
"Disrespect to God is punishable"

"Twenty million volts discharge!"

Enilu's lightning flashed and appeared above Kuro's head. The thunder and lightning in his right hand gathered and he pressed down on Kuro's head.

""Zi Buzz, Crack!"

Kuro instantly felt a surge of electricity that went straight through his entire body from the top of his head, and then a burst of thick smoke burst out.


"You bastard!"

Ryan swung his mace and smashed it towards Enel.

However, under the effect of the heart net, Enel dodged it directly and did not suffer any injuries, making Ryan's attack fall in vain.

"Hum, humble mortal, this is the consequence of offending God!"

Enilu released his elemental form, regrouped into a human body, and said to Kuro with disdain.

"Ah, it feels good. I didn't expect you could do electrotherapy."

When the smoke cleared, Kuro appeared unscathed, looking energetic. He gave Enelu a thumbs up. The power was good. After being electrocuted, Kuro felt energetic.


Aini���Seeing Kuro not only not hurt at all, but also looking like he was fully charged, I couldn't believe it.

"It seems you can handle it!"

"Take this! One hundred million volts! Discharge!"

Enelu appeared above Kuro's head again, with lightning flashing in his palm, and pressed down on Kuro's head.

"Um! This power is enough! Hahaha."

During Eniro's lightning attack, Kuro was still laughing loudly. As the smoke and dust dispersed, Kuro's clothes were blackened by electricity, but he was fine.

"This is impossible!"

"How can you resist the power of God!"

"What on earth are you?"

Seeing that Kuro still looked like he was fully charged, Enelu's eyes almost popped out. He immediately asked three questions.

"I am the true God King, and you are just a lucky person who was chosen by me to have power."

Kuro crossed his arms and looked down at Enelu in front of him.


"How dare you pretend to be God! This is unforgivable!"

"God’s sanction!"

Enilu pointed towards the sky, and a pillar of thunder and lightning descended directly from the sky, attacking Kuro!

"Hahaha, thunder and lightning, speaking of which, I can use them too."

Crow shouldered God's sanction, and then activated his ability. A bolt of lightning flew out of his mouth and hit Anilu directly.


Enelu used the Heart Net to dodge Kuro's lightning. Then the lightning hit a big fish and exploded.

Seeing the explosion behind him, Enelu's expression became serious.

"You guy, you."

Before Enilu finished speaking, Kuro appeared directly in front of him, and even his heart network had no time to react.

Kuro directly activated his armed domineering force and grabbed Enilu's neck with one hand. I wanted to escape as an element, but found that I couldn't.

"Who are you? Why did you catch me? And you made me unable to change my voice and thunder!"

Enelu was a little panicked. It was the first time that he was caught by someone else and he couldn't escape. Even the Heart Net was useless in front of Kuro.

"Hahaha, didn’t I tell you, I am the God King!"

"Enjoy the pain caused by the true sanction of God"


After Kuro said that, he punched Enelu directly in the stomach. This time, his eyes burst out and he vomited blood.

But Kuro didn't even look at it, and began to attack Enelu's body crazily. , blood spurted from Enilu's mouth with every punch.

Kuro beat him for ten minutes, and Enilu fainted. Kuro shook him, but he didn't react.

"Mr. Hua Si, please go to the boat and get me a pair of sea-stone handcuffs. I want to lock this guy up."

Qu Luo said to Mr. Wen Si beside him.

""Okay, boy, I'll go back to the boat and get it."

Mr. Hua Si turned around and walked back to the boat, entered the storage room, and came back with a pair of seastone handcuffs.

"Here you go boy."

Mr. Hua Si handed the seastone handcuffs to Cullo, and Cullo immediately put the seastone handcuffs on Eniro's hands.

"Mr. Hua Si, I will leave this guy to you. Remember, you can’t���Open the handcuffs, otherwise it will be difficult to arrest me next time."

Crow himself knew that the reason why he caught Enel so easily this time was entirely because Enel was too careless.

After all, since Enel ate the fruit, no one has been able to touch him, even if he If someone wanted to attack him, he could just elementalize and dodge. As a result, when he met Kuro today, not only was his speed too fast to react, but he couldn't even elementalize, and Kuro's iron fists were too fast to hit Ryan.

Such a meat-clad warrior makes Ryan scream in agony, let alone a crispy mage like Enel.

"Captain, is this guy the lucky guy you mentioned who ate the natural thunder fruit?"

Mr. Hua Si asked

"Yes, it's him."

"It looks like there's something wrong with my brain, and I'm so confused when I open and shut my mouth."

The old man squatted next to Enilu's head, holding Enelu's head, thinking about whether to give him some medicine.

"Hahaha, it does have a problem. Because it has the power of thunder and lightning, it thinks it has become an omnipotent god."

"Little does anyone know that this ability can be disabled by a bucket of sea water."

Quluo looked at Enelu who fell on the ground with a smile. His mind was filled with thoughts of becoming a god, then building a ship and running to the moon. This is not okay.

"Captain, what should we do with him?"

"Treat his wounds first, I almost killed him."

Hearing Kuro's words, Mr. Hua Si looked at Enel, whose head was still bleeding, and nodded.

Ryan woke up all the crew members who were stunned by the electric shock. All of them had curly hair on their heads.

"Captain, the sky island is very dangerous. It may be struck by lightning at any time."

A'er stared at Fengshan, his face was darkened by the electric shock.

"It has nothing to do with that, this guy just used his ability to chop you."

Quluo said and pointed to Eniro who was lying on the ground.

"What! Is it this bastard? I'll chop him up!"

Ah Er pulled out Fengshan and was about to chop Enelu to death.


Ryan held the mace and directly blocked Fengshan back.

"Don't be impulsive, the captain still has use for him, put the knife away."

Hearing Rui En's words, Ah Er obediently sheathed Feng Shan.

"Zangao, this guy, can you make it like the sea of ass?"

Kuro called Zangao over, and the two of them said secretly.

"As long as you, Captain, can cripple his mental strength, I can turn him into the same as Ji Hai."

Zangao touched the brim of his hat and assured Kuro.

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