"Eat my move! Tiger attack!"

There was wind at Ryan's feet, he rushed towards Crowe, and hit him hard with the mace in his hand.


Kro opened his mouth and spewed out a ball of black flame, burning towards the mace.

"The white tiger roars!"

Ryan changed his moves instantly and shot out a ray from his mouth. The two-phase attack exploded directly in the air. The black flames scattered on the ground and were still burning.

"Eat my stick!"

Ryan turned around and swung a heavy club. Crowe put his right hand on his paw and went straight to meet him.


In the end, Ryan's power was more powerful. Crowe was directly knocked away and hit the stone wall, creating a big crater.

"Hahaha, Ryan, your power is still so terrifying."

Clo walked out of the pit with no scars except some dust on his body.

"Hahaha, after all, strength is what I am most proud of."

Ryan replied with a smile.

"Then I'm going to attack, pay attention to defense!"

Cloe said as his wings flashed and he disappeared directly. Ryan didn't dare to be careless. He clenched the mace in his right hand and stared at the surroundings.


"Right here!"

Crow was watching the battle, and he immediately caught Crow after seeing the color, while Ryan was a little slower.

"Devil's Slay!"

Claude landed from above his head, straightened his right hand, and his whole arm was like a sharp blade, slashing towards Ryan's head.

"Mecha defense!"

Ryan knew how sharp Crowley's claws were, so he quickly activated his ability, converted the armor into metal particles, and attacked towards the top of his head.

"Ding ding ding ding!"

""Ding, ding, ding!"

As soon as it came into contact, Cloe's arm easily cut through the metal smoke, but the subsequent metal particles directly wrapped and resisted Cloe's entire arm, making it unable to attack further.

"Oh, Ryan is so good, he actually thought of this kind of defense."

Claude said to Ryan with a smile.

"Isn't it because your claws are too sharp?"

Ryan replied with a smile.

Then Crowe swiped his right paw, and the metal particles wrapping his arm were cut open.

His wings vibrated, and the whole person flew into the air.

"Give me another hit!"

"Death Blade!"

Cloe swung his claws quickly in the air, forming wind blades one after another. They slashed towards Ryan.

Seeing this, Ryan quickly jumped to avoid some of the attacks, and then smashed some with his mace.

""Tiger bulge!"

After stabilizing his body, Ryan held the stick with both hands and swung it hard with a white and gold slash, rushing towards Clo in the air.

"Demonic power!"

Looking at the impact in front of him, Clo was not panicked at all. He opened his hands instantly and slashed in the middle, a cross slash rushed towards the platinum slash.



The two slashes were neither giving in, and they were both deadlocked in mid-air.

"Buzz~ rush!"

In the end, Ryan's slashing follow-up ability was stronger, which shattered Crowe's slashing blow and flew towards Crowe.

Seeing this, Crowe quickly flapped his wings, and the general avoided the slashing blow. Then the slashes hit the cave, and the entire cave began to collapse.

"It’s broken, it’s a big deal!"

"Ryan, take the gold, Er, take the jewels, and evacuate quickly, the cave is about to collapse!

Kuro hurriedly ordered. Fortunately, the gold was now on Ryan, and only a small amount of jewels were left on the ground. Kuro held the Golden Eagle Fruit in his hand, and a group of people ran out of the cave quickly.


Fortunately, I managed to escape from the cave in the end without any danger. As soon as I ran out, the entire cave was razed to the ground.

"Wuhu, can you two find an open space for the next fight? We were almost buried alive in the cave.

Ah Er was panting on the ground, complaining to Ryan and Clo.

"Hahaha, sorry, I took it too seriously by mistake, I won't do it again next time.

Ryan smiled embarrassedly, and Chloe also apologized.

"All right, it's good that everything is fine. Clo has also gained super strength, which is a good thing. Let's go back to the boat first and let Paul give us a barbecue."

Clo smiled and looked at everyone, and the crew all laughed and shouted long live.

A group of people walked back to the boat, watching the sea kings tossing up and down in the sea, everyone drooled.

"Captain, there are too many sea kings here, which one should we kill?"Slurp."

Ah Er asked Kuro which one to kill while drooling.

"I wanted to kill him, but I just didn’t know if the food bin in the boat could fit in it, and whether Paul could do it."

After Kuro heard Ah Er's words, he thought about it and turned to ask Paul behind him.

"No problem, Captain. At worst, we can just throw away some food. After all, the meat of sea kings not only tastes good, but also has high nutritional value."

Paul said quickly.

"Then I'll go and kill the one with the rooster head in the middle. I'll leave the two with the white snake heads to you."

Kuro drew his sword and rushed out with a swift movement.

"Cut it in two!"

Crow flew in the air and appeared directly on the neck of the sea king. He slashed with his knife and the whole chicken head flew into the sky.

Then he fell down and floated on the sea.

"Ah Da, come on!"

Ada, along with Suo Xi and a group of crew members, rowed a small boat and went to pull the body of the sea king.

The white snake sea kings on both sides were frightened when they saw it, and they rushed into the sea, trying to escape.


"Demonic Wind Slash!"

Ryan and Crowe's chops arrived, directly piercing the heads of two Neptune-like snakes.

As the three corpses fell on the sea, even Master Cooley went into the sea. A group of people spent a lot of effort to kill the three bodies. The Neptune corpses were dragged onto the deck. Paul waved his air chop at the three corpses. After a while, everyone took out the barbecue tools, selected the meat, and grilled it themselves. The whole ship came. A buffet barbecue.

After eating and drinking, he went to the cabin to sleep and spent the night without talking.

The next day, when he heard the sound of large creatures chewing, Kuro walked to the deck and looked at two more sea kings. Paul threw away the unwanted parts while eating yesterday

"Paul, is there any room left?"

"No, our warehouse is not that big"

"What a pity! Look at that sea king with a bull's head. Its meat must be delicious."

"How about captain, kill another one? Then put it on the deck and try to eat it within two days?"

"That's great! I'll go right away"

"Captain, let me do it!"

Just as Kuro was about to harvest the bull-headed sea king, Paul reached out to stop him.

"Flour bomb!"


Paul's hands flew out with two streaks of flour, which wrapped around the neck of the bull-headed Neptune. With Paul's violent words, the Neptune's neck was blown off.

"Ah Da, come on!"

With the order, Ah Da took the boat and went into the water.

The one next to the Minotaur Sea King jumped directly into the sea and ran away when the explosion sounded.

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