Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 232 Little clever ghost

Shark Chili didn't forget to give Blue an extra meal. It just so happened that meat and water were also Blue's favorite food, so he ate it very happily.

After seeing this, Tom thought he couldn't treat the Blue he was riding badly. He also decided to feed him, but the method was a bit unethical - he connected a wooden stick to a string, hung it in front of Blue's mouth, and swam a long distance before feeding it to others. have a bite.

Since they wanted to cross the Seven Waters Capital from north to south, they needed to ride Blue upstream to the central city, and then downriver to the port on the edge of the city.

It’s especially exciting when going down the river. The speed, coupled with Tom’s cheers, makes it feel like drifting in the mountains.

Happiness belonged to Tom, and Zhang Da could only hold a pile of shopping bags with both hands, and clamped a large box under the seat with his legs to prevent them from flying out.

The bags were full of food bought on the road, which I planned to bring to others to try because they tasted good, and the box contained a variety of toothpastes carefully selected by Shark Chili, plus four large toothbrushes.

The grocery store owner has really prepared a complete range of things. Even the toothbrushes come in various sizes. It seems that besides Shark Chili, there are other people who also use such large toothbrushes.

"At this time, I will miss the bubble bags of Shampoo Islands." Zhang Daye complained while guarding a lot of things on the boat.

Shark Chili said: "Don't Boss Tatsuya have an inventory?"

"Well, things obtained other than through lottery must be put in a container such as a box or cabinet, which is very inconvenient. Now those limited containers are filled with our spare supplies. "

Zhang Da also made full preparations before going to sea. Because he was worried that the big eaters on the ship would accidentally eat all the food, he filled the inventory with all the things that could be used as containers with food and drinking water.

Like shoe cabinets, bedside tables, refrigerators, suitcases...even the space for a rice cooker and oven is not spared.

Only one wardrobe was left to store the gold and baileys they had obtained so far.

Artoria has always been willing to share Zhang Daye's worries: "Why don't we choose a cabinet, take out the food inside, and put the things we just bought."

"That's not the same as taking a lot of things. You can't throw away all the food you take out..." At this point, Zhang Da also understood Artoria's true intention and suddenly realized, "You are such a clever little kid. "

In the end, the things were successfully put into a cabinet and stored in the inventory, and the original food was not wasted.

Arturia licked off a bit of cream on the corner of her mouth: "So Tatsuya, you also hid the dessert from Fish-Man Island. You are so cunning."

"Actually, I even forgot which cabinet contained what. What I took out was completely random." Zhang Da also thought about Artoria's luck, and it seemed that it was not completely random.

In short, they ate, drank, and shopped along the way. It was obviously not a big city, but everyone arrived at the port that Cocoro mentioned in the afternoon.

After the boat stopped, Tom and Artoria stayed behind and licked the water candy with great enjoyment. Zhang Daye and Shark Pepper went to various docks to talk to people.

The port is not big. There are more than a dozen docks built in total. Only a few of them have cargo ships docked and are unloading. There are many porters chatting at the rest of the docks.

Zhang Da also came over to say hello. When he saw someone smoking, he took out a pack of cigarettes that Shark Pepper bought on the way and scattered them around.

Shark Chili told him that it doesn't matter if you don't smoke, but sometimes it's better to have a box.

The workers took the cigarettes, some pinned them to their ears, some lit them immediately, and some held them between their fingers and continued talking. However, the common point was that they were obviously much more enthusiastic when facing Zhang Daye's questions.

"Biznis? Businessman? I can't remember. Do you guys have any impressions?"

"I haven't seen it before. Maybe it didn't stop at our pier?"

The workers were exchanging information in a flurry, and suddenly someone slapped his thigh: "I remember, I seem to have heard someone mention it, that he was a profiteer, right?"

Zhang Da also nodded: "Yes, I was tricked by that profiteer and came to settle the score with him."

Speaking of profiteers, the workers were suddenly filled with indignation:

"The most abominable ones are these profiteers, especially those from Saint Baiyang. They just saw that our shipyard in the Capital of Seven Waters couldn't get raw materials and had to rely on them, so they deliberately raised the price very high!"

"Yes, and those guys on Phuket Island are not good either. The ingredients they sell are extremely expensive. If it weren't for the fact that our island can produce some food on its own, I don't know how many people would starve to death."

"Thanks to the sea train built by Mr. Tom, there has been some improvement in the past few years. Otherwise, those guys would have to use transportation difficulties as an excuse every time, and the price would not know where to increase."

"Actually, even with the sea train, there are only those three islands that can supply us with goods. The various shipyards here have to compete with each other, and in the end those profiteers will succeed."

"I'm going too far, let's talk about Biznis." The worker who provided the information before brought the topic back in time:

"That guy is a leader among profiteers. He appears humble and polite, but is actually the best at provoking buyers to bid against each other in order to compete for his goods. Last time, two shipyards got into a fight because of him, and he only ended up in the hospital. There are dozens of boatmen.”

"Is there no one taking care of this kind of thing? I remember there is a mayor here, right?" Zhang Da couldn't help but ask. He remembered that Espagu was the mayor in the original plot and could directly discuss cooperation with the world government. That kind of person, who is said to be the mayor, is actually as respected and powerful as the king of a small country in the Capital of Seven Waters.

"Mayor..." the workers curled their lips and whispered, "The mayor now is of no use at all. During the election, he made a lot of noise. After becoming the mayor, he can't accomplish anything. He can't even restrain those shipyards. Next time Never vote for him in the next election."

"Instead of voting for someone else, I think it would be better to choose Mr. Tom, the world's number one shipbuilder. No one in those shipyards would dare to be dissatisfied."

"But he is a fishman. Wouldn't it be great if a fishman became the mayor?"

"Hey, you are too heartless to say such a thing, right? What about the fishman? It took ten years of hard work to bring the City of Seven Waters back to life. If he becomes the mayor, the sea train may be able to connect to more places. If there are many islands, then you don’t have to be angry with those islands, just let their people’s fares be doubled!”


The workers argued endlessly, and the topic gradually rose from profiteers to the economic development of the entire city, to the racial conflicts between humans and fishmen, and then suddenly shifted to whether the mermaid ladies are beautiful or not, and whether they are willing to marry humans... …

The chaotic trend of topics makes Zhang Da also feel like he is participating in a group chat. They all start from small things around him, sublimate to the national economy and people's livelihood, and may gradually transfer to international relations, but they will always start to race or be a key person inexplicably, and eventually end up being banned. words, or the group will be disbanded.

After chatting with these people and bragging about what he had seen and heard on Fish-Man Island, Zhang Daye's smile suddenly disappeared: "Well, what question did I ask in the first place?"

Rumors stop with wise people, group chats stop with astringent people

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