After Zangao boarded the ship, he saw Kuro visiting their black cat ship. He admired that except for the black cat head, everything else was suitable for him.

"That's really good. Okay, let's switch to this boat in the future. Compared with the previous boat, it was too simple. It still complements my identity."

Crow was extremely satisfied. He thought the boat was small before, but he didn't have the chance to change it. He originally wanted to make do with it first, and wait until he got to Rogge Town to find a bigger boat and then change it.

(Actually, he wanted to rob other pirate groups) but No need now, our good friends the Black Cat Pirates took the initiative to send it. It is indeed the famous experience pack from the early days of One Piece. It is so comfortable and happy to use.

Thinking of this, Kuro walked up to Zangao and stretched out his right hand to pat it. He patted Zang Gao on the shoulder and said,"Thank you, Lao Tie, for sending me the pirate ship."

Zang Gao"???"

"Captain, what are we going to do with them?" Ryan pointed at Clo and the group of cat minions lying dead on the ground.

"Oh, them, kill the men and leave the women alone," Kuro said casually.

Ryan looked at the minions on the ground. There were no women, so he killed them all!

After Kuro finished speaking, Ryan pulled out the mace and prepared to walk over to smash the watermelon.

"? ? ? Hey hey hey, please wait a moment!"Zangao hurriedly stopped

"what? Are you anxious? If you are in a hurry, I can let you come first." Ryan looked at Zangao with a mace in his hand.

"No, no, no, Captain, can you spare their lives? I promise I will never appear in front of you again."

Zangao waved his hands to stop him and said to Kuro

"Oh? I won't talk about the crime committed by this dead cat, but you guys, you sneaked onto my treasure ship, kidnapped my beloved crew members and beat them inhumanely!"

"Not only that, there were 1 billion berries on my treasure ship, but now there are only 10 million left! Where is my money?! Where did you hide it!"

Kuro was distressed, covering his chest with one hand and pointing at Zangao with the other hand

? ? ? 1 billion berries?! Where the hell is that? We even turned over the rice jar on the ship and only found less than 3 million!

Among the 10 million, there are still 7 million on our ship!

Saying that we hid it is slander! This is a frame-up! Does your ship look like it has 1 billion!

Zangao looked at Kuro and opened his mouth for a long time without making a sound.

Ryan was also confused. Did we have so much money on our ship before? Why didn't I know.

The two minions looked at each other and said,"The captain is so rich!"

"Humph, speak up! You've been opening your mouth for so long without saying a word. Are you pretending to be dumb?"

"Look at the way you are seeking death, Ryan slapped him twice and asked where our money went."

After hearing this, Ryan moved his palms and walked towards Zangao

"No no no wait a minute Captain! We really didn't see a billion!"

"Oh no! He's still lying! Ryan hit him with a stick"

"No, work! Let's stay and work! Until one billion is paid off!"Zangao looked at the mace in front of him and hurriedly lay on the ground.

"work to earn a living? ️Hmm...that's a good idea." Kuro touched his chin

"How about this: you pick out the top ten most skilled guys on your ship, and throw the rest onto that garbage ship."

"From now on, you will be trainee crew members on the ship. You will do the daily work. After all, my beloved crew members need to recover. We will discuss the salary issue after Clo wakes up."

Clo decided to keep them first. After all, there was no one who could fight on the ship before. They were too useless to watch the ship and were kidnapped!

Zangao agreed quickly. After choosing the people, Ryan threw out the remaining useless ones one by one, and came back to wake up the crew members who were kicked unconscious.

"Okay, kids, let’s go sailing!"


Ryan went to take the helm, and the crew hoisted the sails and collected the anchor. Kuro took a chair and sat on the deck, looking at the cat on the bow."Well... it turns out that it is still not suitable for me."

He pulled out the long sword, swung it with one hand, and a blade flew out and directly chopped off the cat's head."Well, it looks much better this way!" So strong! No wonder he was able to defeat Kuro. Zangao originally wanted to wait for Kuro to wake up, and the two of them would join forces to escape, but it seems that there is no hope.

Well, just work obediently, but following such a powerful captain, maybe you can climb to the top in the future.

Nothing happened that day, and the ship sailed smoothly.

The next day, Kuro got up and sat on the chair thinking about something

"I always feel like something is weird, like there's something I haven't remembered."

"Hmm... what is it?" Kuro held his chin with one hand, thinking alone.

At this time, Ryan came over.

"Captain, we have to find a cook. We could make do with food before, but after eating other people's food in the restaurant in Xiluobu Village, our cook feels like he is making pig food."

"Silob Village...Oh, Usopp! I forgot to get him on board!"

Qrow suddenly realized that he had lost something, Usopp!

Oh, why is Gang Shiba's brain so hard to use? He has forgotten all this. Although Usopp is not strong, he is very lucky. , how great it would be to get him back as a mascot! The only one among the pirates who can compete with him is Bucky

, the clown. The luck of these two is not a joke..

Hey, it’s too late to go now. Is this the world line? I didn’t even think about it now that Usopp is out of action, so I won’t let you go, hahaha. Thinking of Robin in a good mood, Qrow hummed a tune and went into the cabin to see Crow. The boy was beaten like that and recovered quite quickly. He woke up that night and was about to resist, so Qrow immediately made up for it. One punch, this punch was enough to make him fall asleep again.

Just now, Zangao's younger brother reported that Crowe was awake.

When he walked into the lounge, he saw Crowe and Zangao talking.

"Wake up, you can really sleep, you have slept all day and night," Kuro said sitting on the empty bed.

Who is that because of? You woke up in the middle of the night and you punched me and made me pass out!

But people have to lower their heads under the eaves."Tell me, Kuro, what is your purpose in keeping me?"

"Purpose? Didn't Zangao tell you? He stole one billion from me"

"Stop joking, you know this is fake,"

Klo said angrily.

"oh? So you are going to deny it!"Qu Luo's expression suddenly changed, and he asked in a cold tone.

"Hey, hey, Chloe, you can't beat him."

"Captain Clow, Clow has just woken up and hasn’t come to his senses yet. Don’t be angry." Zangao hurriedly pulled Clow.

"Anyway, you guys will work on my ship to pay off the debt. One hundred million berries a year for two people, and the minions are a gift. It will be paid off in ten years."

Kuro said, looking at the two of them.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing, staying on a boat for ten years?"

"No, no, no, it’s work! The cleaning of the ship is your responsibility."

"You guy!"After Crow said that, Crow exploded.

It's still acceptable to join the gang, but after all, he can't beat him. In the end, he will be a cleaner! This can't be tolerated!

"Of course, you can also recruit new crew members and develop downlines so that you can put them to work."

"Think about it carefully."

After saying that, Kuro left the lounge.

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