it.

After confirming that Smoker was fine, a group of naval students cheered around Wendy: "Wendy sauce, that's too strong!"

"Smogg was beaten by a little girl!"

Wendy shyly accepted the compliments from the sailors, while Smoker clutched his chest, feeling more pain in his heart than in his body.

Because of Smoker's poor health, Shark Pepper, Perona, Tom and Xia Lulu lost the chance to compete with Smoker.

But this is probably the result Smoker wants. He has been hanged and beaten enough times today. Smoker once suspected that what he ate was a fake natural fruit, and he felt that he needed to be quiet.

But after he had a rest, Tina will join the battle. Tina is a superman with the ability of the sill fruit (切jiàn, meaning railings, cages). When Tina describes her ability, she always says "passed by my body Everything will be locked!"

In other words, if Tina hugs you, what you feel may not be warmth but coldness, because there will be a black iron barrier to lock you up.

Zhang Da also had a headache when facing Tina. According to his thinking, punching Tina meant that her body passed through the fist and was locked directly? Did the knife cut her body through the knife, and then the knife was locked?

If this is the case, it is completely a pseudo-natural system. Sometimes it is even stronger than the natural system. Standing in place and letting people hit casually can make the enemy bind their hands...

However, it is obviously not the case when fighting. There is still a process of active control for her to activate her ability, at least it has not been developed to the extent that she can use it automatically as soon as she is beaten.

Tina and the members of the Amber Tour Group played against each other one by one, and the record was no better than Smoker, especially after everyone knew her ability, it was easier to deal with it.

Jackie Chan still didn't win this time, but it also surprised Tina. Even if someone is locked by her black threshold, can they use the black threshold as a weapon to counterattack?

If it wasn't for Jackie Chan's own physical fitness that was a little worse than Tina's, Tina might have been counter-killed.

"This kid is a talent." Zefa admired, and there is no sense of disobedience in calling Jackie Chan a child at his 63-year-old age. Training, this is the ability to reverse the defeat at the last moment!"

Zefa has some admiration for Zhang Daye. The members of the Amber Tour Group are all talents. If they are entrusted to him to train, there will be a few more generals in the future. Where did they find so many talents?

Even Zhang Daye himself is said to have just started exercising for less than a year, and he can surpass the elites in the training camp in such a short period of time. Even in Zefa's eyes, he can be called a genius.

"Mr. Tatsuya, if you feel tired during the trip, please come to the Navy Headquarters." Zefa felt itchy when he saw these good seedlings. His childhood dream was to become a hero, but after going through many things, His dream gradually turned into cultivating heroes. If these people can be abducted into the training camp, his dream must be within reach.

"Okay." Zhang Da also readily agreed, and originally planned to have the opportunity to visit the Navy Headquarters. He took a look at Artoria, who had already had a banquet after two games. Lieutenant General Giant and other big eaters certainly don't lack for this kind of food.

The students in the Zefa training camp have all seen the world. Not only are they not surprised to see Artoria being so good at eating, but also a few big guys came over to compete with her. Zhang Da can only say that he hopes she is okay.

After being hit by Perona's Negative Specter, Tina finally chose to leave the arena to rest. Today, her heart also suffered a big blow, and she needs to take it easy.

Then, the trainees in the training camp took turns to choose players to challenge, and they were basically beaten up. Facing Jackie Chan, there was hope of victory, but that was just hope. The students who have mastered shaving can make Jackie Chan suffer a small loss at first, but when Jackie Chan gets used to it before using shaving, his nose will always hit his fist precisely.

"The movement of the shaving is not completely random, just look at the timing, it's very simple." When asked how to do it, Jackie Chan said.

In addition, the student who mastered the iron block also gave Jackie Chan a headache. He punched the opponent and he was fine, but he shook his hand in pain.

This kind of experience made Jackie Chan firm in his idea that he is just an ordinary person who knows martial arts. This world is too dangerous for him. If he doesn’t want to drag everyone down, he still needs to practice martial arts harder every day. Anyway, Wendy is there , as long as the practice is not a waste, then practice it.

