Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 999 The Terrifying Three-Masted Ship? Amber Island!

Of course there is interest.

Although many people in the Radiant Cathead Team have escaped from slavery, they have long been homeless. Otherwise, even if it was to repay a favor, he would not be so decisive in fighting for his life.

Now I heard that the Amber Tour Group wanted to recruit people, and many people immediately expressed their intention to go together.

What was more difficult to deal with was the Holy Land Guards. Although many died in direct combat, there were still several thousand survivors.

It would be inappropriate to kill all these people, and it would be troublesome to take them all away. The only option was to send them to Marinevando and lock them up, and let the navy find a way to identify them.

Those who feel they can be saved will be sent to reeducation through labor, and those who cannot be saved will be thrown into a deep-sea prison. If necessary in the future, they can be allowed to contribute some hard work to transform the world.

The Deep Sea Prison and Justice Island operate independently to a large extent and are not greatly affected by the war.

Zhang Daye's opinion was to send Magellan and the jailers back and let them continue to stick to their posts, regardless of whether there was any punishment.

As for the messy judicial procedures on Judicial Island, they definitely need to be reformed, and some past unjust cases and inappropriate sentencing will also be retried.

Zhang Da also recommended Mr. Zastis as their principal.

It was the old judge who advocated justice in the Capital of Seven Waters and severely punished CP5 and the then CP5 chief Spandam.

I believe that the old man will work hard to build Judiciary Island into a true legal holy land.

Since the entire fleet was sailing together this time, Zhang Daye and the others had to take care of everyone's speed, so the speed was not fast.

And when encountering bad weather, they occasionally have to rescue them. Fortunately, Rab is accompanying them, and the entire ship is rescued without any damage.

Rab, this cute guy, has also won the love of everyone through his own efforts.

During the break, everyone also likes to feed Labu with the fish they caught - even though those 'small fish' can't even be counted as stuffing between teeth.

Even according to Misaka's calculations, the energy consumed by pulling the cloth is more than the energy provided by the small fish thrown out, but having fun is the most important thing.

Brooke is happy that Rab has made so many new friends and will never be alone again.

It took a little time for the fleet to reach the Devil's Triangle. Rui Mengmeng reminded loudly: "Everyone, be careful, there is a dense fog area ahead, don't get separated!"

Just in case, Zhang Da also sent two flag demons on each ship to facilitate contact, and they were not as cautious as a ship.

It took a while to find the terrifying three-masted ship, but in the end, the fleet was guided by the negative ghost and sailed into the inner sea of ​​the big ship.

Everyone who came here for the first time couldn't help but exclaimed: "Is this... really a ship?"

"So, although we are on the sea, we are actually on the ship?"

"It's unbelievable! Who on earth can build a ship of this size!"

"Ship?" Wendy covered her mouth, pretending to be sick.

"It's an island. It must be an island if it's so big!" Xia Lulu patted Wendy's back gently and kept winking at Zhang Daye.

"Yes, it is an island." Zhang Daye said, "I have decided that this island will be called Amber Island, or Hope Island."

The name "Terrorist Barque" really didn't match the temperament of the Amber Tour Group. In addition to comforting Wendy, the name of the island ship was decided.

"This will be our territory from now on!" Zhang Daye was the first to jump ashore and planted a Tom Smiling Face flag on the ground.

"Although it's still a little desolate now, as long as we work hard, we can definitely build it into the best paradise!"


There was a burst of cheers from the crowd, and they finally had a place to stay. They looked at the Amber Tour Group standing at the front - and it was a very reassuring place.

I'm excited, but the situation on the island is actually not good.

Hidden by the thick fog, no one could see clearly. In fact, there were many bones scattered in a deep trench at the entrance.

There are large woods and many wastelands on the island. In many places, there are graves that were originally used for zombies to hide, and there are also ruins left by the last battle.

In addition, due to the wind direction, no one noticed that there was a putrid smell in the air.

"I can't believe it!" Frankie lifted up his sunglasses and measured the island step by step. "I'm afraid there can be thousands of people living here, right?"

