Pirates: Steel Chain Fingers

Chapter 81: savior of water

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and there were few pedestrians on the road. Even if there were so few passers-by, they all hurried on the road with their umbrellas lowered and their heads lowered. As for the transportation of blue in the waterway, it is even more outrageous. Who likes to ride the blue in the waterway in such a heavy rain?

The central street of the city of seven waters, the 'Seven Tulips' family hotel.

Hao Xue and the others were sitting in the hall, waiting for Victor.

"Master, is it really okay?" Perona asked Hao Xue a little impatiently, "Brother still hasn't come back after so long."

"I have already contacted him on the phone, and the specific address of the hotel has also been told to him, don't worry." Hao Xue said calmly with his arms folded. He is very confident in Viktor's strength and is not worried that he will encounter an invincible enemy.

At this moment, the hotel door was pushed open. Accompanied by the suddenly louder sound of wind and rain, Victor, dressed in a black suit and a black bowler hat, walked into the hotel lobby.

"Wow! It's raining!" Victor drenched his body and sat down on the wooden stool in front of the bar. "Hurry up and give me a cup of hot coffee, it's so cold!"

Wu Hongji and Robin brought blankets and hot coffee respectively.

Victor wrapped himself in a blanket and took a sip of his hot coffee, finally relieving himself. "It's still a little cold in the rain this season."

At this time, he noticed Haoxue's questioning gaze and nodded slightly.

Matthew brought out a pot of hot soup from the kitchen behind the bar, and said with a smile, "Just right, I borrowed the kitchen from the innkeeper and made a pot of hot soup for the boss."

"Thank you, Matthew." Victor scooped out a small bowl of hot soup and drank it slowly while blowing the heat.

Perona looked at the rain outside the window, "Brother, this rain is estimated to last at least 4 hours."

"Well... Let's have dinner at the hotel." Victor took a sip of hot soup and squinted his eyes comfortably. "Have a night's rest and visit Mr. Tom tomorrow."

"Sorry guests, I didn't mean to eavesdrop on your conversation." The innkeeper who was wiping the cup said curiously. "But which Mr. Tom are you going to visit? Is that Tom the murloc?"

"Why!? Can't murlocs?" Perona was furious with her waist crossed. "We are Mr. Tom's fans, and we came to him to repair the ship! Is there a problem!?"

"This little lady, don't be angry!" The fat innkeeper waved his hand hastily. "I'm not a racist! On the contrary, I really like the people in Tom's studio! Except for that little pervert!"

Hao Xue laughed out loud, "Little pervert? It must be 'Franky', right? Ha! Ha! Ha! He really deserves this title!"

"If you want to find Mr. Tom, then ask the right person!" The innkeeper gestured to the south. "There is a large garbage disposal site on the northeast coast of the back street of Seven Waters City, and there is a bridge nearby. The bridge There's a warehouse down there, where Tom's studio is headquartered. If you want to visit Tom, you should go to the warehouse under the bridge to find him! Don't forget to ask him for an autograph for me when you go to him~"

"Uncle, you like Mr. Tom very much." Wu Hongji said with a smile.

"That's natural! Little girl, you don't know what the city of seven waters looked like more than ten years ago. At that time, Gold Roger, the pirate king, was just executed, and pirates became more and more rampant. Due to the great tsunami' Akula Ra The floods caused by Gna' made wood and steel available only through other islands, and the water level of the city of seven waters also rose year by year. The fierce sea and pirates continued to obstruct transactions. At that time, almost every day I heard the bad news that the merchant ships transporting steel and timber were robbed by pirates. Because of the lack of business, the shipbuilding companies fought fiercely to compete for customers, causing everyone to lose their jobs. If this situation continues, the city of seven waters will only be It can become an island waiting to be submerged by the sea.”

"At that time, everyone was desperate. This is the city of seven waters that was once famous for its shipbuilding industry! In the end, no one was willing to entrust business, and the shipyards closed one by one, and even the owner of the shipyard hanged himself. Suicide! 50 people died in the sea because of lack of supplies and used their own boats to buy wood. This kind of thing is not uncommon! All the shops have closed down, and the mask carnival has no tourists. Self-sufficiency is impossible. Humans are so fragile..."

"Then what? 14 years ago, in front of the judges sent by the world government, and in front of all the residents of the city of seven waters, Mr. Tom put forward an amazing idea - connecting the city of seven waters, St. Poplar, St. Pruitt by sea train , Puqi four islands. The reason why this island is deserted is because of the inconvenience of transportation. The reason why people on the island are distracted is because they are afraid that the island will sink. And the sea train has become the savior of the city of seven waters! Fourteen years Time, four routes! Whether it is passengers, cargo, or ships, all can be protected from the weather, and everyone can travel freely by sea!"

"On that day four years ago, I will never forget it. The sea train 'Smoke Tom' departed from this almost deserted city, carrying people who were once desperate, and began to cross the sea!"

"And now, as you can see, the city of Seven Waters has regained its vitality and vitality. Not only me, but many residents admire Mr. Tom. It's just..."

"Just?" Wu Hongji tilted her head.

"It's just that we don't know much about Mr. Tom's race~www.NovelMTL.com~ a little...a little scared haha." The innkeeper scratched the back of his head embarrassedly. "It's usually Mr. Tom's disciples or they work. The beautiful secretary in the room came out to buy supplies, and I don't know what Mr. Tom's temper is. However, this does not prevent us from admiring him!"

Sitting on the stool, Victor looked up at Hao Xue, who folded his arms for a long time without making a sound.

After eating a modest but warm meal in the living room of the hotel, everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

Victor and Hao Xue stood under the eaves outside the door, watching the heavy rain that had not stopped for a long time.

"...So that's how people see us." Hao Xue, who was holding a long pipe, let out a long sigh.

"If you don't understand, you will be afraid. The 'unknown' is the common fear of intelligent creatures." Victor, who had changed into clean clothes, put his hands in his pockets and said with a smile, "Isn't it the same for murlocs to humans...?"

Hao Xue took a breath of cigarette in silence, then slowly exhaled the smoke, "...This is more difficult than we thought."

Victor shrugged. "Who said no? But I'm not going to just give in, Mr. Hawthorne."

Haoxue slowly exhaled another puff of smoke, and the scarlet fire in the pipe was looming in the rainy night.

For a long time, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Ah, so does the old man."


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