After a competition, no matter the training camp students or the amber tour group, everyone benefited a lot. After all, You Zefa seriously commented and corrected on the spot, and at the same time explained the six styles and domineering experience.

For Zhang Da, he also focused on explaining the arrogance of knowledge and knowledge. Before, he could occasionally grasp a little bit of feeling, but he couldn't fully grasp it. After practicing more this time, he should be familiar with it quickly.

When talking about armed colors, Zefa even got off the field and punched Zhang Da a few times, letting him experience the different ways of using armed colors.

Zhang Da, who was beaten out several times, also said that this feeling is too familiar, no matter how much strength and strength he uses, the opponent can use greater strength and stronger strength.

If I have to talk about feelings, in fact, Zefa's fist and Garp's fist seem to be no different when they touch each other. Anyway, it hurts, and whoever is beaten will know.

Although the current Zefa has experienced a major blow from the murder of his family by pirates, his heart has not been completely depressed. He is also a man who stands at the pinnacle of naval combat effectiveness by relying on physical skills and arrogance. In terms of strength, he is not much worse than Garp.

Zhang Da also kneaded his sore fists, thinking that if he had the chance, he would go to the Navy headquarters to find Sengoku for a few times. Maybe Sengoku's fists with shock waves could bring him a different experience, and by then it would be considered accomplished by the previous era. The achievements of the three strongest fighters in the navy.

The competition between the Amber Tour Group and the hundreds of students in the Zefa training camp lasted until late at night, and the battle between Arturia and all the chefs lasted for about the same time.

After the end, the sailors lamented that it was indeed the Amber tour group, with such strong combat and physical strength.

But Zhang Da also lamented that he was worthy of being the chef on the Zefa boat, with such strong cooking skills and physical strength.

Although he felt that it would be fine for him to fight all night, Zhang Da didn't demand too much from the sailors. They might have tasks tomorrow, so it's not good to cause trouble without authorization. After a brief farewell, each returned to the boat to rest.

Zefa went back to his room, picked up an inhaler and put it in his mouth.

He has mild asthma. Although he seldom has attacks, in order to prevent the attacks from affecting his combat effectiveness at critical moments, Zefa has developed the habit of taking medication regularly, especially when he is out on missions.

Whenever this time, he was a little envious of his old comrade-in-arms Garp, that guy always looked carefree, free from illness and disaster, he would catch pirates if he wanted to, and he would find a way to take vacations all day long if he didn't want to.

Otherwise, he would just hang out in Sengoku's office with green tea, senbei, donuts, etc. In such a world, it's really enviable to live a life like Karp's.

But Zefa will not learn from Karp, he is a person who can't be idle, otherwise he would not agree to the world government's retention. His wish is to cultivate the kind of hero he dreamed of when he was young, unless he is too old Don't move the road, or Zefa won't stop until he realizes this dream.

In Aokiji's words, isn't it cool for a man to carry out his beliefs throughout his life?

Boom boom boom.

"Please come in."

"Teacher Zefa." Tina glanced at the inhaler in Zefa's mouth.

Zefa put the inhaler aside casually and asked, "Tina? Is there anything you don't understand about the explanation just now?"

"No, Tina is for your illness."

Zefa was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "It's still the same, don't worry."

Tina said: "I mean, maybe you can ask Wendy to try it. Her healing ability is different from ordinary medicine, and it may be useful."

"Wendy..." Zefa was a little moved, and he didn't like to take medicine if possible, "It's okay to try, but Wendy's ability is more inclined to healing, and this kind of illness may not be effective."

"I'm going to ask her to come here now, Tina is impatient!" Tina disappeared through the door in an instant, even using a shave.

Students caring about themselves is something to be happy about. Zefa laughed and said, "It would be better for me to go to someone else for treatment, right?"


"Asthma?" Wendy tilted her head and thought for a while, she has never been exposed to this kind of disease, "I don't know, but I can try."

Tina has been thinking about this matter before, hoping that Teacher Zefa's illness can be completely cured. Now she calms down a little after hearing Wendy say this. Wendy's healing ability is not a panacea, but there is always hope: " Then please!"

Wendy and Tina went to Zefa's warship together, Zhang Da also accompanied, to give Wendy courage, but also worried that Wendy would be abducted.

