Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 990 Found the weakness of the Amber Travel Group!

"It...succeeded?" Im didn't even expect that happiness would come so suddenly.

How does it feel to use a small skill at random to instantly kill the opponent's leader? Overflowing with joy, Im couldn't even remember how long it had been since she had been so happy.

However, within seconds he knew he had been happy too soon.

Zhang Daye, who was split in half, only had one wing on each half of his body, but he was still able to fly normally, and the two halves of his body flew out in a curve to both sides and then rejoined, making a perfect fit.

Tom behind him acted the same way, as if nothing had happened just now.

Rui Mengmeng complained: "Boss, can you please stop doing such tricks? It's very scary."

Arturia didn't speak, but her eyes clearly revealed this meaning.

Tom nodded in agreement. The big wind blade flew over and he didn't even try to dodge. It was very scary.

"It's not me who has the final say..."

Zhang Da also smiled bitterly, "Don't worry about these details, just kill him first."

Clang, clang, clang, the three long swords of Artoria, Rui Mengmeng and Zhang Daye pierced the dragon's neck, chest and abdomen respectively.

But the three collision parts all made the sound of gold and iron.

"Vajra body!" Im's body surface seemed to emit a metallic luster and became extremely hard.

Although in the eyes of everyone this is a super-enhanced version of the iron block, Im doesn't think so.

But before he could boast, Swordsman Tom thrust out his rapier.

"Aww... roar~~~" Im let out a sharp cry of pain, but it immediately turned into a roar. The short claws in front of him reached towards Zhang Daye and Tom, "Claws of Tianxiang Dragon!"

Tom was straightening his sword bit by bit, which was bent due to the hard scales, when Zhang Daye suddenly grabbed the back of his neck and pulled it away, causing Im's dragon claw to miss.

"Hoof of Tianxiang Dragon!" The dragon's strong hind legs also kicked out towards Artoria and Rui Mengmeng.

Arturia dodged to the side lightly, and the golden sword light struck the dragon's ankle.

Rui Mengmeng fiercely raised her sword to confront the opponent head-on, splitting the soles of Im's feet with one sword.

Im screamed in pain, flapped his wings, and rushed a long distance away, out of the attack range of several people.

Misaka below took advantage of the fierce battle among her companions and silently held back her ultimate move.

First, it relied on electromagnetic force to collect iron sand from the fire-free zone, then controlled the iron sand to extinguish the fire on the ground, and finally gathered iron sand from a larger area of ​​the ground, causing a sand-iron giant a hundred meters tall to appear above Mariejoia.

The giant is all black, with a blue electric light on his body, like the muscle lines of a giant.

In fact, the iron sand and dust that make up the body rub inside the body, constantly generating and storing electromagnetic energy. Misaka controls this iron sand giant by manipulating this electromagnetic energy, and even allows her to use electromagnetic energy that far exceeds the upper limit of her body's energy. fighting.

When Im turned back and was about to counterattack, the sand iron giant waved his left arm and gave Im a big blow.

Powerful current, high-frequency vibrating sand iron, and powerful kinetic energy carried by extremely dense sand iron arms...

This slap made Im realize firsthand how powerful the power of 'science' is.

It was so heavy that half of his face was swollen, and his head was buzzing: Is this a move that the Thunder Fruit can perform?

Why not a giant of thunder, but a giant of sand and iron? !

Im was angry. He wanted to let the other party see the real power of thunder and lightning, but he was worried that it would in turn charge Misaka, so he had to use the power of ice instead: "Extreme Cold God Realm!"

Extremely low-temperature cold air was sprayed out by Im, and frost began to condense on the ground again, even spreading to the sand iron giant.

But Misaka didn't panic and explained in the simplest way, electricity generates magnetism, magnetism generates electricity, and electricity generates heat. A more popular method is to defrost food in a microwave oven.

The sand iron giant was not afraid of Im's frost ability, and even prepared a super-large electromagnetic cannon under the control of Misaka and charging energy with his right hand.


Im was accumulating fire in his mouth, but as soon as he sprayed it out, the projectiles fired by the sand iron giant had already destroyed his head and penetrated his body.

Ye Yan decisively transformed into a master and threw the soul hammer before Im began to recover.

Just hearing a roar, a huge dark green explosion cloud appeared in the sky, and the headless dragon fell to the ground with a roar.

The sand iron giant disintegrated, and Misaka landed lightly, breathing a little quickly.

A few hours have passed since the battle began, and Misaka has been using some exaggerated moves.

If Im hadn't used a thunderstorm to help supplement it once, Misaka might not have been able to hold on until now, let alone summon a sand iron giant of that size.

But even if the fight ended like this, Zhang Da still knew that the battle was not over yet, because just now, the bodies of old Venus and old Mercury were as 'withered' as the previous old Saturn.

Im's body recovered much faster than last time, and before Zhang Daye's soul-crushing hammer landed, he was already in the air again.

There was a boom and explosion, Zhang Daye's attack was in vain, and he shouted at Ye Yan as if he was looking for trouble:

"I told you not to start the job! I will deduct my salary and deduct my salary!"

Ye Yan raised his middle finger: "My head was taken off by Misaka, where the hell am I going to take the head off! You haven't been hit yet!"

Xia Lulu complained: "Is now the time to quarrel..."

Wendy showed a helpless expression: "The two of them have always been like this..."

"Wen..." Xia Lulu's pupils suddenly dilated, and she shouted, "Protect Misaka!"

I saw Im restored to his human-beast form, and the whole person suddenly disappeared from the spot, and appeared not far from Misaka, and his sharp claws grabbed the tired Misaka.

However, Misaka had already built layers of defense in front of him, and Im's claws hit Rui Mengmeng's shoulder.

Zhang Daye and Altria's long swords pierced Im's abdomen from the left and right.

Rui Mengmeng, who was knocked out, hit the round belly of the Chaos Beast and was not injured.

Behind the Chaos Beast was a wall that Tom had just built, and Tom was wearing a pot as a helmet.

Behind Misaka was Misaka, and the light of various auxiliary magic added by Wendy was still flashing on her body.

Misaka's body had already been elementalized, but she looked at everyone who was ready for battle, and didn't know whether she should continue to dodge and hide far away.

Blood was flowing from Im's abdomen, and the blood vessels on his neck were bulging and obviously beating, and it seemed that he was very angry.

Mu just wanted to make a sneak attack, do you have to react so strongly? You almost killed me again?

However, it seems that the weakness of the Amber Tour Group has been discovered. As long as they continue to find ways to surprise attack this Thunder Fruit ability user, they will eventually find a flaw.

He looked at the defenses that were constructed in an instant in front of him, and he would find a flaw... right?

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