Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 107 If the style were changed, it would be a horror movie

Tom is wearing a red swordsman's uniform, holding a Western sword, and wearing a black big-brimmed hat. The style of the hat seems to be the same as Mihawk's, and he looks very energetic.

At this time, Tom stood the sword up in front of him, pinched the tip of the sword with his left hand, and used force with his right hand to bend the sword slightly. Then he released his left hand, letting the tip of the sword pop out, and the sword just lay flat, ready for an attack.

Mihawk looked at Zhang Daye: "What do you mean?"

"Uh... maybe, maybe he wants to challenge you for a sword fight." Zhang Da also lacked the confidence to let a cat block other people's way to show off his power. This is a provocative act, and it is reasonable for others to cut him with a sword. "Speak up. You may not believe it, Tom is actually very strong."

Mihawk felt that this smooth-tongued boy was completely unreliable, but his eyes told him that this boy was not lying, so Mihawk looked at Artoria.

"Tom is indeed very strong, in every sense of the word." Artoria actually didn't know how to describe it, so she could only smile politely and said, "If you are interested, you can give it a try. It doesn't matter if you use your full strength."

"Full power?" Artoria's words were enough to arouse Mihawk's interest. He drew the black knife again. The reason why he didn't use the knife was because Artoria asked him to use all his strength.

He had felt before that this cat could use a sword, so he should give it a try. He looked at Tom: "Doesn't it matter if he dies?"

Tom thought for a moment and shook his head.

"Okay." Mihawk raised the knife. He didn't expect a cat to be so courageous and much stronger than his master.

But Zhang Da also felt that he might have misunderstood something. Tom's shaking of his head should mean that he didn't want to die, right?

Seeing that the other party agreed, Tom straightened his sword and stabbed: "Aha!"

Mihawk brushed it away and frowned.

Tom swung the Western sword in his hand repeatedly, making dozens of moves in the blink of an eye. Mihawk held the sword in one hand and deflected all the attacks with just the tip of the sword, without even moving his feet.

At this time, Mihawk was a little confused. Although this cat could hold a sword and the speed of the sword was pretty good just now, his moves were immature, his steps were messy, and his strength was not enough. Is this level worthy of Artoria letting him use all his strength?

Thinking of this, Mihawk started to counterattack and swung his sword quickly, much faster than the fastest speed that Tom had just shown.

Ding! Tom's face looked flustered for a moment, but he immediately used the sword in his hand to draw away the black knife.

The front end of the Western sword struck the side of the black knife like a whip, causing the black knife to pass by his ear without hurting a single hair.

"Interesting." Mihawk felt that the force of the blow just now should not be enough to shake his knife, but his knife was missed.

Mihawk did not sheath the sword, but turned the blade to slash horizontally, even faster than the previous move.

Tom quickly ducked down and shrank his head. The hat on his head did not respond and spun around in the air a few times. When Tom stood up straight, it landed on his head again.

"Is it a coincidence or strength?" Hawkeye Mihawk's life card said that he could see not only the sword skills, but also the essence of the power of the person standing in front of him, but at this time, he couldn't understand it. a cat.

The black sword in his hand was swung out one after another, but no matter whether the speed of his sword was fast or slow, the cat in front of him could always dodge in various incredible postures, and it was always dangerous. Even if he missed a millimeter, he would still be able to escape. root hairs.

This reminded him of the paper painting in Navy Six, but no matter how proficient the paper painting was, using it in front of him would still be courting death. There was something wrong with this cat, something very wrong.

"Then how will you deal with this?" Mihawk slashed out with a knife, and his wrist seemed to shake. It looked like it was just one knife, but the slashes were criss-crossed and woven into a large and fine net, covering Tom.

This is a swordsmanship that can cut Fujitora's meteorite into dices. It is better than Zoro's Great Thousand Worlds. This move has no name, but because he saw his wrist shaking three times, Zhang Da also called it Sword Net Three. .

Tom gasped. This flying slash was something he couldn't understand. It was not scientific at all. There was no way to avoid this!

He threw down his sword and ran around twice, but felt like he couldn't escape anywhere, so he felt relieved.

Tom spread his hands, stood up straight, took out a blindfold and tied it on, took out a cigarette and lit it, looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, and blew out a round smoke ring.


The slashing net penetrated Tom's body without any hindrance, blasting a big crater on the ground behind him.

Mihawk looked at him in surprise, was it over like this? No, even though the cat was shattered all over the place, there was no trace of blood, and it was quickly put together like a jigsaw puzzle.

Because Tom couldn't see anything, he groped wildly with his hands in front of him. Finally, two eyes crawled up to his face, and he opened the blindfold and got in. Only then did he return to normal.

"Ability user?" Mihawk asked this question for the second time today.

Zhang Da also replied: "No, Tom can swim well. You can think it is his talent."

Can swim = not a capable person

Is there such an incredible talent left in the world?

Mihawk felt that this trip was indeed in vain. He not only saw Artoria's swordsmanship using magic power, but also saw Tom's swordsmanship using his magical talent.

But these two powers gave him a strange feeling, as if they shouldn't belong to this world.

When he wanted to continue to test, Tom stopped.

Because his hat was broken, the hat that had been shot through by Pitman with a bow and arrow had been cut into pieces today after he had finally smoothed out the two small holes with his hands.

Obviously the clothes on his body returned to their original shape with the splicing of the body, but the hat couldn't be put back together, Tom felt distressed holding a bunch of pieces.

'It's all right Tom, I'll buy you the same one later. ’ Zhang Da was about to say this.

But Mihawk acted one step ahead of him, taking off his hat and pressing it on Tom's head: "I'll compensate you. You may have unlimited possibilities. Come on, kitty, no, Tom!"

Mihawk, who had always had a cold expression, smiled, and it was very gentle.

How did you know that Tom has endless possibilities?

Zhang Da also lamented that this man has good eyesight and is really handsome. This may be the most attractive uncle he has ever seen.

This time Mihawk really left, leaving everyone with an aloof back and a sentence: "It would also be interesting if a cat defeated the world's greatest swordsman in the future! Hahaha!"

Zhang Da also checked Tom up and down. The reorganization seemed to be very smooth this time and it looked like it would not leak. Moreover, Tom didn't seem to hurt when it was cut into pieces. Is it because he was blindfolded?

Tom felt that this person was not bad, and he would be compensated for damages, so he put on the hat and tried it on. Well, it was a bit big, and it was easy to fall off to cover his eyes.

But it doesn't matter, just adjust the angle to get used to it, and take off the hat to show Zhang Da also to show off.

Zhang Da also praised with a smile, helped Tom take it well, and then looked at the direction where Hawkeye was leaving thoughtfully, why did he also give a hat? Is this a quirk of the strong or simply a habit learned from redheads?

But you actually want Tom to work hard, so let's go to sleep.

Seeing him in a daze, Rui Mengmeng asked, "Boss, what are you thinking? You don't want to challenge him too, do you?"

Zhang Da also shook his head: "No, I suddenly remembered, did he not pay for drinking before?"

In fact, the machete Sward who appeared in the first chapter is super powerful, at least he cut off the tip of Tom's tail and a pile of hair on his back...

But having said that, I guess I can do it...

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