"Lao Deng! You are absolutely sick! You are crying beside someone else's bed late at night, and you dare not admit it!"

"I recognize you, uncle! I'm just worried that something might happen to you if you drink too much, and I want to fulfill my duties as a ship's doctor!"

"Stop talking nonsense! You are just sick! Doctors don’t heal themselves, so you are sick!!!"

"I don't! It's you who are sick! As a doctor, I declare that you are sick!!"

Ryan stopped Kuro, and A'er looked at Mr. Wensi, and the two began to curse in the air.

The curse lasted for thirty minutes, and the words in the middle fully demonstrated the various organs of the human body and all the women in the family.

I won’t go into detail here, but to sum it up in one sentence, the pit is cleaner than the two of them.

In the end, when the old man’s words were not enough, Kuro seized the opportunity and directly defeated him with a set of greetings from the maternal genealogy. After the game

, Kuro said that if he was not afraid that the old man would die of anger and he would be known as the one who killed the ship's doctor, he would be sure to resolve the battle in three minutes.

"Hey, it’s a good idea to get up early for such a friendly match. Paul, please give me an omelette sandwich and a glass of orange juice. Thank you."

"OK Captain, that'll be all right in a minute."

When Paul heard the captain's order, he quickly went to the kitchen to prepare it.

"Hum, old man, I advise you not to enter my captain's cabin next time, otherwise it will be easy to go in vertically and come out horizontally."

"Humph, next time even if you invite me, I won't go"



Soon Paul came out of the kitchen with a plate of food.

"Captain, this is the fried egg sandwich you ordered. I also added bacon. This is the orange juice you ordered. Please enjoy it slowly."

"Thank you, Paul, for cooking with such care every time. Every dish has the taste of love."

"No way, Captain, you are too exaggerated, hahaha."

Paul was still so uncomplimentary. When he heard Kuro's compliment, he twisted his body and ran away.

Kuro ate breakfast and looked at the sea.

"Why didn't the news bird come today? I want to know what happened on Qiqia Island.

Kuro suddenly remembered the battle on Qiqia Island, and he didn't know which of the three emperors won.

"And where is my devil fruit? He couldn't be hacked by the messenger, right? If that were the case, I would have to kill him even if I hit Marie Joa."

Just when Kuro finished his breakfast and was sitting in a chair in a daze, the news bird flew over.

"Oh? Why are you here just now? You are late today."

After hearing what Kuro said, Newsbird took out a writing board from his bag.

"Today's news is quite important, so it has just been printed."

The news bird finished writing and showed it to Kuro.

"Oh, that’s it, then give me a copy quickly and let me see how important it is."

Crow said, took out a five hundred beli coin and threw it to the news bird.

The news bird caught it with its wings and looked at it.

"The news is important, so the price has increased. Now it’s 1,000 Baileys per copy."

After writing it, he showed it to Kuro.

"Are you sure you're not raising the price? Did you see that I was curious, so you doubled the price?"

Kuro looked at the news bird with suspicion.

"Quack! Quack! Quack!"

"If you don't understand, write it down!"

Hearing Kuro say this, the news bird screamed in anger.

"Journalists do not aim to sell news, but only to let people see the truth of things."

The news bird screamed as he wrote it, and then showed it to Kuro.

Kuro was immediately in awe when he saw it.

"I don’t believe a word of this guy like you. I would believe it if you didn’t need money."

After Kuro finished speaking, Newsbird was about to fly away.

Kuro quickly stopped it.

Then he took out a five hundred beli coin and handed it to it.

Newsbird hummed angrily and took the money in. The money bag on his chest, then took out a newspaper, threw it to Kuro and flew away, screaming as he flew

"Captain, although I don't understand bird language, I think he must be cursing."

A Er said beside him

"It doesn't matter. I don't understand anyway. No matter how dirty he curses, I won't feel insulted at all."

Kuro just gave up.

""Okay, let me see what the big news is, or you can charge me 500 more berries."

Kuro said as he sat back on the chair and opened the newspaper.

The first page of the newspaper said that the gathering of the Three Emperors on Zizia Island was actually a trap.

Kuro looked down and saw that the battle between the two emperors was actually a bait to catch the fish of Admiral Akainu, and Akainu really took the bait.

Then Big Mom attacked, the Three Emperors surrounded the Admiral, and Akainu was seriously injured. Fortunately, Kizaru arrived in time and fought hard to snatch Akainu back from the Three Emperors.

Then Sengoku and Kuzan arrived, and the two sides had a 3v3 man-to-man battle. In the end, no one got the upper hand, and both sides retreated.

"Phew, I didn't expect Big Mom to come, but I knew that with Whitebeard and Kaido's temper, it would be impossible for them to just let Akainu be a spectator."

"Haha, a world where only Akainu was injured has been achieved, but this guy is really tough. Surrounded by the three emperors, he was only seriously injured, but not dead."

"Besides having a tough life, maybe it's the world line? The script doesn't allow Akainu to die? So he can't die? Hahaha, I don't understand."

Then he opened the second chapter, a poison gas leak occurred in Punk Hazard! All the residents on the island died, and the navy announced a blockade of the entire island.

Seeing this news, Kuro's pupils contracted, damn, why did it leak at this time instead of earlier!

Although he knew that it was the idiot Caesar who made an experimental error two years before Luffy went to sea, which led to the poison gas leak in Punk Hazard, but there was no report of the accident.

Kuro forgot about it and didn't care. Unexpectedly, he leaked it when the Five Elders agreed to give him an artificial fruit.

Caesar, you'd better make sure that the fruit is not eaten by others, otherwise the first thing I will do when I arrive on the island is to kill you.

Even if Doflamingo stops me, I will kill you. Even

Kaido can't save you, I said!

Kuro smashed the table in front of him with an angry punch.

"The captain went drunk again"


"It's okay, it's okay, I said I was drunk."

Seeing Kuro smash the table, Er's whisper was heard by Kuro, and he immediately changed the subject with a burst of desire to survive.

Kuro didn't have time to pay attention to him now. His mind was full of where the fruit was now? Will it be eaten by others?

At this time, a communicator in Kuro's pocket rang.

Bulu Bulu Bulu

Bulu Bulu


"Hello, who's looking for me?"

"I am the Five Elders, where are you now?"

"on sea water"


"I'm asking about your current location! We sent someone to give you a devil fruit, but we couldn't find you."

Kuro was surprised when he heard the Five Elders say they would give you a devil fruit.

"Um, Ryan, tell them where we are now."

Craw threw the Den Den Mushi to Ryan, and Ryan told the Den Den Mushi where we were.

Craw stood aside, thinking silently.

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