Ace and Sabo expressed their true feelings,"Of course it's true! Don't you find that sometimes you can get weekly rewards? If we don't consider you, do you think you can get the reward?"

Luffy's little brain began to work,"It seems to be true?"

If the two brothers exercised every day, he would not be able to get the reward.

Ace and Sabo were telling the truth, and it seemed that he really misunderstood them.

"Okay, I'm sorry for blaming you two, but you must call me to train next time!"

Luffy felt something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong, so he could only forgive the two of them.

""Luffy, have you really considered training with us?" Ace asked him.

As older brothers, Ace and Sabo really don't want Luffy to work so hard. As their younger brother, they will naturally protect Luffy.

But who is Luffy? His dream is to become the Pirate King. How could he give up the opportunity to become stronger?

"Yes! I want to train with you too!"

Luffy was unwilling to fall behind, he also wanted to train more!

Ace and Sabo had no choice but to agree.

It seems that it will be difficult to get rewards in the future.

"By the way, Luffy, how did you find out we were not here?"

Ace was puzzled. Usually Luffy slept like a dead pig and could not be woken up no matter how hard he tried. How did he suddenly find out that they were secretly exercising today?

"Ah! No!"

Luffy remembered the important matter immediately after hearing this, and ran to the toilet with his butt covered.

Ace and Sabo covered their foreheads helplessly.

They were exposed because of a pile of shit, worthy of Luffy!

Time passed quickly in the mutual involution of the three people, and a year passed in a blink of an eye.

Today, Kavi found an opponent for the three people, a young blind bear, estimated to be two or three meters tall


Kavi picked up the blind bear with one hand and threw it on the ground, then looked at Luffy and the other two,"Today I'm going to give you a different challenge, either you turn it into poop, or you become its poop."

The three men looked at the blind bear and were eager to try, they were old acquaintances and they often encountered this blind bear in the forest before.

At that time they were too weak and did not dare to attack it, but now it is different, the three brothers are no longer the same as before.

Today they must showdown with it!

Kavi pointed at the blind bear,"If you beat the three of them you can live."

Without caring whether it could understand or not, he walked away and left the venue to them.

The underage blind bear was very confused. It was originally sleeping soundly at home, but was picked up by Kavi with one hand and brought here.

It was very angry, but did not dare to show it, because it felt great fear from this upright ape.

Resistance will die!

It could only be carried all the way here by him.

But now he has left, and only three little upright apes are left. It did not feel any threat from the three people.

It ignored the three people, turned around and ran towards the forest. It was afraid that Kavi would come back later.

But how could the three little ones let it leave? Ace and Sabo looked at each other,"Do it!"

Ace rushed up and punched the blind bear on the back


The blind bear turned his head, wondering why this monkey-like creature wanted to touch him.

Ace's fist hit his back, as if he was tickling him.

At this moment, a water pipe suddenly hit the blind bear's nose.


The blind bear roared in pain.

His nose was not as thick as other parts of his body, and blood flowed out after being hit.

At this moment, the blind bear was no longer afraid, and turned around and pounced on the two.

He opened his paw to reveal his sharp claws, and slapped Sabo who was holding the water pipe.

Sabo quickly blocked the water pipe in front of his chest


The bear's paw hit the steel pipe with a dull sound, and the next second, Sabo was blown away. He did a backflip to release the force and knelt on one knee.

"Are you okay, Sabo?"

He used the water pipe to prop up his body,"It's okay! Be careful, this blind bear is very strong, attack its weak points!"

"Got it!"

Ace picked up a stone and threw it at the blind bear.


It hit my head! Unfortunately, it didn't hit my eyes.


The blind bear was very angry. With a low IQ, it just wanted to tear the two of them to pieces. It rushed towards Ace again. Ace dodged and fought back. He and Sabo attacked from both sides to distract its attention.

Luffy was spinning around anxiously. He wanted to go up to help, but he couldn't find a chance.

Although he was a rubber man, he would be useless if bitten by a blind bear.

Ace was accidentally slapped by the blind bear, and several scratches appeared on his body. Blood was flowing, and he quickly hid aside.

At this time, the blind bear had been beaten by the two and was covered with wounds and entered a state of madness.


The two bear claws grabbed at the two of them frantically, and"Snap!"

There was another sound, and Sabo was also hit, but fortunately he had a weapon in his hand and could resist it.

But if this continues, the two will sooner or later be exhausted by this blind bear.

Luffy couldn't bear it when he saw this scene, and looked around, trying to find a weapon.

Finally, he saw a tree, and he suddenly remembered something, and hurried over, grabbing the trunk with both hands.

The whole person ran in the direction of the blind bear, his arms stretched

""Sabo! Ace! Get out of the way!" Luffy shouted at the two of them.

They turned their heads and saw Luffy's stretched arms. They reacted instantly and dodged to the sides.

"Rubber, rubber!"

Luffy stretched his arms as far as he could and aimed at the blind bear.



The stretched arm hit the blind bear's chest like a cannonball.


Luffy was weak, but with the help of the rubber fruit, he was able to push the blind bear back several meters and he fell to the ground.

The blind bear felt a sharp pain in his chest and fell to the ground. His head did not react for a while.

""Well done, Luffy!"

Sabo praised loudly, picked up the water pipe and quickly stepped forward, hitting the blind bear's head hard.




After three hard knocks, the blind bear finally lost consciousness.

"Phew! Finally done, Ace, are you okay?"

Ace covered the wound,"It's just a minor problem, just a superficial injury!"

It was indeed a superficial injury, but there was a bit of blood, but fortunately the bones were fine.

"Snap Snap......"

"Not bad, I didn't expect you guys could really kill it, I was even considering whether I should give you a hand? It seems like I underestimated you."

Kavi watched from beginning to end, Ace and Sabo cooperated very well, Luffy's last attack was also very powerful, not bad considering their age.

The three brothers were very happy, their hard training for the past year was not in vain.

It was just a pity for brother Bear, who became a small stepping stone for several people before he even reached adulthood.

In order to thank brother Bear for his contribution, Kavi made it into a big meal, braised the body, steamed the paws, and grilled the two kidneys for himself to nourish himself.

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