Zhang Da also said: "Not only that, there were thousands of zombies alone."

"Zombies~~~" Sister Cube turned pale with fright, "Is this place haunted?"

Zhang Da also released a few flag demons to heighten the atmosphere: "Yes, there are zombies, ghosts, talking skeletons, everything."

The flag demons floated around Zhang Daye in a sensible manner, making weird and strange laughter.

"Hey~~~" Frankie's family and the Radiant Cathead Team were so frightened that they almost turned pale.

"Yohohoho~" Brooke suddenly appeared, "By the way, here is the talking skeleton."

Everyone looked at Brooke and then at Perona, who was wandering around with a few ghosts, as if they knew what the haunting was about.

Seeing that everyone's emotions had calmed down, Brooke gently raised his hat: "So, Miss Keewe, and Miss Moz, can I let you admire your fatness?"

Zhang Da also clenched his fists, but after looking at the costumes of the square sisters, he silently released his fists.

The Cube sisters were not angry at all, and even posed a few of Franky's classic poses, saying in unison: "What are you talking about, Mr. Brook, aren't we wearing swimsuits?"

"That's right... Yoho, Yohoho~~" Two blushes appeared on Brook's old face.

Zhang Da also decided to ignore these weirdos and took Franky to the place where the mast was originally.

"This was originally a mast and a castle, but it was collapsed by our battle." Zhang Da also pointed to a ruin, "Look, the broken iron chain and the broken sail are still there."

Franky observed carefully for a while: "Repair is no problem, but this is a big project, and it requires a lot of manpower and materials... I'm afraid it will cost a lot."

"Money is not a problem!" Zhang Da also waved his hand generously, "You just need to consider how to repair it faster."

Zhang Da also has the legacy of Tezoro. Not to mention repairing the ship, he can even build a small golden city.

Because of this, after destroying the Celestial Dragons' lair, he was not tempted by the Celestial Dragons' property at all.

In addition to allocating a sum to all the participants in the war, most of it was left to the newly prepared World United Government, so that they could use it as start-up funds to compensate some ordinary people who had suffered misfortune in Marinford, and to help some poor countries that had been exploited by the World Government.

Zhang Daye, Zhang Daye, if you are successful, you will help the world, and it is not just talk.

Franky also realized that the Amber Travel Group was not short of money at all, and he quickly thought of a rough construction plan:

"It would be best to find a way to transport it to the vicinity of the Seven Waters City, so that it would be convenient for recruiting people and preparing materials.

We can also take advantage of the time on the way to clean up the ruins, carefully measure the size, and draw a design, so that we can start construction soon."

As soon as Franky finished speaking, the ground trembled slightly, and pieces of rubble, wood, and even iron chains all floated up, passed over the heads of the crowd, and fell down in the open space, forming a small hill.

Yixiao gently put the cane knife back into the sheath: "You can leave the cleaning of the ruins to me, and the transport of this ship, but I need someone to help show the way."

"Hmm...ah..." Franky was a little stunned. Although he had seen Yixiao's power, he didn't expect it to be used in this way. "This is really...super~efficient! Then the surveying work..."

Zhang Daye released a bunch of flag monsters, including Hera: "These talents are lent to you. Some can fly, some can only float, and the load-bearing capacity varies, but they should be enough for surveying and mapping."

"Yes, yes..." Franky knew Hera. With this cloud, he could draw directly in the sky.

"In addition to the sails, this ship also needs a power system." Zhang Daye raised his hand, and the electric arc flashed at his fingertips, "Let's use electricity as the power source?"

"Bilibili~" Misaka stood next to Zhang Daye and made the same action, and used her mouth to dub the electric arc on her hand.

"This power system is the most troublesome. I need to design it well."

Zhang Da also thought about it: "How about I send all the data to Dr. Vegapunk after the measurement is completed, and ask him to spend a few minutes to design a set?"

Franky gave a thumbs up. He didn't dare to say that he was stronger than Vegapunk.

After a slight tremor, Amber Island slightly left the sea surface and slowly drifted towards the direction of the Seven Waters.

