At the moment when the light of the magic circle was slightly brighter every three breaths, a muffled drum sound came from his chest, and the invisible fluctuations spread, causing the flame of the soul lamp to tremble slightly.

"Should I wake up today?"

With a light sip of the **** wine, Lovett smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"It's barely a pass. Fortunately, it has retained its growth characteristics."

To be honest, Lowett was not satisfied with his first theory in this world. There was so much knowledge in his head, but only a few transformations could be displayed. This is as uncomfortable as a cat scratching for a mage who is pursuing perfection.

Fortunately, he left behind the growth characteristics and reached the psychological pass with the high score bonus.

The black knight is a "creation", but the creation can continue to grow.

It depends on whether the teacher has the ability to do this.

"With the Black Knight, I can finally relax."

The black knight is the theory of necromancers, and at the same time their favorite tool man. Compared with ordinary undead, wizards can customize various specializations for them to be competent for different tasks.

For example, pulling the academic memory of the enemy out of the soul, in exchange for a powerful research assistant.

Lowett certainly doesn't need a research assistant now. To live safely is the top priority. What he needs is combat effectiveness.

After thoroughly analyzing the corpse in front of him, he reorganized his flesh and blood, and at the expense of dozens of corpses stored in the cabin, greatly strengthened the strength, speed and defense of this body, turning him into a monster with a human form.

The height of 207cm and the weight is close to 200 kg, which is enough to prove that Cloo, who looks like a human in appearance, has undergone earth-shaking changes inside.

If the black knight was on the scene that day, Lovett wouldn't have to run away.

With the average combat effectiveness of the East China Sea Navy, it is not too simple to kill them all.

"It's just that IQ is a flaw!"

Lowett frowned and thought.

There are two ways for the resurrected undead to maintain the level of wisdom in front of them.

First, the usual mage level, the three-star soul magic undead transformation.

Maintain the target soul through the powerful personal strength of the mage, and then seal it in the body to restore the memory.

This is not a simple matter!

Just like the question mentioned by Anthony Musk in the preface to the dead, obviously there is no problem with the soul and body, why is there still "death"?

They just separated.

But to re-integrate them and assemble them perfectly, it involves the concept of "life" mentioned by the life school.

They believe that there is actually a third unobserved substance between the body and the soul. It is the existence of this substance that allows simple carbohydrates and simple energy bodies to mix, giving birth to "life".

"Death" exists because this substance is sensitive and fragile, so it can easily disappear; and because it can't be observed, it can't be found.

No matter how you assemble it, what you get back is just a bunch of materials with memory under the magic effect.

Regardless of the soul, body, brain, which can store memory alone, the wizard world also knows this.

Therefore, even if the Necromancer masters all kinds of resurrection, and even death and resurrection spells, who can prove that the resurrected you is not a zombie puppet that retains memory under the influence of magical effects, but a true "life" "?


By the way, the School of Life is a branch of the School of Necromancy that was born more than 7,000 years ago, and now it is a self-contained system.

It's just that the Necromancy School is still interpreting death, and the Life School is studying life.

The two dislike each other.

all in all.

Because it can't be assembled perfectly, so the mage must rely on strong mental power to cast magic to forcefully correct the synchronization rate of the dead material body and soul.

It’s the same thing with the TV screen.

You must have a strong and strong arm first!

Then there is the second way.

The goal naturally comes with a powerful and bright soul, and has a strong obsession with "life".

The simplest example: grieving ghosts!

The unwillingness before death and the attachment to "life" solidified their soul core in an instant, leaving behind the purest emotions, which are often diverse and varied.

The stronger the soul, the more emotions it retains, and the clearer the consciousness.

Crowe, of course, died desperately.

Lowett did not see through the puzzle. He lost without regrets.

And there is no strong soul to support him to remember the world

It is not a question of determination, but a question of soul strength.

It's not that if you don't bend the waist for five buckets of rice, you won't die from starvation.

"Well, one step counts as one step."

If it were to directly create a black knight at the level of the black dragon lord of the last world in one step, Lowett would also worry about whether he could control it or not.

The rules of the undead are sometimes simpler than the beasts.

The strong are only worthy of the strong!

The level of wisdom determines the level of undead creatures in the eyes of the wizard. Obviously, the undead themselves do not recognize this distinction.


At this time, a low growl attracted Lowett's attention.

He looked up and saw that the zombie puppet, who was tied to the top of the mast and used as a watcher, had a twisted face, his lips turned up and his white teeth were exposed, staring into the distance.

"A living person approaching?"

Look to give the child to greedy.

Looking in the direction, Lowett's mouth curled up.

"Laughter, I won't be too bad luck."

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