In the era of the sea thief, among the three admirals of the navy, the green pheasant is the youngest and the most righteous one, although he later left the navy because of his defeat to the red dog, but there is no doubt that he is definitely the most popular one in the navy.

The current pheasant is only in his twenties, the most outstanding of the new generation of admirals in the Navy, although he has not yet reached the level of an ironclad admiral like Akainu, but his chances of becoming a senior admiral are more than eighty percent.

Qing Pheasant stared at Ji Lingyun coldly, and did not finish speaking, but the chill exuding from his body was expressing a meaning, wanting to pass through here, there was no way.

Facing the green pheasant, Ji Lingyun felt very tricky, and he knew without thinking that he was not the opponent of the green pheasant, but the most annoying thing was that the green pheasant was definitely the one with the strongest defense among the three future admirals, and it was difficult to break through his blockade.

But even if it is difficult, Ji Lingyun will not give up, he slowly put his hand on the hilt of the sword, the green pheasant on the opposite side did not say a word, directly attacked Ji Lingyun, just when Ji Lingyun was about to take out the knife, a blue flame giant bird rose up into the sky and directly hit the ice of the green pheasant.


“Whitebeard Pirates, ‘Immortal’ Marko?”

After the green pheasant and Marko collided once, he looked at Marko with a flat look of surprise in his eyes, and then asked Marko: “I didn’t expect that the people of your white-bearded pirate group would also participate in this incident.” ”

Marco smiled, and then said to Ji Lingyun: “Lingyun, I’ll help you block this guy, you do your thing.” ”


Ji Lingyun nodded, Marko and Qingji are still young, their strength is not easy to say, they can be regarded as chess opponents.

With Marko’s obstruction, the green pheasant could only let Ji Lingyun leave, he focused all his attention on Marko’s body, as for the execution table behind him, he was not worried at all, because the navy had more guards there, he didn’t think that Ji Lingyun had the ability to seize Roger’s body from the hands of many admirals.

After Ji Lingyun left, Marco smiled lazily at the green pheasant: “I have heard of you for a long time, the natural frozen fruit ability, the most outstanding general of the young generation of the navy, I didn’t expect to have the opportunity to meet here today.” ”

The green pheasant said indifferently: “The name of the Whitebeard Pirates is not small, I don’t know what is going on with you?” But since you’re here, don’t think about leaving. ”

Marco smiled he

Marko directly turned into an immortal bird with blue flames, and the green pheasant also turned into an iceman, and the two did not have any temptation, almost at the same time they shot with all their strength, and rushed towards each other.


Ji Lingyun only glanced at the battlefield of the pheasant and Marko behind him, and then looked at the location of the execution table again, there are still many navies in the position of the execution table, but it can be clearly found that most of the high-end forces of the navy are no longer there, most of them are restrained by the crew of the Roger Pirates, and some are restrained by the rest of the pirates, so there are only a few admirals left in the execution table.

The empty standing on the execution platform, as a naval marshal, of course, he could not start at the beginning, as the commander-in-chief, he must always pay attention to the development of the situation in the square.

However, what happened in the square was completely beyond Kong’s imagination, as the number one enemy, the Roger Pirates, was basically stopped by the admirals of the Navy, but in the end it was actually rushed to the front by a little ghost, which made Kong very angry and embarrassed, so many navies, even a little ghost could not clean up.

In the world of normal people, a teenager of about ten years old is still just a child, but the teenager in front of him is completely beyond anyone’s imagination, if he didn’t see it with his own eyes, Kong really couldn’t believe that this square chaos would be caused by such a little ghost, because it was accompanied by Ji Lingyun’s shot, so it would become the current situation.

“This little ghost is not the crew of Roger’s pirate group, it must be a person from the Whitebeard Pirates, the Roger Pirates have died in name with Roger’s death, but Whitebeard is different, without Roger and the golden lion, he has now become the biggest pirate on the sea, now his strength is terrifying enough, and now there is such an amazing little ghost, in the future, the Whitebeard Pirate Group will inevitably become the number one enemy of the navy.”

As a marshal of the navy, every step of the air must be considered for the stability of the navy and the world, now that Roger is dead, the golden lion Shiji is locked up in the deep sea prison, so the next move of the navy will naturally be placed on Whitebeard’s body, and now that such an excellent junior has appeared in the Whitebeard Pirates, of course, he will be very jealous.

“You have to leave this imp behind completely.” Hollow said fiercely.

“Take him down.” Air orders were given to the navy below.

When Ji Lingyun rushed to a distance of less than 100 meters from the execution platform, the navies surrounding the execution table suddenly moved, and they split a part and rushed towards Ji Lingyun, forming an arc-shaped encirclement, blocking Ji Lingyun in front of the execution table and completely blocking the route in front of him.


Ji Lingyun stopped abruptly, looking at the fierce and vicious naval soldiers in front of him, a look of determination flashed in his eyes, now he is only one step away from the execution table, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, absolutely not to be missed.

“Kill him!”

I don’t know if it was the navy soldier who suddenly shouted, and then countless navy soldiers killed Ji Lingyun, although they were facing a teenager, but seeing Ji Lingyun’s previous performance, they would not regard Ji Lingyun as an ordinary teenager, but as an enemy who had to go all out.


The burst of cheers was incomparably fierce, Ji Lingyun stood there, looking at the fierceness of those navies, a fierce look flashed in his eyes, and suddenly he also burst into laughter, and then an amazing momentum burst out from his body and swept the entire square in an instant.

(Just arrived home, exhausted, starting tonight or tomorrow, full burst!) )

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