Pirates: Song of Weary

Chapter 755: The Straw Hat Pirates Crisis, the Biggest Villain Strikes

The blue sky and white clouds whizzed past, and above the vast sea, two different clouds passed quickly.

"Boss Pacas, do I need so many people?"

Changed into a hat, Napoleon was not in good spirits, and his spirit was not very good.

"Hey! Napoleon, the other party is also the new five emperors anyway, so he has to give others a face, right? I bah... Actually, I don't want to come."

Under his feet, Prometheus pouted, you must know that he ate rock berries, and he has not developed it yet! There's no time to go out and wave around.

That's right, the rock berry fruit deprived from Blackbeard was eaten by Prometheus. Now Prometheus is no longer a simple Mihoz, but a living magma fire.

As for why Prometheus can eat devil fruit, it is because he did not eat devil fruit himself.

Speaking of which, Prometheus was still a little careful at the beginning. The reason why he focused on the rock fruit was entirely to surpass Zeus and Napoleon. As he expected, since he ate this devil fruit, his power was stronger than Zeus and Napoleon. Much more, and now directly ranked first among the three.

This also stimulated Zeus and Napoleon, and they all wanted to eat devil fruit, but there was no suitable one for the time being, so it was delayed like this.

"Xiaopu's previous sentence is right. Judging from the data from Kaku's investigation, this new successor may have some water, but his strength is not bad. I was going to call Anilu and the others, but they were not available, so I just It's only your turn!" Pacas had a stack of documents in his hand, all information about the Straw Hat Pirates.

"Huh? This Monkey D. Luffy is actually the son of the dragon? The grandson of the naval hero Garp? Also related to the red hair? The brother turned out to be Fire Fist Ace? Yo yo... This background is incredible. what!"

Tezzolo, who didn't care at first, sat next to Pacas, pulled out a piece of information, and looked at the introduction above.

"Is it great?"

Napoleon came up and said that he would go to school with the little princess, but he still couldn't understand the characters above. Some characters knew him, but he didn't know them.

"Of course it's very powerful. They are the protagonists, and the goddess of luck takes care of them."

Suddenly, a head rose from behind Pacas, and I saw Xiaoxi in a white and blue dress, with fluttering hair, explaining to Napoleon.

"Big... big... big princess!"

Hearing this delicate and familiar voice, Pacas and the others turned their heads, raised their voices and widened their pupils.

"Why do you look like this, don't you like me following?"

Bending up, Xiaoxi smiled slyly and glared at everyone fiercely.

"No, why are you here, eldest princess?" Tezzolo frowned, knowing that this time he had a mission, and before he set off, he was sure that the eldest princess did not appear.

But now, away from the kingdom of God, the eldest princess has appeared, so there is only one answer.

Tezzolo and Pacas looked at Becky at the same time, and the latter, like a dead parent, had a bitter face like a bitter gourd, unable to love.

"Becky, do you know what you are doing? We have a mission this time, and there may be dangers. If there is any danger to the eldest princess, can you take this responsibility? Zeus, send the eldest princess back. ."

Tezzolo was a little anxious. You must know that this is the treasure of the kingdom of God. If something happens, it will not be turned upside down.

"Hey! Tezzolo, what do you mean, Becky is covered by me, if you scold him again, I'll beat you."

Seeing Tezzolo teach Becky a lesson, Xiaoxi couldn't stand it any longer. She raised her fist and stared at Tezzolo threateningly.

The corner of his mouth twitched, Tezzolo glared at Becky, then looked at Xiaoxi seriously and said, "Princess, this is not a joke..."

"You forgot? I also have power!"

Interrupting Tezzolo's words, Xiaoxi's figure slowly danced, and circled back and forth in the air a few times; at this time, everyone remembered that Xiaoxi was the one with the ability to eat the fluttering fruit.

"Don't worry! I told Sister Kalifa, and now Becky still has 100 most powerful gods in her stomach. I'll be fine!"

Like a big sister, Xiaoxi patted Tezolo's shoulder and pointed to Becky's stomach.

After hearing Xiaoxi's explanation, Tezzolo's original serious expression softened. After all, Xiaoxi is not powerless now, and Becky still has 100 gods in his body. This power has already You can traverse the sea.

The Divine Army is the name of the Divine Kingdom's army. Whether it is an artificial devil fruit or a six-style army, these people are called Divine Army. They are the most important force of the Divine Kingdom, and there are as many as one million.

"Since this is the case, then forget it! But princess, if there is any danger, you must use your abilities to leave!" Tezzolo breathed a sigh of relief, tacitly acknowledging that there was one more person on this trip, because even if he objected, he probably wouldn't. use.

"Isn't there still you? Don't worry!"

It doesn't matter, Xiaoxi waved his hand.

"Does BOSS know about this?" Pacas said suddenly.

"This..." Turning his dark eyes, Xiao Xi smiled and didn't speak!

Sure enough, as soon as Pacas and the others turned black, they knew it would be like this.

"I was forced too." Becky wailed, because he had been threatened, so he had to bring Xiaoxi with him.

However, Xiaoxi is also very sensible, she told Kalifa and brought 100 Divine Army with her.

"Princess, you are leaving with us, what about the little princess?"

Napoleon tilted his head, knowing that the two princesses were always together.

"Oh! I gave Xingyu to my brother. I said I was going to retreat and practice, so I came out like this."

"Princess, you are amazing."

Several people gave thumbs up, speechless.

"Okay, since the eldest princess is here, let's discuss the countermeasures." Pacas coughed. Since he couldn't resist, he had to acquiesce.

"According to the investigation by Kaku and the others, the Straw Hat Pirates have now appeared in the country of Zou..."

"Wait, the country of Zou? What kind of kingdom is it!"

Holding her small hand, Xiaoxi was very curious, after all, before the crossing, the country of Zou had not appeared.

"What about this country of Zou? It is a super-large giant elephant, and the country formed by the fur tribe is on the back of this giant elephant, which is the country of Zou."

Pacas patiently explained Xiaoxi and others, although he was not very clear, but with Kaku's information, then everything was simple.

"But what race is the fur race?" Zeus was also full of curiosity.

"It's an animal, but it retains a lot of human characteristics. Well, let me think about it! You can probably understand by taking the bear beside Luo as a specimen. In fact, there is this race in the kingdom of God."

"Oh! That's it!"

Everyone suddenly realized that, after all, the races living in the kingdom of God now can be said to be the most numerous in the world.

"Then what is our mission this time?"

"Princess, our mission this time is to capture the King of Souls in the Straw Hat Pirates. It is this person, not a person, but a skeleton."

Pacas pulled out a piece of Brook's information and put it in front of Xiaoxi.

"Brooke." Xiaoxi's face changed slightly, with mixed feelings.

"Why are we arresting him?"

"In order to save the queen, this guy ate the yellow spring fruit. Only the yellow spring fruit can save the queen." Of course, no one noticed Xiaoxi's strange expression.

"Is this the only way to save Sister-in-law?" Xiaoxi squeezed the information tightly, feeling a little unbearable in her heart. After all, these people were the idols she admired the most.

"The double fruits of Caesar's research have failed. Now this is the only way to save the queen, so this time, we are bound to win."

Pacas looked solemn, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"I see!"

Taking a deep breath, Xiaoxi looked at the information in a complicated way, tangled in her heart, but in the end, she made a decision.


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