However, the development of the world is always accompanied by accidents. After boarding the warship, Wendy grabbed Zhang Daye's arm with one hand and covered her mouth with the other as if she wanted to vomit.

"Wendy?" Zhang Da also had a bad feeling.

Wendy's cheeks were puffed up, her face was ashen, and she said with difficulty: "Well, it's so... so uncomfortable..."

Seeing how unstable her feet were, Zhang Da quickly supported her.

Tina noticed Wendy's strange behavior and asked, "What's wrong? Is there any discomfort?"

Wendy covered her mouth with her hands and leaned limply on Zhang Daye, too uncomfortable to speak.

"Probably... seasick." Zhang Da also picked up Wendy, ran to the edge of the warship in two or three steps, and jumped onto the shore.

"Sick...seasick?" Tina felt that she couldn't turn her head around, and followed in a daze. Is there really anyone in this world who gets seasick?

The sailors standing guard on the deck looked at them inexplicably, not knowing what happened.

After sitting on the rocks by the shore for a while, Wendy's condition improved a lot, and she said to Tina apologetically, "I'm sorry, I felt so uncomfortable just now."

Tina looked at Wendy's pitiful look, and said with concern: "It's fine, if you're not feeling well, why don't you watch it tomorrow?"

Wendy didn't realize that she was different from before, she stood up: "I'm fine, let's go now!"

Tina was unsure: "Is it okay? Tina is very worried."

"There is a problem." Wendy wanted to say that there is no problem, but Zhang Da also rushed to answer, "Wendy, you may not be able to take a boat in the future."

Wendy asked puzzledly, "Hey? Why?"

"Because you have become stronger, you may be the same as Natsu now." Zhang Da also suspects that the Amber is special to Wendy, but he is still a little worried, and he will try it later to find out.

Wendy thought of Naz's appearance, every time he took a train, a boat, or even just putting a board on top of a wooden barrel would make him faint and want to die...

"You're lying, right?" Wendy leaned back slightly in fear, how could she travel with everyone after she became like that?

Tina couldn't believe it: "How could this happen? You were fine on your boat just now?"

"A simple explanation is probably a side effect of the ability evolution. Our ship may be a little special." Zhang Da also said, "Wendy, do you want to try again?"

"Try it!" Although Wendy believed it in her heart, she was still a little unwilling.

Naturally, Tina would not stop her, so Wendy boarded the warship again, one step, two steps, Wendy's eyes widened, and she took the third step firmly... Wendy couldn't hold on any longer, she knelt and sat on the deck On the ground, the big eyes are full of tears, weak and helpless.

Zhang Da also hugged Wendy again, and said to Tina: "Why don't you ask Mr. Zefa to come out."

"That's the only way to go." Tina nodded. There are all kinds of strange things in the sea, and there are actually people who get seasick after becoming stronger.

On the coast, taking advantage of Tina's absence, Zhang Da also patted Wendy on the head and comforted him: "Don't be discouraged, seasickness means that you have become a qualified dragon slayer, which is a good thing, in fact, I should congratulate you .”

"Is that so?" Wendy looked up at Zhang Daye. As a dragon slayer, she didn't even know about it.

"Well, I remember that after mastering the dragon-slaying magic to a certain extent, it will affect the semicircular canals of the human body, which is why I get seasick." Zhang Da also said:

"In the past, you didn't faint because you were not strong enough. Now it may be because you learned the secret of dragon slayer, and then came into contact with the real power of dragon slayer, the power that can hurt the dragon."

Zhang Da also looked at her seriously, and said with a smile: "Congratulations Wendy, you have been working hard to become an excellent dragon slayer, and now you have taken the first step!"

Mentioning this incident, Wendy finally became happy: "Yeah!"

There are so many talented people in the comment area of ​​Xiaopozhan, and I saw an interesting point of view: "The red hair's knowledgeable color can predict the future, so when he knows that the other party will give him face in the future, he will say 'give me some face'.

When he knows that the other party will not give face in the future, he will do it directly without saying this, so that the red hair can stand up to the character - as long as he wants face, everyone will give..."

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