Pirates: The biggest scum in naval history

Chapter 64 My child, please forgive me


The flames rose, and from a distance, Darren's upper body had turned into a ball of fire.

The swirling flames distorted the surrounding air, making Gion and others tremble with fear.

It took a full minute for Vinsmoke Gaji to slowly put down the flamethrower.

What he didn't even notice was that a thin layer of cold sweat had appeared on his forehead at some point.

Smoke billowed, obscuring vision.


Jiaji swallowed his saliva unconsciously, lowered his voice and said to the flying squirrel next to him:

"Hey, that guy won't be burned to death directly, right?"

The flying squirrel rolled his eyes angrily.

At this moment, a faint voice came from the center of the thick smoke.

"Well, the power is pretty good."

A gust of wind blew away the black smoke, and everyone looked with wide eyes, only to see Darren standing on the ground with lingering flames, lowering his head to observe the situation on his body.

His body was covered with a layer of black ash, and black burn marks were faintly visible.

But it could be seen from his expression that the injury was not serious.

Well, at least not seriously to him.

"The flamethrower has passed the test."

Darren patted the ashes on his skin and grinned at Vinsmoke Gaji:


He moved his eyes to Jiaji and others again.

"Don't be idle, let's all experiment together, don't waste time."

So one of the most thrilling and appalling experiments in the history of weapons manufacturing began.


Thousands of volts of high-voltage current guns,

portable rocket launcher,

High speed cutting wheel,

Repeating-fire heavy machine gun...

All kinds of technological weapons produced by Germa 66 were unleashed on the body of the naval colonel like an indiscriminate bombardment.

The entire training ground was filled with dull roars, sharp cutting sounds and huge explosions, occasionally mixed with Jiaji's cunning laughter.

Everyone, including Vinsmoke Gaji, went from being dumbfounded at the beginning to becoming accustomed to it, and in the end they even directly entered a state of numbness.

After half an hour, Jiaji and the others panted, put down their last weapons, and sat down on the ground without any gesture.

They looked at Darren with disbelief in their eyes.


Vinsmoke Gaji raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and couldn't help but murmured with a pale face.

Darren sat on a box of weapons with a satisfied look on his face, a lit cigar between his teeth.

An accompanying military doctor was bandaging and treating the wounds on his body.

"Very good. Let's produce the weapons according to the ones we just determined. The deposit is 50% and the balance will be paid after receiving the goods."

Darren smiled at Vinsmoke Gage.

Vinsmoke Gaji said in a hoarse voice:

"no problem."

At this time, he had clearly realized what a terrifying beast the top officer of the Beihai Navy in front of him was.

After the accompanying military doctor simply bandaged it, Darren stood up slowly, put on the military uniform handed over by Flying Squirrel again, put on the snow-white cloak of justice, walked slowly to the side of Vinsmoke Gaji, and said in a low voice :

"In addition, regarding the issue of warship transformation..."

Vinsmoke Gaji looked troubled:

"Your requirements are too high. If the keel of the warship is replaced with metal, the weight of the warship will be at least doubled. As a result, the draft of the warship will probably..."

Darren waved his hand disapprovingly;

"No, you don't need to worry about the draft."

His deep, dark eyes sparkled with some strange and fierce fire of ambition.

"What I need is that the main structure of the warship must be made of lightweight metal."

Vinsmoke Gaji frowned and muttered:

"If that's the case, there should be no problem doping steel with a small amount of alloys used to make combat uniforms."

"But in terms of funds..." He glanced at Darren, "...it's absolutely an astronomical figure."

"What I want is your words."

Darren laughed.

Money is just a pile of waste paper left in your hands.

Only when you spend it and actually use it to improve your own strength is the right way to go.


The warship set sail and slowly made its way out of the port of the Kingdom of Germa.

Vinsmoke Gaji stood on the land, waving to the retreating warship with a smile on his face.

Until the warship disappeared at the end of the distant sea, the smile on his face gradually turned cold and ferocious.

"Sir, all the Beihai Navy's deposit has been put into the safe."

A middle-aged man dressed as a butler came over respectfully and whispered.

Vinsmoke Gaji nodded gloomily.

He did not speak, but waved his hand to let the butler man leave, and walked alone towards the main castle of the Germa Kingdom.

Vinsmoke Gaji passed through the heavily guarded gate of the main castle building and entered a heavily guarded passage.

At the end of the passage is a metal door.

He stepped forward, aimed his eyes at the electronic panel on the metal door, and stretched out his hand to hold down the door guard.

"The iris verification passed, the bloodline verification passed, welcome back, sir."

A cold, emotionless electronic sound sounded.

The door then opened, and Vinsmoke Gaji strode in.

Behind the metal door is a laboratory that is as big as several footballs. Rows of huge test tubes are displayed in front of you, slowly rotating with the operation of the machine.

The huge three-meter-high test tube was filled with green liquid, and human bodies were floating in the liquid.

It was clearly Germa's clone soldier.

Vinsmoke Gaji stood in front of a silver console, staring expressionlessly at the rotating green test tube.

Suddenly, he punched the console hard.



He roared through gritted teeth, his eyes filled with dense bloodshot eyes, and his expression was ferocious and twisted.

"Shame! What a shame!!"

He was panting heavily, his chest heaving, and his eyes almost bursting with fire.

I miss my great King of Germa Kingdom...the supreme commander of the evil army, and now he has become a lowly and humble arms dealer!

He, Rogers Darren...does he really think that the Germa Kingdom is his arms supplier? ?

He even had the idea of ​​​​a combat uniform! !

"Damn it!! Damn it!! Damn it!!"

Vinsmoke Gaji kept roaring and punched out one punch after another, leaving clear punch marks on the metal panel console.

His bloodshot eyes stared intently at the rows of gestating clone soldiers, with a look of reluctance on his face.

I feel extremely angry inside.

The incident just now was said to be a "weapon test", but how could Vinsmoke Gaji not know that it was a warning given to him by that bastard Darren! ?

He wanted to show his power with a crushing and strong stance.

Vinsmoke Gaji gasped for breath, and his vicious eyes kept scanning the experiment.

Clone soldiers...numbers mean nothing to that guy;

The battle uniform that Germa is proud of,

Various high-tech weapons...

Perfectly restrained by that guy's Devil Fruit ability.

The ferocious look of Rogers Darren when he was experimenting with weapons made him look like an out-and-out monster.

Monsters... Is there any way to deal with monsters?

A trace of despair came into Vinsmoke Gaji's eyes.

Is there really no way to fight against that guy?

At this time, a call suddenly sounded from the microphone.

"Sir, Mrs. Sora's amniotic water has broken and she will give birth soon. Please come over."

Vinsmoke Gaji was stunned.

Sora...that's his wife.

His wife is pregnant and will give birth soon.

And he, the king of Germa, will also usher in his first bloodline.

A rare touch of tenderness appeared on the cruel face of Vinsmoke Gaji.

"My bloodline..."

he whispered softly.

"My bloodline..."

He was suddenly struck by lightning.

The next second,

"Hahahahahahaha!!! That's it!!! I found a way to deal with you!! Darren!!"

Vinsmoke Gaji suddenly threw his head back and laughed crazily.

"Blood factor... transformation... I should have thought of it a long time ago..."

"Only monsters can deal with monsters!!"

As if he had grasped the last straw, he stumbled madly to the other side of the laboratory and grabbed a pink test tube.

The transparent test tube filled with pink liquid reflected his increasingly crazy face.

"My child...please forgive me."

"This is for Germa's honor."

he hissed.






Jia Genha, asking for everything, grateful.

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