The new world, with the death of Rocks, the Rocks Pirates fell apart. The New World did not return to the rule of the World Government. The original territory of the Rocks Pirates was occupied by the captains of the Rocks Pirates.

Among them, the largest territory and the most powerful is the Flying Pirates formed by the Golden Lion. Relying on his ability of the Floating Fruit, the Golden Lion even snatched a large piece of territory from the Navy in the first half of the New World.

For a time, the Navy's attention was attracted by the Golden Lion, giving many future sea heroes time to develop, and has been developing into a behemoth that shocked the world.

On Cake Island.

Charlotte Lingling snatched a new race to become her husband, and Lingling began a crazy production mode, one baby a year.

Whitebeard returned to the New World and founded his own pirate group. He began to recruit adopted sons and formed a pirate group composed of family members.

After getting the start-up capital from his sister (the Mythical Beast Blue Dragon Fruit and a little bit of Celestial Dragons' treasure), Mr. Kaido also founded his own Beast Pirates, but his record showed that he had strength.

After Wang Zhi robbed a part of Celestial Dragons' treasure, he took his confidants to occupy the Rocks Pirates' base, Beehive Island, and began to live a life of drunkenness and dream.

Captain York got the treasure map collected by Rocks and searched for treasures all over the world.

Navy Headquarters

"Garp, you bastard, just don't want to be an admiral?"

Garp responded to Marshal Kong with practical actions

"Sorry, I got the news of Roger's pirate group and I went to chase Roger's pirate group."

"Asshole Garp!"

No one stopped Garp at all. After all, Garp was a naval hero and the idol of all new generations of navy.

Roger Pirates

Red-haired Shanks, who was supposed to be with Roger, became Rock's adopted son. Now only Buggy is on the ship, and he has become the group's favorite.

Holy Land Marijoa

In Pangu City, on the Void Throne, Im sat on the throne, and the Five Elders knelt below the throne.

Saint Satan reported the situation of the Valley of the Gods this time.

"There were no losses in the Knights of God, 30 Celestial Dragons died, and 5 were missing."

Im said slowly


"Maybe because of the battle with Rocks, the body should have sunk to the bottom of the sea with the Valley of the Gods."

"By the way, Lord Im has discovered a remnant of the Lunaria tribe who may know the truth about the world."

Im's eyes, which were originally closed, suddenly opened when he heard the news, and there was a terrifying aura around him.

Saint Satan felt the terrifying aura around him and said tremblingly

"According to the intelligence, this person does not have D, is not a member of the D clan, and occasionally got some news about ancient history."

"Bring the news about this person here."


Satan took Locke's information and placed it in front of Im.

The Five Elders half-knelt on the ground waiting for Im to finish reading.

"Twelve years old, bloodline factor fusion experiment, organ transplant experiment, anomaly?"

Im looked forward, as if he saw Locke through countless spaces.

Satan asked

"Do you want to put a bounty on him? Or let CP0 catch him."

Im looked at the young face in the photo.

"No need. Since he doesn't have D, he is not Joy Boy. In the future, just put his news in the flowers."

Im took Locke's photo and returned to the flowers to continue sleeping.

For a moment, the Five Elders could not come up with an idea.

Saint Pitt said

"It seems that Lord Im is very concerned about this child of the Lunaria tribe."

Saint Vochuli said

"Since Lord Im said there is no threat, then we will ignore this Lunaria kid."

Saint Satan said

"Let's leave him alone for the time being."

Back to the West Sea

Locke didn't know that he escaped because Im was interested in him.

Locke and his crew drove the ship to a deserted island near the doldrums for a month of training.

Locke stood on a high place and used the training methods he saw in his previous life's military training and some magazines to train ordinary crew members.

Locke's requirements for them were also very simple, that is, strict discipline. In terms of combat power, they rely more on cadres like Locke. They only need to cooperate with the cadres to occupy the territory.

After all, this is the world of One Piece. According to the current version, the combat power is always at the level of destroying the island. Ordinary people, whether they are 100,000 or 200,000, are cannon fodder in the eyes of the strong.

On the open ground, 75 combat crew members lined up in an orderly queue and carried heavy loads forward. Twenty-five boatmen were formed into an emergency control team by Locke.

They were learning ship knowledge on the side.

Fifteen chefs were arranged by Locke to learn the recipes of the Rabbit Country in the previous life. It was a joke that it was okay to eat the dishes of other countries occasionally, but at critical moments, we had to rely on the recipes of the Rabbit Country.

Three doctors were learning next to Michelle. Although the three doctors had some medical knowledge, it was still not enough, so Locke arranged them to learn and do it next to Michelle.

Other cadres had their own special training plans. The newly joined Yoel and Leon were learning domineering. Yoel's physique had exceeded the standard of awakening armed color domineering, and what was missing was the awakening method.

Locke saw that everyone was training, so Locke took off and flew to the doldrums to catch some sea kings to supplement nutrition for everyone.

On the endless sea, as if crossing a certain dividing line, the other side of the sea suddenly became calm, reflecting the scene of the sky like a mirror.

Locke threw the piece of meat behind him casually, and the fresh blood diluted into the sea. Then the surrounding calm sea suddenly began to have waves.

A huge head rushed up from the bottom of the sea and swallowed the meat that had just been thrown down. Before the sea king jumped into the sea, a bigger sea king appeared below and bit the sea king above in half.

At this time, Locke also pulled up Jingzhe to play a flying head game with the sea king.

"Flame Slash!"

A fiery red chopping wave cut the head of the sea king and also cut a part of the sea surface. Finally, it evaporated for a while and finally disappeared.

Locke picked up the head and body of the sea king and flew back to the deserted island.

"This time the harvest is good, it is a sea king nearly 100 meters long, enough for us to eat for two days."

In fact, it can be eaten for longer, but in order to train the chefs' cooking skills, a lot of meat had to be wasted. The harvest is that the chefs' cooking skills have improved rapidly, and they can already cook some delicious rabbit dishes.

Locke flew back to the deserted island and threw the sea king to the chef. The chef would quickly decompose the various parts of the sea king and leave some valuable parts, such as the skin and teeth of the sea king, which are popular materials in the weapon shop.

Locke customized a batch of armor with sea king skin as the inner layer and a batch of sharp long knives for his crew members in the weapon shop.

Locke then started training. Locke picked up the huge barbell and kept swinging it. Adra, who was standing by, saw that there was a reaction in his body.

After Locke finished training, he lay on the ground waiting for Adra's massage, but when he saw Adra still looking at him, he said dissatisfiedly

"What are you looking at, stupid maid, come and give me a massage."

Adra was awakened from her fantasy by Locke's call, lifted the maid skirt and came to Locke's back, stepped on Locke's back with her tender feet wrapped in black, and massaged Locke. The black stockings stepped on the sweat and made a "puff, puff" sound.

Adra's face was flushed, and she didn't know whether she was tired or her brain was broken.

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