"Oh? Is that so?"

"Beibo, don't stop me. I'm going to beat this bastard to death with a hammer."

Kuro heard Beibo's words and was about to apologize when he saw Master Kulei coming over with a hammer.

"Master Cooley, calm down, calm down. If you guys get into a fight, the houseboat will definitely be affected. There is a boat waiting to be delivered next to it!"

Under Bebo's desperate pull, Master Cooley gave up his plan to continue hammering Cooley.

"Well, Master Cooley, I'm sorry. I thought you yelled at me on purpose, so I called you. I'm really sorry."

Crow scratched his nose in embarrassment, and then apologized to Master Cooley.


Hearing Kuro's apology, Master Kurei didn't say anything and just snorted coldly.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Clow, if you have any requests, you can tell them now."

"Oh, well, I need a big boat because my crew is pretty big, and I need the new boat to have a good weight capacity because we need to exercise on the boat."

"Then I need a big wheelhouse, after all, our helmsman is relatively tall, and I need to build more crew lounges so that the crew can live comfortably."

"Most importantly, I need a viewing platform. When I am bored, I can watch the crew training and enjoy the scenery. The kitchen must also be large so that our chef can use his skills."

When Paul heard Clow mention him, he couldn't help but burst into tears and wanted to cry. When Mr. Wen Si next to him saw it, he quickly took out the medicine for him to take.

During the time on board the ship, Mr. Wen Si gave everyone, They all checked their bodies and found that they were all in good health, except for Paul, whose tear incontinence was really difficult.

Paul took the medicine and took it quickly, then took a deep breath to calm down.

"Finally, in terms of materials, I hope to use Baoshu Adam to make the ship's bones, which will save us from having to replace the ship."

As soon as Qrow heard that he could make requests, he quickly mentioned everything he could think of.

"Humph, this is no problem for a big ship. All you need to do is find a giant tree to serve as the keel of the ship. The load-bearing problem is also easy to solve. You just need to make the bottom of the ship wide and thick to increase the stability of the ship."

"But you want to use the precious tree Adam as a shipbuilding material, boy, do you understand what you are talking about!"

Master Ku Lei started by listening carefully to Ku Luo's request, but the last one was too much. The precious tree Adam is the best material for shipbuilding, nothing else. I have only seen one since I was a child, and it was not very big, so it could only be used to build a medium-sized sailboat.

"Of course I understand. The Adam tree is the toughest wood. Using it to make a boat can greatly improve the boat's strength and stability."

"I've done my homework, too."

Quluo said, I haven't read the plot introduction at all. I still know Baoshu Adam.

"Then you should understand! Its scarcity and material limitations! Now there is no precious tree Adam that can make you a big ship."

Master Cooley said angrily

"Then I don’t know, eh, are there no big trees? What a pity"

"Humph, anyway, I will use good wood to build a big ship for you. Don’t even think about it, Adam Baoshu."

"Okay, that's it."

Master Cooley left angrily after listening to Cooley's request for shipbuilding.

"This guy's temper is just like what that pirate said, he's not easy to mess with."After seeing Kulei leave, Kuro said sullenly

"Well, Mr. Clow, let's talk about the cost of building a ship."

At this time, Beibo came over with a calculator.

"Okay, you calculate how much it is."

Kuro said nonchalantly

"Please wait."

After Bebo finished speaking, he began to ravage the calculator crazily.

Kuro and the others looked at Bebo. They were completely different from the polite man before.

"Hey, Captain, let’s settle the score. Is he so crazy?"

"I don’t know either, but after seeing him calculating for so long, I’m just worried about whether we have enough money."

As Kuro and Ryan finished chatting, Bebo also stopped calculating.

Then he took the calculator and placed it in front of Kuro and the others.

"Mr. Kuro, I have calculated it, the total is 530 million Baileys."

Bebo said and looked at Kuro.

"Oh, it's very good. It's not very expensive. It's acceptable."

Ku Luo said that this price can

"Clo, you and Zangao go to the ship to get the money, and notify the navy to come here to pick up the people."

""Okay, Captain."

Kuro adjusted his glasses, nodded in agreement, and walked towards the ship with Zangao.

"Mr. Kuro, since it will take some time to build a ship, you can find a hotel in the residential area behind and stay there until the new ship is finished."

Seeing Kuro go to get the money, Beibo said considerately

"Oh, does it take a long time?"

"It would take half a month at the fastest, and all the craftsmen in the factory would only be able to make this one boat."

"If that's the case, do you buy old boats? We want to sell you our current boat."

"Yes, but the price won't be too high, Mr. Craw"

"It's okay then. Paul, you can take Bebo to our ship to get the money. By the way, let him see the black ship and give him a price."

"In addition, inform Crowe and the others to move all the money down and then come to the residential area to find us. We are going to rest here for a while."

After hearing what Kuro said, Paul nodded and took Bebo away, heading to the Black Ship

"Let's go"

"Good captain."

Led by Kuro, the group walked through the shipyard and headed to the residential area.

After walking for about ten minutes, Kuro and the others arrived at the commercial street. People here were surprised when they saw the height of Kuro and Ryan.

"Hey, brother over there, would you like to see the berry mold fruit? It’s very fresh."

"Huanghuan vegetables are also very good. Would you like some?"

As soon as Cullo and the others walked into the street, roadside vendors came to sell fresh fruits and vegetables door-to-door.

Cullo and the others saw that the fruits and vegetables were indeed fresh, so they bought some and planned to let Paul cook when he came back.

"Is that big, handsome guy over there married? See how I am"

""Huh? I'm going to fucking kill you! You damn thing! Ahhhhh!"

At this time, a big brother came over with a smile on his face, pinching his throat, and asked Kuro if he was married. Kuro was so angry that he was stunned. When he reacted, he exploded. It was not enough to knock the big brother away with one punch. He pulled out the Budu Yuhun and chased him to kill him.

Ryan laughed and stopped Kuro.

"Captain, forget it, hahaha, just give him a beating, there is no need to kill him hahaha."

Seeing Ryan laughing so wildly, Qrow became even more angry.

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