Pirates: Song of Weary

Chapter 772: A qualified ruler, the man behind the dragon, the narrow-minded Xuan Ye...

Now, Long really wants to kill this man, but the revolutionary army is now extremely dangerous. As the leader, he must put aside all obstacles and think about the overall situation.

He is not the man in front of him. He can abandon everything at a critical moment. For the revolutionary army, he has invested countless energy, heart and desire into it. Unless it is absolutely necessary, he will never abandon the revolutionary army.

This is the difference between Long and Xuan Ye.

Judging from a qualified leader alone, Long has undoubtedly completely overwhelmed Xuan Ye. Whether it is the overall situation, the ability of the commander, or the development, it is obvious that Long is more suitable as a ruler than Xuan Ye.

However, a qualified leader is destined to lose a lot, such as love, friendship, and family, and Talon has also paid the price for it.

It is even said that Long is particularly cruel, and it is conceivable that he can abandon his son, whether it is childhood or education, he has not fulfilled the responsibility of a father.

For the so-called revolutionary cause, I don't care about Karp's expectations at all.

Therefore, the dragon is a qualified leader, but not a good father, a good husband, or a good son.

On the positive side, the dragon wants more people to enjoy a peaceful life, so he started an uprising and blatantly rebelled against the world government, so it seems very righteous.

However, is this really the case? Think about it from the side, if the dragon did not revolt, how many people would not have been implicated and lost their lives in these years?

How many kingdoms will not be turned against by the revolutionary army? As a result, it was attacked by the world government.

An uprising, no matter whether the starting point is good or bad, cannot be offset. The passing of countless lives proves the old saying.

Prosperity, the people suffer; death, the people suffer; so no one is qualified to say who is right.

Because in this world, there is no absolute right or wrong, good or bad.

On the contrary, Long, a qualified leader, Xuan Ye was even more unbearable.

In Xuan Ye's heart, he only cares about a few people. Compared with the righteousness of the dragon, Xuan Ye seems to be a bit narrow. Righteousness.

For this reason, the righteousness of the dragon appears very high.

But you must know that this pirate world is abnormal. He is morbid, deformed, and imperfect, and he pursues the law of the weak. All kinds of things that go against common sense and moral values ​​can be seen everywhere.

In such an abnormal world, there are no normal people at all.

It can be said that Xuan Ye is narrow-minded, ignorant of the overall situation, and maddened, but who can say that what Xuan Ye did is fundamentally wrong?

For this reason, compared to Xuan Ye's simplicity, the dragon is a bit more complicated, so his restraint is also greater than Xuan Ye's.

If Xuan Ye and Long exchanged each other now, Xuan Ye would definitely kill the guy who hurt his relatives without sacrificing any means, even if he abandoned everything.

This is the difference. It can also be said that Xuan Ye is stupid, brainless, just like mental retardation, like a fool.

But who would have thought? How happy it would be to be Xuan Ye's relatives and friends.

Compared with the dragon, if it is necessary, it is even possible to sacrifice one's relatives to preserve the overall situation. For a qualified ruler, this possibility will not be an accident.

Therefore, if you want to choose relatives and friends, then I believe that people all over the world will choose Xuan Ye. After all, creatures with the ability to think will have selfishness, which is inevitable.

And neither can be said to be right or wrong.

Therefore, when the news of the danger of the revolutionary army came, Long hesitated, finally gritted his teeth, and made a rational decision.

Without speaking, not even a word of threat, the dragon disappeared directly on the spot, appeared beside Luffy, grabbed Luffy and the dead Ace, and then swept away the sight, facing one direction, and flew over.

Long's decisiveness made Xuan Ye a little surprised. He didn't even make a threat at the very least, which was not like a normal person's emotions.

In fact, Long also thought about threats, but when he thought of this guy's neurotic personality, Long held back what he was going to say.

He was sure that if he dared to threaten, then this guy would definitely fight him, thus holding him back. By then, it would be too late. After all, the revolutionary army was the most important thing now.

For this reason, Long didn't have time to talk nonsense with Xuan Ye, let alone who wins and who loses, just wasting time is too much for Long to bear.

What's more, in the ocean now, who doesn't know that Tenshen bird is a neurotic who keeps promises and hates threats?

The former one is okay to say, even many people hope to have an agreement or agreement with the **** bird. As long as there is a commitment from the **** bird, then as long as they don't die, they can walk sideways on the sea like a crab.

And the second one is threat. Throughout the life of the Heavenly Divine Bird, apart from a few strong men standing at the top, who have threatened the Heavenly Divine Bird, who else is alive?

Even the navy has paid an unimaginable price for threatening the celestial bird. Among them, the most amazing thing is that the celestial bird even abandoned its own daughter in order not to be threatened.

That alone, can the parent do it?

Therefore, so far, no one has dared to threaten the Heavenly Divine Bird. After all, the consequences are too heavy.

What makes Long fear the most is that if he can't help but threaten, will this lunatic stop him desperately, and then join forces with the world government to destroy the revolutionary army?

It was because he had so many scruples that the dragon left without saying a word. After all, the neuropathy went crazy, and the result must be very bad. He can't afford it now.

It can be said that the dragon is giving in, because this move means that the dragon has given up everyone except Luffy.

In fact, Long wanted to save Marco and others. After all, they were here to help his son, but Long knew that this lunatic would never agree, so he didn't even ask.

I have to say that Long is really aware of Xuan Ye's temper. He can fly with him. After all, that's your son, but don't even think about it.

Therefore, for the sake of the revolutionary army, Long turned a blind eye. It can be said that Long is really ruthless, and this is a qualified commander.

After all, the death of Sabo, the dragon can give up, let alone other people.

Long took a step back so decisively, Xuan Ye also understood, so he didn't take any action, just let the dragon lead him to walk and fly and die Ace. After all, now, Xuan Ye doesn't want to break with Long completely, because Maggie's The matter was always put first in Xuan Ye's heart.

As long as Maggie can wake up, Xuan Ye can give up a lot. Besides, there is time in the future, so there is no need to worry so much.

In fact, what Xuan Ye didn't know was that before Long came, someone told Long not to act rashly, and this person, except Long, and a few revolutionary army monsters, didn't know anything about it...

It's also because of this that the dragon didn't do it. You must know that the ruler is also a human, and he also has seven emotions and six desires...

Soaring up, seeing and hearing spread, everything was in sight, and finally, Xuan Ye also left this broken island.

At the same time, on a deserted island, Lu Qi is competing with bears in physique.

At this moment, the bear is all tattered and tattered, and the exposed transformed body is constantly flashing sparks at this moment. The situation is extremely dangerous, and it may not be long before he will be killed by Lu Qi.

Flashing out of thin air, the dragon appeared at the place where the two sides were fighting. After punching Lu Qi, he took the bear and left.

At the beginning, Lu Qi was a little surprised when the dragon appeared, but then he was excited, but when he was about to catch up, Xuan Ye's voice sounded in his ears.

"Let him go."

Suspended in the air, Xuan Ye stopped Lu Qi.


Lu Qi was a little puzzled, but stopped.

Then it was concocted one after another, and the dragon also took Ivankov away.

As Xiong and Ivankov were taken away by the dragon, the entire battle circle underwent major changes. The most important thing was that Xuan Ye freed his hand.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Are you disappointed not to fight? This little twist is okay! ah la la...

Do not worry! Next is the climax, because some pits have also begun to be filled.

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