"A quick fight and a quick decision, don't delay, otherwise we will really capsize in the ditch!"

Kuro took a deep breath, grasped the Butsu Yuhun tightly with both hands, and raised the sword high!

"King Ming is angry!!"

Kuro's whole body ignited with bloody flames, condensing into the angry image of King Ming!

King Ming shouted angrily! The magic sword in his hand was blessed on Budu Yuhun, and the blood flames exploded instantly! The sword energy rose!

Kuro swung his sword and slashed, the blood flames The blade was wrapped with black and red lightning, and it was attacked by fire and thunder, slashing towards Akainu!

"Hell dog!!!"

Akainu roared, and his whole body turned into a red magma man. His red right fist was burning with flames, and he punched Budou Yuhun!


The swords collided, and a violent shock wave erupted, sweeping in all directions. The ground was blasted into debris by the shock wave, and then blown away by the storm!

"Go to hell!"

Kuro's arms swelled up, and a huge force was transmitted to the Budōmyouhun. The dragon head roared and repelled Akainu's right fist!

Budōmyouhun slashed at Akainu's body, directly cutting open Akainu's chest, and blood gushed out all at once!

Flames and lightning bombarded Akainu's body, but because Akainu turned into magma, it did not cause any damage! The

Overlord Color Thunderstorm went into Akainu's body through the wound, attacking Akainu's internal organs!


Akainu suddenly felt like all his internal organs were burning. The huge pain made him let out a cry of pain, and then he spurted blood from his mouth and fell backwards!

"How terrible, Akainu was defeated!"

Kizaru just finished speaking, Crow waved his claws, and ten slashes flew out!

Kizaru immediately transformed into elements to avoid Crow's slashes, and fired a laser bullet from his right index finger at the mace that hit him.!

Ryan flicked the laser bullet to the side of the forest, and the forest exploded instantly, burning with raging fire!

"Don't worry, you are next!"

Claude pushed down his glasses and said in a cold tone!

"How scary, the demon Clo"

""Yata no Nyanko!"

Kizaru said, and fired countless laser bullets with both hands, sweeping over like an overwhelming force!

"Ball ball ball ball!"

""Destroying Black Flame!"

Cloe raised a giant black flame ball and threw it into the air. Countless laser bullets hit the black flame and were instantly absorbed by the black flame!

The size of the body continued to grow, revealing a ferocious smile!


"It's actually a living creature? What a strange thing!"

Kizaru said curiously when he saw the black flame ball growing continuously after absorbing all his attacks, and then he moved at the speed of light! The black flame ball bit the place where Kizaru just stood!

"Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?"

Kizaru flashed with light, flashed to Ryan's side, and kicked Ryan in the waist!

"Armed color hardening!"


Ryan directly covered his entire waist with Armament Haki, and Kizaru's kicking skill kicked hard on the Armament Haki!

The powerful inertial impact made a metal collision sound, followed by sparks!

"Tiger power!"

Ryan turned around and swung the stick. The dark mace was wrapped in a platinum cyclone, carrying the storm and blasting towards Kizaru's body!


Kizaru was hit by Ryan's mace and flew backwards!

"Huh, huh."

Kuro gasped, looking at Akainu who fell to the ground and kept spurting blood!

"call! There is one Kizaru left. After taking care of it, go home and call for help to fully attack Big Mom's territory. Now is the best time."

Crow took a breath, turned around and walked towards the place where Kizaru fell.

As he walked, he was thinking about which island around the Demon Order Island he should attack first!

"Hell dog!"

Just when Kuro was making calculations, he saw and heard the warning, and his back was instantly armed with domineering defense!


Akainu's punch hit Kuro on the back, and a plume of burning smoke rose!

Kuro was directly hit to the ground by this punch!

"Damn it, I don’t have enough strength!"

As Kuro’s strength was exhausted, he couldn’t even fully display his domineering power. Feeling the pain coming from his back, Kuro couldn’t help but curse!

"You're really a dog that can't be beaten, you spit out blood like that, and you can still stand up and attack me!"

Kuro stood up from the ground, feeling the burning burn on his back, his expression was angry, and his tone was angry!

"Ha ha."

Akainu didn't answer Kuro's words, he was just taking a deep breath. The wound on his chest was still oozing blood, and his chin was covered in blood. He was seriously injured!

"Meteor volcano!"

Akainu's arms turned into lava, which continued to flow down. Then he raised his fists and waved his arms quickly towards the sky!

Giant fists of lava sprayed into the sky!

Then, like a meteor shower falling, a steady stream of giant fists of lava hit Kuro!



Seeing this, Kuro resisted with his knife, and kept dodging the giant lava fists with his body!

As each giant lava fist landed on the ground, the giant lava fists would explode, and the hot magma corroded the ground! There was a sea of magma and fire on the ground! He was gradually losing his physical strength. Kuro's speed of resisting with his sword became slower and slower, and it became too late to avoid the attack of the giant lava fist!


Finally, a giant lava fist landed and hit Kuro's body, knocking him to the ground!


"Captain, how are you?

Ryan and Kro quickly retreated to Kro's side and asked with concern!

"I'm fine, I'm just a little tired."

Kuro said with a tired face!

"Crowe, take the captain and leave, I'll stop them!"

After listening to Qrow's words, Ryan tightened his grip on the mace.

He turned around and looked at Kizaru and Akainu standing together, and said with firm eyes. The purple tiger next to him roared!

"I get it, Ryan! Crowe nodded, helped Crowe up and flew towards the Weeping Angel!

"Can't leave!"

Akainu punched Ryan, who faced the enemy with a mace and secretly ordered Purple Tiger to attack Kizaru!

"What a terrifying tiger!"

Kizaru kicked at the speed of light, directly smashing the purple tiger's body!

The purple tiger turned into purple energy and returned to Ryan's body!

"Yata mirror!"

Kizaru faced each other with his hands, and a yellow mirror reflected the light!

Kizaru instantly appeared above Crow's head, and with a shining upside-down golden hook, he directly kicked Crow and Qrow out of the air!

"Laser Kick!"

Kizaru saw that Clo kept flapping his wings, trying to stabilize his body, and kicked out a laser beam!

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