The two of them were kidnapped.

"Oh no, Conan, Komatsu, Takayama Minami has been kidnapped!"

Ayumi looked out the window nervously.

"I know." Komatsu put down his chopsticks, looked out the window, and sat quietly.

The car has already started, and they definitely can't catch up.

Unless he uses his foot armor in public, he can indeed catch up and make the news the next day.

Besides, there is no need to rush. Since the other party did not kill Takayama Minami at the first time, it means that they have something to ask for. In this case, Takayama Minami is safe for the time being.

Conan followed him out and wrote down the license plate number.

We should be able to get some clues through the license plate number.

"What should we do next?" Ai looked at Komatsu.

"At least we had a meal, so I should help her call the police." Komatsu called the police.

Not long after, Inspector Megure arrived with Takagi and other police officers.

"It's you." Inspector Megure shook his head the first time he saw the members of the Junior Detective Team.

These little ghosts are a headache, but they are also very useful. Inspector Megure really doesn't know what to say.

Well, it seems that there is no need to say too much, after all, they never listen.

There is no need to waste words.

"Inspector Megure, this is what happened." Conan began to narrate the incident and said the license plate number he had written down.

"There is no need to check the license plate number." Komatsu shook his head slightly.

The other party was obviously an organized and premeditated guy. One person was holding a gun, and another person was behind Takayama Minami to prevent her from escaping.

In this case, how could the other party drive a car and run away in a swagger?

The license plate is either fake or stolen.

There is no need to waste time on this.

"Well, that makes sense. They do look like they planned it, but for safety reasons, it is better to check it out." Conan said seriously.

How come these two little ghosts look more professional than us.

Megure complained in his heart and immediately arranged for someone to investigate the vehicle information.

Soon, the traffic team sent back the news. According to the records, the car was recently stolen and the owner has already reported it.

Inspector Megure pondered for a moment and then said, "It seems that we can only try to track the vehicle's route."

"Understood." Takagi Wataru immediately went to work.

Officer Takagi is still trustworthy. After all, this one is more reliable.

At this time, Inspector Megure received another call to the police.

It was the backstage staff of TWO-MIX who called the police. The criminals called them and asked them to call the police.

TWO-MIX is the combined name of Takayama Minami and Nagano Shiina.

At that time, they didn't believe it. After all, how could a criminal ask them to call the police? This is nonsense.

It wasn't until they heard Takayama Minami's voice and couldn't contact Takayama Minami that they believed it and called the police immediately.

"What? The criminals actually asked you to call the police?" Inspector Megure frowned, his eyes revealing ferocity.

These criminals didn't take the police seriously. This was a blatant provocation, and they dared to threaten them by kidnapping hostages.

"You guys come with me, let's go to the backstage of the concert." Inspector Megure looked at Komatsu and others.

Now Komatsu and others are important witnesses, so naturally they should be brought along. They can get some information from the backstage staff, and then get some information from Komatsu and others. Maybe they can find out everything.

Komatsu had expected this, and obediently followed Inspector Megure and others to the backstage of the concert.

"You're right. Nothing good will happen if you meet him." Xiao Ai pointed at Conan, her voice undisguised.

Xiaosong nodded slightly and asked, "Do you know about the broom star?"

"A kind of comet." Xiao Ai answered immediately, but Xiaosong shook his head and continued:

"I'm not talking about the broom star like a comet, but it comes from Chinese mythology. The so-called broom star is..."

As Xiaosong explained, Conan, who was sitting in front, looked darker and darker.

Isn't this a roundabout way of scolding me for bringing bad luck?

But Conan obviously didn't want to continue arguing, and instead began to focus on his case.

Why did those criminals ask the backstage staff to call the police?

What does this unreasonable behavior represent?

Just as Conan was thinking

At this time, everyone has come to the backstage.

The backstage staff can provide very little information. Inspector Megure shook his head slightly, and finally put the focus on Komatsu and others.

"By the way, have you seen the appearance of the criminal?"

"Hmm..." Conan pondered for a moment and said:

"The criminal looks a bit like Uncle Maori."

Komatsu heard this and secretly took note, ready to talk to Maori Kogoro when he had the chance.

"He has a lot of beards." Ayumi added.

"He is shaped like a bear." Mitsuhiko recalled the figure of the criminal.

"And his face is so wide." Genta made the final addition.

"And there are two criminals, one of whom is holding a gun in the car." Conan said the last scene.

After the description of several people, Megure gave up hope, but it also made Inspector Megure extremely cautious.

He had to be cautious about the fact that the criminal had a gun.

If you only say these, you can't find the criminal. How can you find him without any detailed appearance?

"The criminal should have called again." Conan said what was in Xiaosong's mind.

The criminals specifically asked the backstage staff to call the police, and there must be some conditions to contact Inspector Megure and others.

Sure enough, not long after, the criminals called again.

"Relax, just talk normally." Inspector Megure comforted the staff, and at the same time looked at the police officer next to him, and then said:

"Immediately start reverse tracking, and you must track their location."

The middle-aged police officer nodded slightly, indicating that he was ready.

Then, the staff picked up the phone.

"Hello? What?" The staff looked at Inspector Megure, covered the microphone, and then said:

"They said that they would let your person in charge answer the phone."

Inspector Megure frowned, took the phone, and said: "Hello, this is Inspector Megure."

"Oh? It turned out that Inspector Megure of the Investigation Division 1 is in charge of my case. It's really an honor."

A frivolous voice came from the other end of the phone.

This guy knows me, Inspector Megure frowned slightly.

There was no time for him to think about it, Inspector Megure took a deep breath and continued: "What is your purpose? Money? Or what?"

The most urgent thing is to ensure the safety of the hostages. In this case, the criminal must be stabilized.

"Money? I don't need that kind of thing. Everyone has their own hobbies, you know?"

"I like to collect women's things, such as the bag that the woman forgot in the store."

On the phone, the criminal stated his purpose.

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