Pirates: The biggest scum in naval history

Chapter 16 I am a genius in my own department, so I can add some tricks!

As Darren began to charge, striding forward, the ground where he landed shook violently, and a hole exploded. It was as if he had been hit by an invisible giant hammer and sank directly, causing mud to fly.

Under the explosion of this inhuman power, Darren's whole body was like a roaring cannonball, wrapped in a violent hurricane, and rushed out in the blink of an eye.

In an instant, Vinsmoke Gaji felt a suffocating pressure on his face, and a biting chill ran down his spine, as if he was being targeted by a giant Neptune-like beast.

The murderous intent emanating from the navy captain was like a demon slain from a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. It was as if the sea breeze blowing was filled with the smell of iron and blood!

"Kill!! Kill him for me!!"

Thinking of the cruel methods used by the navy to suppress pirates in his mind, Vinsmoke Gaji's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes and he screamed sharply.

As soon as the words fell, dozens of clone soldiers around him picked up their weapons and rushed towards Darren.

Two bright long knives slashed down towards each other, the corners of Darren's mouth raised, and his figure turned slightly.

The sharp blade just grazed his body.

The moment when I missed you,

The navy colonel's hands were like spears made of steel, turning his palms into knives and piercing the throats of the two clone soldiers at an extremely fast speed.

laugh! !

Red blood shot out, and the clone soldier's pupils quickly became dim.

Without any pause,

After easily dealing with the two people in front of him, Darren's figure rushed out again like an escaped tiger.

With a physical defense comparable to that of an "iron block", he ran into the camp of clone soldiers, as if a tiger had entered a flock of sheep, overwhelmingly overwhelming.

Looking from afar,

The dense army of clone soldiers surrounded the naval colonel, and the sounds of flesh and blood being torn apart and bones being broken kept coming from the center of the encirclement.

The warm corpses of the clone soldiers kept flying out of the crowd and falling down with blood splattering.

In just ten seconds, the ground was stained red with blood, and body parts were everywhere.

Gion and Kake on the warship watched this scene from a distance with their hearts shaken, their expressions horrified.

At this moment, Darren seemed to have turned into an efficient and precise killing machine.

Wherever he passed, none of those clone soldiers, whose physiques were several times stronger than those of ordinary people, could stand for a moment under his abnormal physique and fierce close combat, and would be killed if touched.

Destroying everything... Every part of Darren's body has become a murderous weapon, as if a strong wind sweeps away leaves, harvesting lives at an alarming speed.

Bullets, steel knives, battle axes, long swords...all kinds of weapons fell on his body, but they seemed to be struck on steel. Sparks flew out, leaving only a faint red mark.

The navy captain, covered in blood, laughed wildly, and the white cloak of justice behind him was stained with blood red.

"That guy...is enjoying the fight."

Gion stared blankly at the naval captain with a wild smile on his face, and his mind couldn't help but recall the scene on the school field yesterday.

Faced with his "iron-cutting" swordsmanship, Darren chose to resist.

Now it seems that he is not conceited about his physical defense at all, but simply enjoying the feeling of life and death hanging on a thread and fighting with abandon! !

"This...is really a lunatic!"

Gion gritted his teeth and couldn't help but curse inwardly.

Kake next to him glanced at Gion and saw her looking at Darren's back, stunned.

Suddenly he seemed to realize something, turned his head and shouted hurriedly towards the flying squirrel:

"Hurry!! We want to go too!!!"

"I'm going to beat the hell out of Vinsmoke Gaji!!"

The flying squirrel was stunned, a little confused as to why Jia Ji, a lazy pig, suddenly became so active, and subconsciously said:

"Are you sure? Colonel Darren doesn't like us interfering in his battles."

"He is enjoying it now... and according to our intelligence, the commander of Germa 66, Vinsmoke Gaji, is very powerful. The high-tech weapons he developed -"

Before he could finish speaking, Jia Ji grabbed the collar of his military uniform.

The latter's face turned red and he said viciously:

"Damn flying squirrel!! Who do you think I am!!"

"I'm the genius of this department, so I can add some tricks!!"

"How can a mere Germa 66 be my opponent!?"

He let go of his hand, turned around suddenly, rolled his little eyes, glanced at Gion from the corner of his eyes, looked in the direction of Germa 66 with awe, and chuckled in a low voice:

"This feeling of blood boiling, I haven't seen it for a long time..."

"I didn't expect that someone in Beihai could bring such pressure to this genius."

Looking at Jiaji's "chic" figure, the corner of Flying Squirrel's mouth twitched.

He waved his hand helplessly in a military gesture.

The navy immediately took action, the warship's engine was fully powered, and it accelerated towards the warship group of the Kingdom of Germa.

And the other side.

Keng! !

A crisp sound sounded, like gold and iron clashing.

Several steel knives hit Darren's chest hard, sparks flew up, and he broke with a snap.

The clone soldiers in front of them looked at the steel knife with their hand broken into two pieces, and a flash of astonishment flashed in their eyes.

Although they were deprived of the sense of pain by Vinsmoke Gaji and were not afraid of death or betrayal, their basic emotions still existed.

But they couldn't understand at all why the body of the man in front of them was harder than the weapons they hammered out of fine steel!

And it is obvious that compared to the beginning, this navy's physical defense...has become stronger!

"That's almost it... As expected, actual combat is the best way to improve your strength."

Darren suddenly laughed.

In his "Insight" talent perception, after the round of fighting just now, his physical fitness and strength have improved a lot, especially physical fitness, which has exceeded the 60-point mark!

"It's time to get down to business."

After his physical fitness reached 60 points, when faced with attacks from clone soldiers, there was no obvious improvement effect.

Moreover, these guys have been deprived of the emotion of fear and are tireless and fearless of death. It is just a waste of time to continue fighting with them.

Thinking this, Darren licked his chapped lips.

A sharp whistling sound sounded from behind.

Several clone soldiers jumped up high and slashed at Darren's neck with steel knives.

But the next second,

They were shocked to find that the long knife they swung suddenly stopped when it was just a slap away from the back of Darren's head.

Buzz buzz...

An extremely oppressive silence enveloped the surroundings.

The long knife hovering in mid-air kept vibrating and buzzing.


No one saw the Marine Captain make any move.

The ground under your feet suddenly moved!

Strips of steel bars rose up from the ground like giant black pythons, intertwined and intertwined like living creatures, turning into a dense black net that enveloped the clone soldiers.

They didn't even have time to react. Their bodies were completely restrained by the twisted and twisted steel bars, and then they were torn off alive.

The steel bars imprisoned their bodies, with both ends inserted deeply into the dilapidated ground, tightening them tighter and tighter.

In the horrified and almost frozen gaze of Vinsmoke Gaji,

Darren's location is the center, and there are hundreds of clone soldiers within a radius of 100 meters.

They have all been restrained by steel bars that "grow" from the earth and are constantly tightening.

Blood gushes out, and the rusty steel bars cut open their skin and flesh.

In just a few seconds,

Scarlet blood flowed all over the ground. Their bodies were penetrated and strangled by entangled and twisted steel bars, and various internal organs flowed all over the ground.

The entire battlefield suddenly fell silent.

The top officer of the Beihai Navy stood among the ruins of blood-red corpses.

Countless steel bars around the body dance like long black snakes,

Like a devil coming out of hell.





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