Pirates: Song of Weary

Chapter 646: Xuan Ye was eye-catching and put down his posture

The black clouds rolled, and with the addition of Anilu and others, it was visible to the naked eye that the torn sky seemed to be broken, forming a sky.

But with the passage of time, it can be found that the sky occupied by the kingdom of God is far stronger than the navy.

However, it is impossible for the momentum to continue to spread like this. You must know that the momentum is a manifestation of the spirit. If you continue to fight like this, it will not be long before the subsequent battles may not need to happen. Because of mental exhaustion, only Let everyone fall to the ground, trying to get a good night's sleep.

It's like staying up late, not sleeping for several days and nights, even if the consciousness is awake, it is impossible to have strength all over the body; even if there is a little mental problem, then the light person will lie down for a few months, and the serious person may directly Become a lunatic, an idiot, and worse, die on the spot.

With Xuan Ye's current overlord appearance, as long as he releases it, weak-willed beings may go into shock and then die, while those with slightly stronger spirits will foam at the mouth and fall into a coma with their eyes rolling.

This is the shock and deterrence of the overlord color, which can form a kind of spiritual power, powerful, which is equivalent to an attack.

In fact, from the moment Xingyu appeared in the Navy, Xuan Ye had already lost.

No matter how much you suppress the navy now, it will not change the fact that Xingyu is in the hands of the navy. If Xuan Ye loves Xingyu, then at the level, he has already lost.

Unless Xuan Ye is really tired of Xingyu, there can be no other turning point.

If Xuan Ye had already done it before, he would have wasted so much time in vain as he used to shock him like he is now.

This is also the reason why Warring States did not panic and dared to confront Xuan Ye.

If Xuan Ye had acted as soon as he came up, then there would be no room for recovery, and this war would definitely happen; but since Xuan Ye's appearance until now, he has only used his aura to oppress him, but he has not taken any practical actions. This shows that , What is this lunatic worried about.

The answer, ready to come out, is to be concerned about his daughter.

His eyes flickered, and now, whether it is the Warring States period or the crane, he has already made up his mind. It seems that the rumors that this guy hates his daughter is completely false.

Now, it's just to see who can't hold back.

Gritting his teeth, Xuan Ye wasn't stupid either, just from the faces of Warring States and Hehe, he could see that he had to speak.

Of course, you can start a war yourself, but at that moment, Xingyu will be in danger. Moreover, this is not in line with the purpose of his coming this time. This time, he did not come to fight the navy, but wanted to lead out the culprit.

Most importantly, in Xuan Ye's eyes, the entire navy was inferior to a finger of his daughter.

From the moment Xingyu disappeared, Xuan Ye knew that he was wrong.

I shouldn't be so cowardly, the child is innocent, it is the flesh and blood of myself and Maggie, and it is also a gift that Maggie gave me when she was pregnant in October.

This gift is the most beautiful in the world and the most precious in the world, but unfortunately, I didn't realize how important it was until the moment I lost it.

Don't dare to face it, you can get along with it slowly, instead of ignoring it like before, but forcing Maggie's death on the child.

What Xiaoxi said is right, the child is innocent. As a father, everything is his own fault, not like a coward who can't bear it, putting all the sins on the child.

It's unfair to the children, it's unfair to Maggie, and the biggest injustice is to herself.

Why can't you face it yourself? That is his own daughter, his own flesh and blood, why do you want to be alienated, why do you hate it?

That night, Xuan Ye stood outside Maggie's room and kept asking herself.

After thinking about it clearly, so he came, and as usual, he was worried and did not dare to attack the navy. I should have understood it long ago, but why are I so stupid? Do you want to understand until you lose it?

Everything, I blame myself for being too arrogant, too face-saving, too cowardly, and too indistinguishable from reality.

Perhaps, from the moment Xingyu was born, Xuan Ye began to change before he knew it, becoming more concerned and more thoughtful.

Perhaps, this is the change of blood, a responsibility as a father.

Therefore, when Xuan Ye lost, he couldn't hold his breath and spoke first.

However, no matter how you change it, it is impossible to change Xuan Ye's morbid character.

"Warring States, hand over my daughter, otherwise, I will flatten the entire navy."

Unable to refuse, still arrogant and even unable to understand, Xuan Ye threatened the Warring States.

Seeing Xuan Ye speak, Warring States knew that this war would not happen, and he was right.

Because when Xuan Ye spoke, it meant that Xuan Ye had put down his posture and could talk to their navy.

After all, according to the past, this lunatic has already started a war, and he will not give you so much nonsense at all.

Of course, Warring States ignored Xuan Ye's last words. After all, this lunatic didn't even know what the real compromise was. If he was pressed, this lunatic might end up with the navy forever.

After all, it is true that Xuan Ye's father-daughter relationship has been cold in the past two years, and this guy's personality is also unpredictable. No one can predict what crazy things will happen next.

"Bring it up."

Therefore, the Warring States did not say anything, and directly signaled the crane to bring the hot potato.

"Tianjinniao, your crime can be said to be a heinous crime. However, in order not to affect more lives and the fact that your daughter is only two years old, our navy has decided to sign an agreement with the Kingdom of God.

"The navy is the incarnation of justice, a child who is only two years old, we can't put it to death, this is not in line with justice; however, with the sins of your heavenly bird, you should be cut into pieces by a thousand swords, and your daughter, you The blood on her body is the most unforgivable, so the navy decided that if the little princess of the kingdom of God is fifteen years old and is caught by our navy again, she will be executed without hesitation."


Talking endlessly, how to say justice, how innocent two-year-old children, why not to let more people be affected... As long as it is good for the reputation of the Navy, what did the Warring States say?

For a time, the Divine Kingdom army headed by Anilu scoffed and looked at all the navies like monkeys; and the navy, except for the high-level, the rest were confused, and then blushed and embarrassed.

However, no one bothered, including Xuan Ye.

If it weren't for Xingyu, Xuan Ye would have wanted to go up and kill the Warring States, but he didn't see it, Xuan Ye's forehead was exposed with blue veins, and his hands were tightly clasped. ?

In the Warring States period, Xuan Yehui was also expected to remain silent, so he had the courage to say these words that would make the navy stand tall.

After all, the superficial article still has to be done. Maybe for some people who know the situation, it is just a look of staring, but don’t forget, some ordinary people, in their perception, is that the Navy is unwilling to let more His life was killed by the Tenjin bird, so he negotiated.

Since then, among the ignorant civilians all over the world, the reputation of the navy has not only not declined, but has become louder and louder. After all, the navy is the real justice.

And the kingdom of God, his heavenly bird, who kills people and destroys islands at every turn, is the incarnation of evil.

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