"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Grandpa Kavi! Get up! Klar is starving to death!"

Kavi came back to his senses instantly after hearing the voice outside the door, and jumped up from the bed.

"Coming! Klar waits outside for a while!"

Kavi quickly woke up Olivia beside him,"Wake up, don't sleep anymore"

"What are you doing? Let me sleep a little longer."Olivia turned over and wanted to hug Kavi


Kavi slapped her,"Get up! Klar is coming!"

Kavi didn't want little Klar to see this.

Hearing this, Olivia got up impatiently and gave Kavi a look of resentment.

Who told you to be like a cow last night? You are really strong and healthy.

Kavi:"......"Monster, stop exaggerating!

He pulled the clothes into Kavi's hand and said in a commanding tone,"Uncle, help me put on my clothes."

Kavi was upset,"Are you going to rebel?"

Olivia turned her head and pouted,"I can't get up if you don't put on my clothes."

After that, she lay down again.

Kavi had no choice but to put up with it for now. There would be plenty of opportunities to teach her a lesson in the future.

The two put on their clothes and walked to the door. Kavi signaled Olivia with his eyes.

Seeing her nod, Kavi opened the door.

Kral was squatting at the door. When he saw the door open, he stood up and complained:

"Grandpa Kavi, I'm starving, why are you getting up now? Huh? Aunt Olivia, why are you in Grandpa Kavi's room?"

Klar saw Olivia coming out behind Kavi, her face full of curiosity, her big eyes staring at the two of them, her little head couldn't understand why Auntie came out of Grandpa's room.

Olivia squatted down, touched Klar's little head, and smiled:

"Uncle and I were discussing knowledge last night. We didn't sleep all night." He glanced at Kavi lovingly.

Kavi's eyes wandered and looked elsewhere. The two were indeed discussing postures.

Kral didn't understand,"What knowledge? Can you talk to Kral about it?"

"Is it about the meaning of life?"

"It sounds interesting." Klar's eyes flashed with curiosity,"Can you tell me about it?"

Olivia was stunned when she heard it, then covered her mouth and chuckled:

"If Klar wants to know, go ask Grandpa Kavi. He knows a lot about this."

Uncle, you explain it yourself. My mission is over.

Olivia winked at Kavi with a hint of teasing on her face.

Klar turned her head to Kavi, her big eyes twinkling, full of curiosity.

"Ahem, I'm going to make breakfast for you." After saying that, he turned and left without any regrets, as if he wanted to escape from this place.

Want to see me make a fool of myself? No way!

Seeing Kavi leave, Clare looked at Olivia aggrievedly. Little Clare didn't understand why Kavi didn't tell her.

Olivia rubbed her head and said softly:

"It's okay, Clare, you'll understand when you grow up."

"OK, I get it."Klar was a little disappointed that he didn't know the meaning of life.

But children's attention will always be drawn to other things soon.

"Aunt Olivia, why do you look more beautiful today than yesterday? And why is your voice a little hoarse, do you have a cold?"

I didn't notice it just now, how did Aunt Olivia become younger, is this the meaning of life?

""Ah? Really?" Olivia touched her face and thought about what happened last night. A blush appeared on her face. It was all Uncle Kavi's fault!

"Maybe I have caught a cold."

Olivia didn't notice the beauty that Clare mentioned, but she felt much lighter..........

After dinner, Olivia took Kawi to visit the development of the Revolutionary Army over the years.

It can be described as a rudimentary form, with specialized troops and talents in various fields.

It seems that Long has put in a lot of effort over the years.

Except for the high-end combat power, it is comparable to the Navy in other aspects.

It can be said that in addition to the Navy and the World Government, the Revolutionary Army is the third largest force.

There is no rush for high-end combat power, it is still early, take your time.

Finally, Kawi met Dr. Clover, and the two talked for a long time until the evening.

Through Dr. Clover's research, analysis and speculation on the blank hundred years, he came to two conclusions. One is that the World Government is very likely to have the power to destroy the world, and the other is that this world will sink into the sea.

Due to the incompleteness of the historical text, Dr. Clover is not sure whether the second conclusion is accurate.

Upon learning the two news, Kawi was also very shocked. He knew a little about the former news, and he knew the existence of the three ancient weapons.

Pluto, the king of the underworld, is said to be a super battleship that can destroy an island with one shot.

Poseidon, the king of the sea, is the current king of the sea on Fishman Island. He is the current fishman princess Shirahoshi, the king of the sea kings, who can command all sea kings.

Uranus, the king of the sky, is the most mysterious of the three ancient weapons. What does it look like? Is it a creature or a weapon? No one knows, but its power, Kawi estimates that it is the greatest of the three weapons.

As for whether the world will sink into the sea, he doesn't know, and he doesn't know the subsequent plot.

But even if the continent will sink into the sea, he is not afraid. At most, he will take everyone to live on Sky Island, or steal Noah's Ark on Fishman Island. Anyway, there are more solutions than difficulties. He doesn't believe that Im, the Five Elders, and the Celestial Dragons will just wait for the continent to sink into the sea and do nothing.

Thinking that these seem to be no threat to himself, Kawi's mood instantly relaxed.

As night fell, he returned home, had dinner, and Kawi returned to the room and locked the door with his backhand.

It is impossible to let Olivia in tonight. The elderly should pay attention to health preservation and cannot indulge themselves.

Brothers must pay attention to their health, learn from Kawi, be more self-disciplined, go to bed early and get up early, never stay up late, and refuse to shiver.

It is difficult not to live a long life if you think this way.

Lying comfortably in bed, just about to fall asleep early, there was a sound outside the door

"Boom boom boom!"

""Uncle, open the door quickly! I have something good to show you." Olivia's voice came from outside the door.

She wanted to come in directly, but she didn't expect Kavi to lock the door. Who do you want to protect yourself from when you have to lock the door at home?

"I'm already asleep. I'll look at it tomorrow if there's anything."You're still young if you want to deceive me."

After saying that, Kavi shut up and let Olivia knock on the door outside.

Sure enough, the knocking stopped after a while.

It seems that Olivia has given up, and today's health care task is completed!

"Drip, drip, drip....."

The sound of water drops rang in Kavi's ears.

"" Pah!"

A drop of water fell on Kavi's face. Kavi felt a chill and quickly opened his eyes. Olivia appeared in front of him, with her hands on both sides of Kavi's ears, her body still dripping with water. She looked at Kavi meaningfully,"Uncle, how could you bear to lock me out?......"......

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