Pirates: Steel Chain Fingers

Chapter 247: reject, invite

"Wait, you said you had a conflict with the BIGMOM Pirates?"

The phone bug frowned: "When did it happen?"

"Heh... Do I have to report to the navy and the world government again and again for a fight with someone?" Although his words were not polite, Victor's tone was calm and did not mean a trace of impatience: "Since the five old stars do not intend to follow me If I'm on the phone, I'll ask Mr. Sengoku to help me with a message..."

Victor sat comfortably on the steps, and said in a leisurely tone: "Suspicion and pulling backs on each other will never achieve great things."



Far away in the Marshal's Office of Marine Fando of the Navy Headquarters, the Warring States of Buddha looked thoughtfully at the sleeping phone bug.

Obviously, there was a secret transaction between the Fierce Chain and the Five Old Stars before, but now the Five Old Stars, out of fear, have begun to suppress the development of the Fierce Chain and its subordinate forces, and even use the 'mandatory call' to let the Fierce Chain act as the leader. The vanguard of the war between the Navy Headquarters and the BIGMOM Pirates.

However, the Fierce Chain does not eat this set at all. The peak power 'Five Old Stars' feared by the world are only five powerful old men in his eyes. He even decided that the Five Old Stars would not refuse because of him. 'Forced call' and turned his face.

A year ago, he was just a rising star, but now he has grown to the point where he can refuse even the orders of the five old stars. His mental strategy and personal strength are even better in the world. The Warring States of Buddha can only be glad that the fierce chain Victor is not a pirate. Otherwise, the 'fifth emperor' will soon usher in this sea.

He scratched the long beard braided into a whip on his chin. How should he convey this call to the Five Old Stars?


Leaving aside the conversation between Viktor and the Warring States of Buddha, the feedback from the naval negotiating team was communicated to the BIGMOM Pirates, causing an uproar.

It's just my mother's joke, but the Navy actually took it seriously? And really persuaded that stubborn naval hero Monkey D. Karp?

On the Cake Island of the Nations, many senior officials of the BIGMOM Pirates gathered together to discuss the matter with BIGMOM.

"It's weird."

'Dessert Three Generals' Katakuri hit the subject, he leaned against the wall with his arms folded, and his tone was uncertain: "Navy hero Karp is the face of the Navy, how could it be so easy to agree to this outrageous request?"

"Lick~~ That's right, even if the old man's head is mad and can't think about it, the Marshal of the Navy Headquarters Fo Zhisenguo is his friend for many years, and he is still the commander of the Navy. It is impossible for him to allow this kind of thing to happen." 'Duke Candy' Pei Rospero nodded solemnly, and then he was taken aback by the glaring BIGMOM.

"Perospero! What do you mean, boy!?"

BIGMOM Charlotte Lingling was furious when she heard the words of her eldest son. Her huge body leaned down and pressed against Perospero's head with a sense of oppression, and her unparalleled tyrannical arrogance escaped uncontrollably: "You are saying that the old lady is not worthy of that bastard. Cap?"

Seeing that Perospero was so frightened that he couldn't even speak, Smoothie, who was standing by the side, hurriedly reconciled and reassured: "Mom, Brother Perros means that the Navy Headquarters will never agree to the [Navy Hero] and King's Landing on the navy's signature facade. It will be a major blow to the image of the navy when the [Four Emperors] of the new world are married."

"Yes, the navy can't afford this level of credibility crisis." Katakuri nodded with his arms crossed, and the heroic face hidden behind the thick scarf was serious: "This is most likely a conspiracy trap, mother ."

BIGMOM sat back on the throne with a thud, causing the hall to shake slightly, and said unhappily, "Actually, the old man Capna was quite charming back then, and I also planned to make him my new husband. It's a pity. The boss didn't live up to his expectations, not only did he not help me tie Karp back, but instead let himself fold in. Fortunately, the disgusting Rocks Pirates fell apart because of this, and I was able to recover my freedom."

"Mom is talking about that battle in the Canyon of the Gods?" Smoothie whispered quietly in Katakuri's ear.

"Yes, you were not born at that time." Katakuri nodded and said in a low voice: "That year happened to be when Mondor was born, and a war broke out in the Canyon of God... Sorry Mom, I'll close it now. mouth."

Katakuri stopped talking, when BIGMOM shouted in the direction of him and Smoothie: "You two! What's the point of whispering!? If you want to talk, say it out loud to my mother!"

Beside her, there was a flame and a thundercloud slowly coiling and spinning, and they kept making weird laughter.

Sun Prometheus and Thundercloud Zeus! Although they are the most trusted children and soul avatars of BIGMOM, they never interfere with any judgment of BIGMOM.

They will only obey all orders of BIGMOM forever.

The hall regained its calm, BIGMOM pondered for a while, and then said, "Respond to the navy and say that my mother agrees."

"Mom!? Please think about it again!" Many cadres were suddenly shocked. We Barabala talked about their feelings for a long time, and your old man didn't listen at all!

"Stop chattering!"

The thunderous roar shook the decorations in the hall, and everyone had to cover their ears.

With a big wave of his hand, BIGMOM said impatiently: "Short of a bunch of brats come to teach my mother a lesson! Tell the navy, the [date] and [location] are all up to us! Otherwise, we will overturn everything, and I think they can follow me. How long have you been arguing! Okay, let's all go."

Everyone looked at each other in dismay~www.NovelMTL.com~ They knew that they could not persuade their mother, so they had to retire to BIGMOM. Only Katakuri was still leaning against the wall with his arms folded, motionless.

"Katakuri, Smoothie, Snug, Garret... You four stay here." BIGMOM glanced at Katakuri and laughed twice: "It's a little too clever, Katakuri ."

"I'm sorry mom, it's habit." Katakuri shook his head gently, then stopped talking.

Soon only the four named cadres and BIGMOM himself remained in the hall. BIGMOM slumped comfortably on the throne and looked at Smoothie and Snug: "Smooch, Snug, you two have gathered the best ingredients, and this time, my wife's wedding ceremony will be grand!"

"Yes, Mom." Smoothie and Snag nodded.

"Garette, you send someone a wedding invitation, and everyone who should send it must send it." BIGMOM looked at Garrett again.

"Understood, Mom." Garrett nodded in response, hesitated for a while, and then asked, "...Will you also send invitations under Qiwuhai?"

"Mama Mama... Are you still thinking about that kid?" BIGMOM didn't think so: "Send it! Why not send it?"

"I want to see if that zipper boy has the guts to come to the banquet!"


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