Labo swung his tail and followed happily beside him. Even with his size, he was just like a small goldfish in front of this ship.

Franky commanded the flag monsters to get busy, and the Cube Sisters, Zanbai and others also went to help him.

The members of the Radiant Cat Team were somewhat at a loss after being surprised: "Benefactor, what should we do?"

"Let me think..." Zhang Daye's nose moved, "There is a disgusting job you want to do?"


"Well, there are many messy corpses scattered on this island. Although some of them are simply buried, but... if you smell it carefully, there is actually a rotten smell..."

"... So that's it." Everyone understood what Zhang Daye meant, "Indeed, if you don't deal with it properly, you can't live well at all."

These are people who have seen hell on earth. This hard work is nothing to them, not to mention that this is to build their future home.

When Zhang Daye took out various tools such as shovels, pickaxes, and wheelbarrows from the inventory, everyone immediately started working.

Then, these people were amazed.

Not only did they see all kinds of strange human corpses here, but also many strange animals.

Like human-faced sphinxes, spider rats, spider monkeys, and even hell three-headed dogs, all kinds of strange things.

"What was this place like before?"

"Who knows? Anyway, many people must have been rescued by benefactors."

"Ah, it stinks! Zeus, come and help me!"

"Hey, don't dig your body up, it's disgusting!"

Of course, Zhang Daye and the others were not idle either. Except for the little girls, they all joined the work.

Of course, a night watchman named Ye who did not want to reveal his name was not very active, but fortunately there was a flag demon to help him flatteringly.

Perona has been very quiet since she came to the island. Wendy, Xia Lulu and Misaka accompanied her and whispered something.

When her mood improved, several people discussed with great interest what the residence should look like.

"Of course it's a dark castle..." Perona was stuck. She thought about it carefully. That environment didn't seem very comfortable. "Forget it, let's go with something brighter."

Wendy said, "I think the style of the room on the Amber is very good."

"Misaka likes modern ones, and the one on the Amber is also very good." Misaka thought about it and added, "In fact, as long as we can be with everyone, it's good."

Wendy asked again, "Speaking of which, if we move here, what will happen to the Amber?"

"Of course it will be what it should be." Xia Lulu said, "This... This island is so big, there will definitely be inconveniences, and there will be many times in the future when we need to take the Amber."

"That's good..." Wendy breathed a sigh of relief. She was still worried that the Amber would be abandoned, which would be too pitiful.

After leaving the foggy area, the surveying work progressed a lot faster.

Zhang Da, who was busy cleaning up the dirt, soon got a standard bird's-eye view.

This was for him to use for regional planning.

First of all, the area near the mast is naturally the core area, but Zhang Da doesn't plan to build a castle inside the mast.

He and his companions discussed making the area a residential area, and also building training grounds and playgrounds.

In terms of the number of people, everyone felt that they could recruit a few more, but not too many, because most of the area would be reserved for growing various crops.

All the vegetables and fruits that everyone liked should be planted in one area, and when they arrived at the Seven Water City, they could cultivate the land while waiting for Franky and his team to start construction.

Zhang Da was excited when he thought that he had such a large piece of land to cultivate and farm at will.

The work of cleaning up the corpses progressed slower than expected, because the more old corpses were cleaned up, the more they seemed to be found, so many that Zhang Da felt uncomfortable and thought it was very abnormal.

"This is much more than the number of zombies..." Zhang Da also frowned, "Even if Moria killed dozens or hundreds of pirate groups, there shouldn't be this number."

"Before it was regarded as a pirate ship, this might have been a battlefield somewhere." Altria said, "Or... a mass grave."

"Boss, look at that."

Rui Mengmeng pointed to a corpse. The clothes on the other person were tattered, but it could be seen that there were circles of target-like patterns on the clothes, and an arrow was stuck on it.

"This..." Zhang Da also seemed to be familiar with it, but he couldn't remember any useful information.

"Benefactor, please, let them rest in peace." Xius of the Cathead Team suddenly said, "Looking at them, I always feel a little sad."


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