As the boatmen on the island finished their blessings, the group separated from each other and formed a passage. At the end of the passage was the stairs of the Weeping Angel.

"Hahaha, Captain, hurry up and come up, the Weeping Angel is waiting for you to give orders."

Master Cooley stood on the stairs, holding a large champagne bottle in his hand, urging Crawford to come up.

"Hahaha, here we are, Master Cooley. I heard Paul say that you have prepared everything. Thank you for everything you have done."

"Hahaha, preparing things for your own ship is what a shipwright should do."

After hearing Kuro's thanks, Master Kure waved his hand, indicating that it was all his duty.

Under Kuro's leadership, all the people in the group boarded the ship, and Master Kure came over with champagne.

"Captain, I leave this bottle of sailing wine to you."

Crow took the bottle, looked at the eyes of all the crew members, and raised the corners of his mouth.

"Kids, a new voyage is waiting for us, let’s set sail!"



As Clow set off, the crew all started to move. Ryan put away the anchor, Ah Er, Ah Dahuang Mao and the others raised the sail.

Clow opened the sailing wine with a big smile. , the wine sprayed into the sky, every drop of wine reflected the smiling faces of the crew, and a new journey began.

Early the next morning, Kuro woke up in the captain's cabin, washed his face and brushed his teeth, walked out of the cabin and walked to the deck..

Looking at the crew members who were training on the deck, Kuro moved his body, walked over and picked up a giant dumbbell, doing simple warm-up exercises.

"Captain, at our current speed, we will reach Beast Island tomorrow."

Kuro walked up to Kuro with a notebook and said

"Okay, I got it. Notice everyone to take a rest in the afternoon and attack Beast Island tomorrow morning.

Kuro replied to Kuro while doing sword training.


After Crowe said that, he went down to inform the crew.

After lunch, the group gathered together and listened to the information Crowe had collected about the Lion Pirates.

"The Lion Pirates have about 150 crew members, and only three of them have a bounty from the Navy."

"Captain of the Lion Pirates, Lion Berry, bounty 120 million Baileys, animal-type Lion-Lion Fruit, yellow lion form ability user"

"Vice Captain Lorne is a two-sword swordsman with a bounty of 50 million berries."

"Bo Mei, the animal-type Dog-Dog Fruit Samoyed form ability user, bounty is 40 million Baileys, is a combatant and cook on the ship"

"The above is the information that Shirikai found in the navy."

After Crowe finished speaking, he closed his notebook, then pushed up his glasses and looked at the captain.

"Well, tomorrow I will launch a direct attack on the Lion Pirates. Let it be a graduation test for this period of special training. Ryan, Lorne will be left to you."

"Crowe is in charge of Bo Mei, and the rest of the crew will be left to Ah Er and Paul."

"Captain, don't worry, I guarantee that none of them will survive."

After hearing the captain's arrangement, Ah Er patted his chest and promised.

"Hahaha, I believe you. Anyway, I will get rid of Lion Bori as soon as possible, and then I will come to help you."

"No, Captain, we can handle it"

"That's right, Captain. Don't look down on others."

When the crew heard Kuro said he would come to help them, they all quit. Who are they looking down on? If we need your help to kill some minions, then how can we survive?

"Hahaha, then I will wait and see."

After Kuro said that, he walked to the observation deck, sat on the throne, and looked at the sea view in front of him.

When the crew saw the captain leaving, they all dispersed. Paul took a cup of fruit tea in the kitchen and sent it to the observation deck. superior

"Captain, let's have a drink."

After Paul finished speaking, he put the fruit tea on the table.

"Thank you, Paul.

Kuro thanked him and drank the fruit tea.

""No need to thank me, Captain. This is what I should do."

Paul said and walked out of the observation deck.

Kuro drank fruit tea and thought about something in his mind.

"After destroying the Lion Pirates, I will study Sky Island. After all, there is a battery waiting for me there."When

Kuro thought of Enelu, he felt it was a pity that such a powerful fruit was hidden away without going through a major battle. It was too ridiculous.

As Kuro was thinking about it, time passed slowly.

The next morning.

Kuro sat on the deck, doing stretching exercises to move his body.

"Captain, there are signs of an island ahead!"

"Captain, Brother Crow said that is Beast Island!"

Hearing what the crew said, Kuro walked to the bow and looked at the small island in front of him. The island looked like a lion's head. There were five pirate ships parked beside the island.

On each ship, there was a flag with a lion's skull. fluttering on the mast

"It seems to be here, Ryan! Pull the boat over!"

After confirming the target, Kuro gave an order, and Ryan manipulated the rudder and pressed the acceleration button.

A small propeller appeared behind the Weeping Angel, and a flame ignited. The entire ship directly increased its speed several times and flew towards the Beast Island.

"I went first!"

When the boat was still a little far away from the island, Kuro directly drew out the Budou Soul and rushed forward.

"Quick, tell the captain, someone is coming to attack us! Hurry!"

The crew of the Lion Pirates who were standing guard at the port of the island suddenly saw a giant ship appearing on the sea.

Before they could react, the entire ship rushed towards them quickly, and it felt like it was about to be in front of them. Just when they were about to ask what was going on, they saw a man flying up from the boat with a long knife in his hand, and he immediately understood that the enemy was attacking!

When they were captain, Kuro fell directly in front of them.

"Haha, sorry, I don't think it's necessary to tell tales, so you can go first."

Kuro said, waving the Budu Yuhun in his hand, and the two minions covered their necks in pain, blood gushing out from between their fingers, and then the dead bodies fell to the ground.

"too weak! Let me go and see if there is anyone stronger."

Kuro said and performed the air step with his feet. After a few jumps, the whole person disappeared.

"The captain is still so anxious"

"Yes, every time there is a battle, the captain will always be the first to rush forward."

"Maybe this is the captain's responsibility."

"What? The captain just wanted to kill a few more people!"

After Kuro disappeared, Ryan and his friends also arrived on the island and saw two dead bodies on the ground. Everyone chatted.

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